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What is Krsna's trick ?

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Krishna's Trick


by Gour Govinda Swami


Sri Guru tells me that I am an eternal servant of Krishna and thus I should be engaged in His service. But where is Krishna and where am I? How can I serve Him? Is Krishna in the material world? No, Krishna is in the spiritual world, Vaikuntha. That is Krishna's world. Krishna is the only enjoyer. The jiva can never be the enjoyer. Gurudeva says, "Whatever you find in this world is all paraphernalia for Krishna's enjoyment, not for your enjoyment." Krishna's world is Vaikuntha, where there is an abundance of enjoyment.


Just as we want to be free from the clutches of maya, Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord Krishna, also wants to take us out of maya's clutches and engage us in His service. Krishna is the only enjoyer and His desire for enjoyment is unlimited. Thus He wants to enjoy by taking everyone into His domain. We are tiny jivas. We have no capacity to enjoy, because the jiva is not the enjoyer. We have only developed this purusa abhimana, the thought that I will enjoy and enjoy. It is only our misconception, because the jiva has no capacity to enjoy. Krishna has unlimited capacity to enjoy in unlimitedly different ways, and the jiva is to be enjoyed, upabhogyam.


Krishna is there in His abode, vaikuntha-rajya, the spiritual world, and we are here in the sakuntha-jagat, the miserable material world. How then can we serve Him? Krishna has made a trick for us, and that trick is Sri Gurudeva. Krishna has sent Sri Gurudeva to this material world to spread here Krishna's samsara, His household or family. It is Krishna's desire that His samsara be manifest in this world. All sadhus and mahajanas are gurus, so Krishna has sent them to manifest His samsara. So in this material world gurudeva has opened Krishna's samsara.


The Supreme Lord has not said, "You go and make your own samsara." Rather, Krishna has said, "Go there and do My samsara." So by Krishna's desire, gurudeva has come here and opened Krishna's samsara. Krishna is his eternal master, nitya-svami. Gurudeva has completely surrendered and dedicated his life, kaya, mana, vakya— body, mind and words, to Krishna. That is gurudeva.


Those who take shelter at the lotus feet of such a Sri Guru— he takes them and makes them enter into Krishna's samsara. Gurudeva says, "I am doing Krishna's samsara, giving everything for the enjoyment of Krishna. You please come and enter into Krishna's samsara. Then you will be free from the clutches of maya. You will be free from all material sufferings."


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