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<font size="4" color="red" face="monotype corsiva">PAMHO</font>



<font color="blue">ORIGIN OF SHALIGRAM</font>


According to the Puranas once a fierce battle broke out between Lord Shiva and the demon Jallundhara. They both appeared equally matched with no one ready to lose, and hence the battle continued for a long time. In fact it was not like an ordinary battle between the gods and the demons, but it was a match between the chastities of two chaste women Parvati and Vrinda.


Lord Shiva knew it well, that unless the chastity of Vrinda, the wife of Jallundhara, was spoiled, Jallundhara could not be killed. But it was against the nature of gods, they could not spoil the chastity of a chaste woman, Hence despite knowing everything, the gods were helpless, but for Jallundhara, nothing was a taboo.


So thinking, that spoiling the chastity of Parvati, he could defeat Lord Shiva, Jallundhara reached Parvati in the guise of Lord Shiva. But Parvati, who is herself the supreme ruler of illusion (MAYA) knew by her virtues the craftiness of Jallundhara. She at once ended his guise and signalled Lord Krishna (Vishnu) that it was now just to spoil the chastity of Jallundhara's wife, Vrinda, and it will not be a sin .


So, Lord Krishna approached Vrinda in the guise of Jallundhana. Vrinda could not understand the craftiness, and because of intimate presence her chastity got spoiled. Later on when Vrinda came to know the reality, she got infuriated and cursed Lord Krishna - O Lord, despite being a learned God you have behaved like stupids. So go and turn into shapeless black stone.


Thus by the curse of a chaste woman Lord Krishna turned into a blackstone. But later on Vrinda felt guilty that at the surge of excitement she had cursed none other than her own tutelary deity. Thus begging pardon of God, she sought a boon that from that moment onward, God will be worshipped in the same stone form. Saying Tathastu, God accepted her curse and turned into a black stone, and came to be known as Shaligrama.

As Shaligram, idol of God is found in innumerable numbers on the bed of the river Gandaki (Gandaka) these Shaligramas are same in size to an areca nut and also round in shape.


<font color="blue">ORIGIN OF TULSI (BASIL)</font>


Having cursed by Vrinda, Lord Vishnu cursed her back that as she had cursed him to become a black stone, So I curse you to become a tree. In tree form also you will be known as Tulsi and without your worship, mine worship will not be complete. Since then formal worship of Shaligrama began, and Tulsi leaves are specifically offered on it to complete the worship.


<font color="navy">*******************************</font>


<marquee><font colour="orange" size="5">Is all of this true????</font></marquee>

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Vrinda could not understand the craftiness, and because of intimate presence her chastity got spoiled. Later on when Vrinda came to know the reality, she got infuriated and cursed Lord Krishna




Part of the story. Vrinda devi had prayed and done austerities to get the Lord as her husband her previous births. The Lord was actually fulfilling her well-deserved wishes to serve Him as His consort, but as she was under the infuence of maya at the time (in an unfortunate birth as wife of a demon) even though still devoted to Him, she did not fully realize that He indeed was Her true husband.


Tulasi is married to Lord Narayana, and to saligram sila, and as Vrinda devi, she is Krishna's beloved in Vrindavana. We should always pray to Vrinda devi to get Her mercy, so that we may always please Lord Krishna.



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There was no sin in Him spoiling her chastity. She had begged Him to spoil it for thousands of years... er... sorry to put it so bluntly. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Anyway, Krishna is still there, He just has another form as saligram. And Vrinda devi is there in Vrindavana still as a living breathing (divine) woman. And at the same time She is also in Vaikuntha married to Lord Narayana.


By their mercy now we have their actual forms here on earth also, as tulasi plant and saligram sila. Don't take all this cursing too seriously, it was an altogether auspicious affair born of Krishna's great mercy for us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Accepting the curse of Tulasi, Visnu then replied, "For many years you underwent very difficult penances to achieve me as your husband. At the same time, Sankhacuda also performed penances to get you as his wife. As a result of a boon from Lord Brahma, the desire of Sankhacuda was fulfilled. Now that Sankhacuda has left this mortal world and gone to the spiritual world, your desire to have me as your husband will be fulfilled. It is my benediction that your present body will be transformed into the Gandaki River and from your beautiful hair will grow millions of small trees that will be known as Tulasi. These trees will be held sacred by all my devotees, the Vaisnavas. To fulfill your curse, I will become many stones (Salagrama-sila ) and will always live on the banks of the Gandaki River."



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thanks for the nice link...I think now I understand better /images/graemlins/smile.gif......


<font color="red">From the Damodara-sila, which was approximately two inches wide, had manifested the full-fledged form of Krsna, measuring 11 1/8 inches in height. The form of Krsna had manifest in the classic tribhanga-svarupa, threefold bending form with his hands poised for playing a flute.</font color>


where is this sila now? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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