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Karmic implications of cooking animal flesh for a karmi

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I am taking care of a terminally ill friend. What are the karmic implications I might incur by cooking him animal flesh. I do not want to do this, in fact I am scared & full of anxiety about it. Especially beef cooking. Is there a scripture I can have to help me fully understand the danger so I can explain it to him?

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explain that nature is perfect and that we will receive in future what we do now to the others


but the most important thing is that you teach to him to chant hare krsna


try to teach to him this "new prayer" then sri krsna will himself do the need with more marginal things

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I know you must hate it as much as i do. I have to do it for my husband every night.

I talked to my temple president about it and he told me about prabhupada's sister. She was a devotee but her husband was not, and she cooked meat for him even though she did not eat it, and Prabhupada glorified her for being such a chaste wife.

It is a horrible thing to have to do, I just about puke every night making dinner for him.

I don't know about the karmic reaction though. Just wanted you to know you are not alone.


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i don't know the verse but this was just recently discussed. there are six kinds of people who take the karma for eating meat. the one who raises the cow for slaughter, the one who buys it or finances, the one who cooks it, the one who serves it, the one who eats it, and maybe another one. so normally if you cook it and serve it to someone as well as purchase it in the market you are involved.

but Srila Prabhupada's sister was an exception so there are exceptions of course. but i don't know how one qualifies to be an exception so i would rather die first than cook meat.

Oh i just remembered the last one, the one who slaughters the animal also takes on the reaction for eating meat even if he doesn't personally eat it.

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I do not even like knowing there is meat in the freezer. I am very cautious about where I place my food. My dishes are seperate from his. I may not be able to take care of this person due to the meat situation.His family will rub it in my face by bringing in wild game & doing BBQues. I can't do it. Like you said, I would rather die first. I needed to hear that. It's just that I got myself in a situation where this person really needs help & I was the only one able to free myself to do so. I am praying to Krishna for a way out that will be okay for my friend. After making my post last night I dreamnt he died. I feel sick knowing I was so distressed about taking care of him & realize his time may be so very short on this planet.

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I will use subsitute meat. He has said he likes most of them. Maybe this will be an opportunity to become very skilled at vegetarian meals that taste sooooo delicious that he will prefer it over animal flesh! I will try.

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The Seventh Day Adventist's have all sorts of meat-looking veggie stuff like burgers and dogs and much more. They are veggies but I guess some of them feel it is a hardship of sorts. With any luck, they'll have a meeting place near you.


That was so nice that he agreed to the phoney baloney. That has to be good karma for you both.

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Just try cooking Indian vegetarian dishes with less spice in it and I am sure anyone would like Indian vegetarian cooking. The previous US ambassador from Kansas who was posted in India almost became vegetarian in India just for its varieties and taste.

You can download different recipies from net. To start with, go to some Indian stores and you will fiind frozen foods like Dosa, samosa, idli etc etc and ask them for more varieties. These vegetarian food is much better than cooking meat and these foods are not only delicious, but also nutritious.


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Yes! It can happen!!!! He asked for the meat subsitutes on my first day officially cooking for him! My dread of this meat situation caused me high anxiety. Will try making gluten dishes too. Thanks for good advice & positive energy.

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If you are within US, certainly there are lots of Indian shops almost in every cities nowadays unlike earlier times and you can find lots of items which I am sure certainly your husband would like. the number of varieties are so high and tasty, that even his people who are finding you silly will appreciate you for the taste of veggie Indian varieities.

If you would like to cook on your own, you can click on the following link and strat trying. All my american friends whoever has eaten Indian foods, always invariably said that, "no wonder larger proportion of Indians remain vegetarians"





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