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For the sincere soul who actually wants his own welfare and peace of mind

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Only Krishna Consciousness Gives Peace of Mind




Please, therefore, describe the Almighty Lord's activities which you have learned by your vast knowledge of the Vedas, for that will satisfy the hankerings of great learned men and at the same time mitigate the miseries of the masses of common people who are always suffering from material pangs. Indeed, there is no other way to get out of such miseries.





Sri Narada Muni from practical experience definitely asserts that the prime solution of all problems of material work is to broadcast very widely the transcendental glories of the Supreme Lord. There are four classes of good men, and there are four classes of bad men also. The four classes of good men acknowledge the authority of the Almighty God, and therefore such good men (1) when they are in difficulty, (2) when they are in need of money, (3) when they are advanced in knowledge and (4) when they are inquisitive to know more and more about God, intuitively take shelter of the Lord. As such, Naradaji advises Vyasadeva to broadcast the transcendental knowledge of God in terms of the vast Vedic knowledge which he had already attained.

As far as the bad men are concerned, they are also four in number: (1) those who are simply addicted to the mode of progressive fruitive work and thus are subjected to the accompanying miseries, (2) those who are simply addicted to vicious work for sense satisfaction and so suffer the consequence, (3) those who are materially very much advanced in knowledge, but who suffer because they do not have the sense to acknowledge the authority of the Almighty Lord, and (4) the class of men who are known as atheists and who therefore purposely hate the very name of God, although they are always in difficulty.

Sri Naradaji advised Vyasadeva to describe the glories of the Lord just to do good to all eight classes of men, both good and bad. Srimad-Bhagavatam is therefore not meant for any particular class of men or sect. It is for the sincere soul who actually wants his own welfare and peace of mind.


(Srila Prabhuapda. Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.40 translation and purport)



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Question: Can women attain moksha??



Please email me disharma17@rogers.com


I am a confused woman – I am an educated woman, married with two sons. I consider myself equal to my husband as does he which makes me question the laws of Manu (which may have been relative to that time). LAws of Manu are unfair and unjust to women particularly in this day and age not to mention degrading and way off base.


Can women attain Moksha? If not , why not? There are various evidence that women can attain moksha such as:


Moksha for All

Bhagwan Swaminarayan's purpose of incarnating centred on redeeming infinite Jivas (souls). He removed distinctions of sex, caste, wealth, status, religion, friend or foe.

However, an incorrect interpretation of some scriptures then prevailing, claimed that women could not attain moksha. This would only be possible in a male birth. But Bhagwan Swaminarayan revealed that the soul - Atma - is neither male nor female. In the Shikshapatri (116) - the code of conduct written by Him for His followers, He advocates identification of the Atma, with Brahman to offer worship to Parabrahman. Therefore women automatically obtain the right to moksha



For further info see link: http://www.baps.org/lordswaminarayan/biography/4.htm



This is of great concern to me as I have read that women should only worship husbands as God (what if that husband is a thief or such) but man is not God or he would not be here and that women can only attain heaven and have to be reborn. This does not encourage women to even bother trying to attain moksha or want to even pray

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