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Mediation Techniques

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The best way to mediate is to convince the "opposing" parties that they share some common interest or goal, and then get them to work together toward that common interest or goal.


Once they are working together on something they agree upon, it will become far easier to get them to work through their disagreements.

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One can program their environment so that no matter where the mind wanders, into whichever sense, it will find Sri Krsna and be drawn back to the goal of life.


Chanting the mahamantra is the surest way to remember Krsna, to meditate on God. At the same time, if one smells flowers or incense offered to Krsna, and sees paintings or Deities of Krsna, touches their holy prayer beads or holy books, hears the sweet sounds of Krsna's innumerable names, tastes the food offered first to God, then one can surely best focus on God, and always be conscious of Krsna, or Krsna conscious, no matter where the mind may wander under the influence of the senses and seductive sense objects of this temporary world of folly.


It really comes down to desire, but in the beginning our desire for the world of enjoyment is likely to be greater than our desire for Krsna. But it does get better because Krsna is very lovable and associating with Him through such meditation can only increase our attachment to Him, and therefore increase our detachment from the world. It is said that such meditation on Krsna purifies the senses, then they won't be trying to lead us away from Him. But we have a lot of conditioning to overcome, so it is a gradual process to become conscious of God all day, moment to moment.



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<h3><blockquote>"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly."</blockquote></h3>

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