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So who's been preaching to Michael Jackson ???

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Who am I?


Who are you?


Where did we come from?


Where are we going?


What's it all about?


Do you have the answers?


Immortality's my game


From Bliss I came


In Bliss I am sustained


To Bliss I return


If you don't know it now


It's a shame


Are you listening?


This body of mine


Is a flux of energy


In the river of time


Eons pass, ages come and go


I appear and disappear


Playing hide-and-seek


In the twinkling of an eye


I am the particle


I am the wave


Whirling at lightning speed


I am the fluctuation


That takes the lead


I am the Prince


I am the Knave


I am the doing


That is the deed


I am the galaxy, the void of space


In the Milky Way


I am the craze


I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought


I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought


I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm


I am the phenomenon, the field, the form


I am the desert, the ocean, the sky


I am the Primeval Self


In you and I


Pure unbounded consciousness


Truth, existence, Bliss am I


In infinite expressions I come and go


Playing hide-and-seek


In the twinkling of an eye


But immortality's my game


Eons pass


Deep inside


I remain


Ever the same


From Bliss I came


In Bliss I am sustained


Join me in my dance


Please join me now


If you forget yourself


You'll never know how


This game is played


In the ocean bed of Eternity


Stop this agony of wishing


Play it out


Don't think, don't hesitate


Curving back within yourself


Just create...just create


Immortality's my game


From Bliss I came


In Bliss I'm sustained


To Bliss I return


If you don't know it now


It's a shame


Are you listening?


By Michael Jackson







You and I were never separate


It's just an illusion


Wrought by the magical lens of




There is only one Wholeness


Only one Mind


We are like ripples


In the vast Ocean of Consciousness


Come, let us dance


The Dance of Creation


Let us celebrate


The Joy of Life


The birds, the bees


The infinite galaxies


Rivers, Mountains


Clouds and Valleys


Are all a pulsating pattern


Living, breathing


Alive with cosmic energy


Full of Life, of Joy


This Universe of Mine


Don't be afraid


To know who you are


You are much more


Than you ever imagined


You are the Sun


You are the Moon


You are the wildflower in bloom


You are the Life-throb


That pulsates, dances


From a speck of dust


To the most distant star


And you and I


Were never separate


It's just an illusion


Wrought by the magical lens of




Let us celebrate


The Joy of Life


Let us dance


The Dance of Creation


Curving back within ourselves


We create


Again and again


Endless cycles come and go


We rejoice


In the infinitude of Time


<font color="red">

There never was a time


When I was not


Or you were not


There never will be a time


When we will cease to be </font color>


Infinite – Unbounded


In the Ocean of Consciousness


We are like ripples


In the Sea of Bliss


You and I were never separate


It's just an illusion


Wrought by the magical lens of




Heaven is Here


Right now is the moment


of Eternity


Don't fool yourself


Reclaim your Bliss


Once you were lost


But now you're home


In a nonlocal Universe


There is nowhere to go


From Here to Here


Is the Unbounded


Ocean of Consciousness


We are like ripples


In the Sea of Bliss


Come, let us dance


The Dance of Creation


Let us celebrate


The Joy of Life




You and I were never separate


It's just an illusion


Wrought by the magical lens of




Heaven is Here


Right now, this moment of Eternity


Don't fool yourself


Reclaim your Bliss


By Michael Jackson



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"Michael Jackson - Wanting to be Krsna"



It's hard to avoid being inundated these days by the extraordinary media exposure of the pop personality known as Michael Jackson. Those of us who have received the benediction of Vedic knowledge can see clearly how Jackson is the personification of the Vedic perception on why the conditioned souls have been placed in this material world on account of their desire to be God rather than serve God.



Here in the material world we observe that the embodied being is constantly in the dilemma of aspiring to be God, who is known as Krsna, the All Attractive, while simultaneously wanting to fulfill their natural constitutional position as being the servant of God. Jackson is not only trying to look like the ever-youthful Krsna, he has also obtained a relative degree of opulence in wealth, talent and beauty.


But as we know, the further one evolves away from their natural position of being the servant of God, the weirder one becomes. As Jackson illustrates, material wealth can quickly become a burden of debt, physical beauty can become grotesque, and talent can turn into madness and suffering. Krsna says 'Time I Am, the Destroyer of all things'. In the end, Krsna destroys everything through his influence as Kala, the time factor. Old age and disease will eventually strike down all the Krsna pretenders.


We are now witnessing the painful demise of Michael Jackson, who has been busily engaged in trying to act out the eternal pastimes of Krsna. He has created a world where he is the cynosure of all eyes. Surrounded by his 'cowherd boys', he is playing in his eternal Kingdom, which is aptly called Neverland. By remaining there, he'll never get to Vaikuntha.


In this material world there's a constant competition to be Krsna. Those who appear to manifest God-like qualities like fame, wealth and talent are also the targets of all the enviousness that is directed towards Krsna by those who want to be God. Michael Jackson is now constantly harassed by those who are envious of him and want to see him fall. Jackson remains so enamored by his own God-like status that he preaches as if his pastimes are transcendental, beyond the scrutiny of mundane man. He tries to explain to the press about his concept of morals and ethics, frustrated that they can't understand that his motives are completely void of any lust, anger or greed. Of course, we all know this is not possible. Such a state of existence is available only to those who are highly advanced spiritually. Beneath the veneer, Michael Jackson is just a sad pretender.


Rocana das


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