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Joaquin Phoenix - Vegetarian

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I came across some articles stating that Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator, Signs) is a Vegan.


First article:

He talks briefly about being a vegetarian "which I have been since age 7." He says that vegetarian cuisine has improved over the years, but the leather exclusions did complicate one of Joaquin's rare modelling gigs, he once recalled. "When I did the Prada campaign", he says, "The stylist wore the shoes. They did a separate shot of the shoes and it wasn't me. Fortunately for Phoenix, ex-girlfriend Tyler was also vegetarian "so food was the least of our problems" he chuckles.


From a FAQ on Phoenix:

Is Joaquin really a vegetarian?


Actually, no he's not a vegetarian, he's a vegan. A vegetarian can eat eggs, chicken, use leather products, etc. A vegan doesn't eat or use any animal products whatsoever (no meat, no dairy, no leather products, etc). Joaquin has been a vegan since the age of three. Here's a quote from Joaquin about his families conversion to veganism (from POV magazine: Aug 98 Wild Child): "He swears he can vividly remember the day of his third birthday, aboard a freight ship hauling Tonka toys from Venezuela to Florida. 'The crew started pulling up nets with just thousands of fish and they`d be flopping on the deck,' he says. 'In order to kill them, they just threw them against the wall, which was utterly shocking.'" Joaquin also is a supporter of PETA (he has done several ad campaign's for them, and constantly refuses to wear any leather products for his movies.

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