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The unfortunate position of those who cheat themselves out of Sri Gauranga's mercy

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The unfortunate position of those who cheat themselves out of Sri Gauranga's mercy.


4. 38

caitanyavatare bahe premarta-vanya

saba jiva preme bhase, prthivi haila dhanya

ei-vanyaya ye na bhase, sei jiva - chara

koti kalpe tabe ta'ra nahika nistara

There is now a flood of the eternal nectar of love of Godhead, because of the incarnation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. All living entities are floating in that flood. The entire world is now thankful to the Lord. Anyone who does not float in this inundation is most condemned. Such a person cannot be delivered for millions of lifetimes of Lord Brahma.


(Caitanya Caritamrta-Antya



4. 39

avatara sara, gaura-avatara

kena na bhajili ta're

kari' nire vasa, gela na piyasa,

apana karama phere

kantakera taru, (sri) gauranga amara,

tahare bhavili vise

saurabhera ase, palasa su-kili,

nasate pasila kita

iksudanda bhavi' katha cusili,

kemane paibi mitha

hara baliya, galaya parili,


sitala baliya aguna pohali,

paili bajara-tapa

samsara bhajili, (sri) gauranga bhulili,

na sunili sadhura katha

iha-para-kala, du'kala khoyali,

khaili apana matha

Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is the essence of all avataras. Why didn't I worship Him? It is as if I was surrounded by water and dying of thirst but I denied myself a drink. I chewed the thorns on the tree of worldly life and took the blood that flowed through my mouth to be nectar. When I was offered the nectarine fruits of love of Godhead distributed by Sri Gauranga, however, I

turned them away, thinking them to be poison. Wishing to smell perfume I sniffed at what I

thought was the fragrant flower of material enjoyment. Alas, that flower was odorless, like the palasa flower. And when I tried to sniff its illusory aroma, a bee flew up my nose and stung me. Thinking material life to be as sweet as sugarcane, I tried to taste its nectar. Instead, as I sucked, I found it juiceless and dry. In this way, I found that all my attempts at enjoyment proved false. In

this way, all my attempts at enjoyment proved false. Admitting defeat, wasted and worn out, I await the snake of death. Declaring it to be cool and soothing, I have embraced the fire of material life, only to suffer intense miseries, as if struck by lightning. Worshiping family and material life I forgot Gauranga and didn't listen to the words of the saints. Now, in my final days I realize that I am twice dead, for not only am I casting off this mortal body, but I am dead while living, having wasted my life in material indulgence




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The unfortunate position of those who cheat themselves out of Sri Gauranga's mercy.



There is now a flood of the eternal nectar of love of Godhead, because of the incarnation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. All living entities are floating in that flood. The entire world is now thankful to the Lord. Anyone who does not float in this inundation is most condemned. Such a person cannot be delivered for millions of lifetimes of Lord Brahma.


(Caitanya Caritamrta-Antya



Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is the essence of all avataras. Why didn't I worship Him? It is as if I was surrounded by water and dying of thirst but I denied myself a drink. I chewed the thorns on the tree of worldly life and took the blood that flowed through my mouth to be nectar.


When I was offered the nectarine fruits of love of Godhead distributed by Sri Gauranga, however, I

turned them away, thinking them to be poison. Wishing to smell perfume I sniffed at what I

thought was the fragrant flower of material enjoyment.


Alas, that flower was odorless, like the palasa flower. And when I tried to sniff its illusory aroma, a bee flew up my nose and stung me.


Thinking material life to be as sweet as sugarcane, I tried to taste its nectar. Instead, as I sucked, I found it juiceless and dry. In this way, I found that all my attempts at enjoyment proved false. In

this way, all my attempts at enjoyment proved false.


Admitting defeat, wasted and worn out, I await the snake of death. Declaring it to be cool and soothing, I have embraced the fire of material life, only to suffer intense miseries, as if struck by lightning.


Worshiping family and material life I forgot Gauranga and didn't listen to the words of the saints. Now, in my final days I realize that I am twice dead, for not only am I casting off this mortal body, but I am dead while living, having wasted my life in material indulgence

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wholehearted Allegiance

Diseased and conditioned, the living entity (Soul \ Atma ) transmigrates throughout the universe. Sometimes he is situated in the upper planetary system and sometimes in the lower system. In this way he leads his diseased life. His disease can be cured only when he meets and follows the expert physician, the bona fide spiritual master. When the conditioned soul faithfully follows the instructions of a bona fide spiritual master, his material disease is cured, he is promoted to the liberated stage, and he again attains to the devotional service of Krishna and goes back home, back to Krishna. A conditioned living entity should become aware of his real position and should pray to the Lord, "How much longer will I be under the rule of all these bodily functions such as lust and anger?" As masters of the conditioned soul, lust and anger are never merciful. Indeed the conditioned soul will never cease rendering service to such bad masters. However, when he comes to his real consciousness, or Krishna consciousness, he abandons these bad masters and approaches Krishna with a frank and open heart to achieve His shelter. At such a time he prays to Krishna to be engaged in His transcendental loving service. -


The Beauty of Krishna - Chapter 10 by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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ore bhAi! bhajo mora gaurAGga caraNa

nA bhajiyA moinu dukhe, Dubi gRha viSa kUpe,

dagdha koilo e pAGca parANa



"O brother! Worship the lotusfeet of my GaurAGga! If you don't, you will die in misery, drowning in the poison well of household life that will scorch your five life airs!"



tApa tray viSAnale, ahar-nizi hiyA jvale,

deho sadA hoy acetana

ripu vaza indriya hoilo, gorA . pAsarilo,

vimukha hoilo heno dhana



"Day and night my heart is burned by the scorching poison of the threefold mundane afflictions (caused by the own body, the elements and other living beings) and thus my body is always numbed. My senses became subdued by the enemy (the sense objects) and I forgot the lotusfeet of zrI GaurAGga. Thus I became averse to my heart's treasure."



heno gorA doyAmoy, chARi sab lAja bhoy,

kAya mone lohare zaraNa

pAmara durmati chilo, tAre gorA uddhArilo,

tArA hoilo patita pAvana



"O give up all fear and shame and take shelter with body and mind of such merciful GorA! He redeemed whoever was sinful and wretched — thus He became the purifier of the fallen!"



gorA dvija naTarAje, bAndhaho hRdaya mAjhe

ki koribe saMsAra zamana

narottama dAse kohe, gorA sama keho nohe,

nA bhajite dey prema dhana



"What can death's punishment in the material world do to me when I bound GorA, the king of dancers and the jewel of brAhmaNas, in my heart? Narottama dAsa says: "No one equals GorA — He bestows the treasure of prema even on those who do not perform bhajana!"


- Prarthana 12


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The religion preached by Mahaprabhu is universal and not exclusive. The most learned and the most ignorant are both entitled to embrace it. The learned people will accept it with a knowledge of sambandha-tatwa as explained in the categories. The ignorant have the same privilege by simply uttering the name of the Deity and mixing in the company of pure Vaishnavs. The principle of Kirtan invites, as the future church of the world, all classes of men without distinction of caste or clan to the highest cultivation of the spirit. This church it appears, will extend all over the world and take the place of all sectarian churches, which exclude out-siders from the precincts of the mosque, church or the temple.


From Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, His Life and Precepts.

By Bhaktivinoda Thakur


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