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What are the gifts of a sadhu ?

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"Attachment to a devotee is attachment to the service of the Lord because if one associates with a sadhu, the result will be that the sadhu will teach him how to become a devotee, a worshiper and sincere servitor of the Lord. These are the gifts of a sadhu."




(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.25.20, Purport)


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Devotee: You have said that in kali-yuga there is no such thing as achieving perfection via sadhana,so what is the purpose of sadhana?”


Gour Govinda Swami: We have to do some sadhana because the guru has told us to do it. We must obey, but we are not dependent on it. We are completely dependent on mercy. What sadhana can we do in kali-yuga? We have been doing sadhana for so many years and what have we attained? So many nasty things are still there. But the guru has told us to do it,so we are doing it.


Devotee: So is there any benefit from chanting extra rounds on ekadasi?


Gour Govinda Swami: Yes. If the guru tells you, you have to do it. Unless you execute and obey his order, how can you get the guru’s mercy? And that mercy is very powerful.


Devotee: In our heart we have to cry for the mercy. We have no qualifications.


Gour Govinda Swami: What qualification do we have? We have nothing, being so fallen,most degraded, no good qualities, only bad things and nonsense. Disqualification is our qualification. So what sadhana can we do?

Although we are doing it, because the guru has told us, we are not dependent on it. We are only dependent on the mercy.


— Questions following a lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 30 March 1994


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Devotee: You have said that in kali-yuga there is no such thing as achieving perfection via sadhana,so what is the purpose of sadhana?”


Gour Govinda Swami: We have to do some sadhana because the guru has told us to do it. We must obey, but we are not dependent on it. We are completely dependent on mercy. What sadhana can we do in kali-yuga? We have been doing sadhana for so many years and what have we attained? So many nasty things are still there. But the guru has told us to do it,so we are doing it.


Devotee: So is there any benefit from chanting extra rounds on ekadasi?


Gour Govinda Swami: Yes. If the guru tells you, you have to do it. Unless you execute and obey his order, how can you get the guru’s mercy? And that mercy is very powerful.


Devotee: In our heart we have to cry for the mercy. We have no qualifications.


Gour Govinda Swami: What qualification do we have? We have nothing, being so fallen,most degraded, no good qualities, only bad things and nonsense. Disqualification is our qualification. So what sadhana can we do?

Although we are doing it, because the guru has told us, we are not dependent on it. We are only dependent on the mercy.


— Questions following a lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 30 March 1994


Excellent! Attitude and motivation is most important. Who is considered the source of Krsna's mercy and compassion? Does She look for the benefits of "performing sadhana"? Appreciating Srimati Radharani in relation to Sri Krsna and everyone/everything else is the key. He belongs to Her, as do we all.

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Devotee: How can someone develop simplicity?


Gour Govinda Swami: Associate with a simple sadhu. As I described my guru-maharaja, how he came and inculcated faith. And why are you lacking faith now? Because you are not associating with sadhus! You say, "We cannot see sadhu. There are no sadhus present now." That's the whole trouble with you.


Devotee: But if we are duplicitous in the heart, then we will be blind and we won't be able to see who is a sadhu. So how can we associate with sadhus if we don't know who is a sadhu?


Gour Govinda Swami: Therefore I say, even if sadhu comes, because you are blind you have no faith in him. You want to be the seer, so you cannot get any benefit. You cannot associate. If a sadhu comes and chants here, speaks krsna-katha, it will never enter your ear. You cannot get any benefit. You don't do sadhu-sanga at all. Although you come and sit here, you are just posing, you are just pretending. You are such a pretender! Because you have no faith, the sadhu's katha will never enter your ear. Thus, you cannot get any benefit. Just pretending. Sitting for ten or fifteen minutes, then getting up and going out. Why is this? Because you have no faith. You are not simple. You want to be the seer. But you are not the seer. That's the whole trouble.


Devotee: To have this simplicity and faith one should think as a child. If we have some intelligence that if we get this or that. . . .


Gour Govinda Swami: What intelligence do you have? It's impure intelligence, not pure intelligence.


Devotee: So I should just give it up?


Gour Govinda Swami: Yes! Give up everything! Just throw it out! Throw it out! Make your heart clean and open. Jesus Christ said, "Empty thyself. I will fill thee." But you are not emptying. Your heart is full to the brim with crookedness, duplicity, and enviousness - all nasty things. How can he fill you? There is no space. Empty yourself. Throw it out! Then you will get. ·


-- From an evening program in Lansing, Michigan, USA, 28 October 1991

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Gour Govinda Swami: Yes! Give up everything! Just throw it out! Throw it out! Make your heart clean and open. Jesus Christ said, "Empty thyself. I will fill thee." But you are not emptying. Your heart is full to the brim with crookedness, duplicity, and enviousness - all nasty things. How can he fill you? There is no space. Empty yourself. Throw it out! Then you will get. :pray:


-- From an evening program in Lansing, Michigan, USA, 28 October 1991

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