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health problems

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why does a person suffer with health problems!, when GOD has created his creature he has bestowed the individual what work he/she has to accomplish? if a person suffers form health problems how will he/she achieve that, moreover they say HUMAN birth is a miracle and in that miracle so many pains and tortures one has to face? is it needed?



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I guess you need to have a lots of understandings first. When we dont understand The Supreme Baghwan, we tend to question like this. YOU know the best solution would be to repeatedly read Baghwatgita and you will surely get all the answers.


The first important thing is when you get too much attached to your work, when you could not do it, we tend to suffer. While money is important for sustaining life in material world, money is not everything. Happiness is not money. When health is affected, certainly there must be a reason behind it. An infectious disease does not result when we take care of our water, living conditions. Diabetes does not result when we properly exercise and have regulation of diet. Veneral disease does not result when we do not go for illicit sex. Heart problems does not arise when we regularly exercise and maintain a cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglicerides in balanced amount. Many diseases does not result when we do not smoke or take alcohol or even meat related items. Many genetic diseases does not result when we avoid relative marriages.

What we did yesterday, we tend to suffer for it today or tomorrow and God has nothing to do with it. This is called karma, which is repurcursions of our own actions.

For what we face today, there must have some link in some way yesterday.

To get out of sufferings, one has to practice Bakthi yoga sincerely. Please read chapters from 11 to 16 or even 18 especially. This will give you answers.


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