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Chinese Fight Over Rain Clouds

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Chinese Fight Over Rain Clouds



BEIJING (Reuters) - A storm is brewing in China as drought-plagued regions accuse each other of stealing clouds for rain-seeding.


With the help of modern technology, scientists can fire rockets filled with various substances into light, fluffy clouds to make them rain.


"But the practice has caused considerable controversy in recent days, with some saying that one area's success with rain has meant taking moisture meant for one place and giving it to another," the China Daily said on Wednesday.


The row over rainclouds was particularly heated in several cities in central Henan province.


"Meteorological officials in Zhoukou were soon accusing their counterparts in Pingdingshan of overusing available natural resources by intercepting clouds that would have likely drifted to other places, say, like Zhoukou," the newspaper said.


Much of China is short of water and cloud-seeding is common, especially over major cities.




Prabhupada: "In the twelfth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is said that in Kali-yuga the government will levy taxes without reciprocally benefiting the citizens. Anāvṛṣṭyā vinańkṣyanti durbhikṣa-kara-pīḍitāḥ. In this age there will also be a shortage of rain; therefore a scarcity of food will arise, and the citizens will be very much harassed by government taxation. In this way the citizens will abandon their attempts to lead a peaceful life and will leave their homes and hearths and go to the forest in sheer disappointment."


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.13.6

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