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Appreciation of Srimate Shyama dasi by Radhanath Swami

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Appreciation of Srimate Shyama dasi

by Radhanath Swami

Posted August 27, 2004

The departure of Srimate Shyama Dasi is certainly a sad loss for the world. She was one of those very special intimate associates of Srila Prabhupada, who showered extraordinary affection upon her. In the early years of ISKCON she assisted her husband Hayagriva Prabhu in editing Srila Prabhupads books. She was an affectionate mother to us in New Vrindaban. She nurtured our hearts with faith as she expressed her love for Srila Prabhupada. With a most sweet enthusiasm she loved to speak of Srila Prabhupadas merciful qualities. Her selfless service as a mother and disciple was a source of great inspiration. Her natural devotional qualities were foundational in the beginning years of Lord Chaitanyas movement in the west. As an offering of love to Srila Prabhupada she and Hayagriva Prabhu gave birth to two wonderful sons, Samba and Hari Prasad.


On the day of San Francisco Ratha Yatra she eagerly anticipated attending. While in this state of enthusiasm to serve and see Lord Jagannath, she was taken by the Lord and her merciful Guru Maharaja.


I gratefully worship the remembrance of this of this special soul.


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why why why are all these Prabhupada disciples being taken away so young? is it to make us granddisciples and greatgranddiscles more serious? how will this movement go on? are only handfuls after handfuls of older devotees going back to Godhead to enjoy with krsna in the spiritual world? what about the rest of the fallens souls rotting here in the material world? who will save THEM?

yes that must be it. krsna made the original disciples in ISKCON serious devotees. now it is our turn to become serious. if we don't then what will happen to ISKCON? we can't just hope someone else will become krsna conscious and save the world. WE have to do it ourselves.

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Nice vision gopidust. Sounds like the viewpoint a sincere disciple would hold. One of manifesting the 'response ability' himself.


To hell with all the religious jargon and technical protocol when it gets in the way of one soul who knows helping another soul who doesn't.


The Earth planet is in a state of emergency. Who wants to die and be faced with the reality that we failed to do all we could or even gave it an honest try. How embarassing that would be.

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I am finding having a simple attitute really helps one overcome differences. Analizing letters Prabhupada wrote from dusk till dawn won't get you anywhere. Just serve Guru & Gauranga sincerely. Read Prabhupada books. Don't be political. For me right now thats what I need to do. I am already seeing how you can become institutionlized. The difference between a devotees who knows about this and one who doesn't 'is very fine line'. Like an invisible line. Heh.

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Analizing letters Prabhupada wrote from dusk till dawn won't get you anywhere. Just serve Guru & Gauranga sincerely. Read Prabhupada books.



Yeah anal-izing anything will not be helpful. But maybe try speaking for yourself. I learn a lot from his letters. If you don't get anything from them they don't comment on them.

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