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Srila Prabhupada on initiation

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Devotee Devotee: [reading from NOD Introduction] “The connection with the spiritual master is called initiation. From the date of initiation by the spiritual master, the connection between Krsna and a person cultivating Krsna consciousness is established. Without initiation by a bona fide spiri- spiritual tual master, the actual connection with Krsna consciousness is never per- performed

formed formed.”

Prabhupada : Yes. We must connect with the current. Just like you have heated your room with electrical wires, but if you do not touch it with the current going on, then simply electrical (sic:) feeting with not help you. Similarly, initiation is essential essential. Adau gurvasrayam. Srila Rüpa Gosvami recommends in his Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu for executing proper spiritual life, one must take shelter of the bona fide spiritual master.(Room discussion: October 29, 1972)

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Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction. So we should all work together for satisfying Lord Krishna and in that way the feelings of separation will transform into transcendental bliss.

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"Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction."


so... first initiation


then... sevice in separation


no initiation? no service in separation or in presence


no guru... no vani and no vapu

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Prabhupada's Initiation


SSR 8 Attaining Perfection

The spark of love for Krsna is struck by the spiritual master, the pure devotee. As for myself, my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, ordered me to take up the responsibility of spreading Krsna consciousness in the Western world. His Divine Grace had a great desire to preach Lord Caitanya's message in the West, and my success is both his grace and pleasure. When I first met my spiritual master, I was a very young man in India, a nationalist, engaged in a very responsible office. But although I did not want to go, one of my friends, who is still living in Calcutta, forcibly took me to His Divine Grace. I was reluctant to see him because in our home our father used to receive many sannyasis and I was not very satisfied with their dealings. I thought that Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja might be a similar man, and if he were, what business would I have in seeing him? But my friend took me forcibly. "Why not see him?" he asked. I finally relented and went with him, and I profited.


SSR 8 Attaining Perfection

On my first visit, His Divine Grace said that it was necessary for educated boys like me to go to foreign countries and preach the gospel of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I replied that India was a foreign-dominated nation and that no one would hear our messages. Actually, at the time foreigners considered Indians very insignificant because in the face of so many independent nations India was still dependent, being dominated by Britain. At the time there was one Bengali poet who actually lamented that even uncivilized nations were independent, whereas India was dependent on the British. His Divine Grace convinced me that dependence and independence are simply temporary conditions, and he pointed out that because we are concerned with the eternal benefit of humanity, we should take up this challenge of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This meeting with His Divine Grace, my Guru Maharaja, took place in 1922, half a century ago.


731213DB.LA Lectures

So at that time we had some talks, and of course I was defeated by his argument, my argument. (laughter) And then, when we came out, we were offered prasadam, very nice treatment, the Gaudiya Matha. And when I came out on the street, this my friend asked me, "What is your opinion of this sadhu?" Then I said that "Here is the right person who has taken up Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message, and now it will be distributed."


Devotees: Jaya!


Prabhupada: So I was at that time a fool, but I opined like this. And I accepted him as my spiritual master immediately. Not officially, but in my heart.That was in 1922. Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on my business tour. And I made my headquarter at Allahabad. Allahabad is about five hundred miles from Calcutta. So I was thinking that "I met a very nice saintly person." That was my thinking always. So in this way, in 1928, there was a Kumbhamela. At that time, these Gaudiya Matha people came to Allahabad to establish a center there, and somebody else said, somebody informed them that "You go to that Prayaga Pharmacy." My drug shop was named as Prayaga Pharmacy. My name was also there. "You go and see Abhaya Babu. He is religiously... He will help you." These Gaudiya Matha people, they came to see me. So "Sir, we have come to you. We have heard your good name. So we want to start a temple here. Please try to help us." And because I was thinking of these Gaudiya Matha people that "I met a very nice, saintly persons," and as soon as I saw them, I was very much engladdened: "Oh, here are these persons. They have come again."


761210DB.HYD Lectures

So anyway, from 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja. Then officially I was initiated in 1933 because in 1923 I left Calcutta. I started my business at Allahabad. So I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, that "I met a very nice sadhu." Although I was doing business, I never forgot him. Then, in 1928, these Gaudiya Matha people came to Allahabad during Kumbhamela. As the Kumbhamela is going to be held this year, a similar big Kumbhamela was held in 1928. In those days they came to open their branch in Allahabad, and somebody recommended that "You go to..." At that time I was running on my big pharmacy and I was very well known man in Allahabad as the proprietor of the pharmacy. So somebody recommended them that "You go to Abhaya Babu. He is a very religious man. He'll help you." So when they entered my shop I was very much pleased that "These men I met in 1922, and now they have come." In this way I became reconnected. And in 1933 I was officially initiated, and my only qualification was when I was introduced to my Guru Maharaja for initiation, so Guru Maharaja immediately said, "Yes, I shall initiate this boy. He is very nice. He hears me very patiently. He does not go away." So that was my qualification. The high standard of philosophy which he was speaking at that time, practically I could not follow what was, he was speaking, but still, I liked to hear him. That was my hobby. Whenever... I was asking that "When Guru Maharaja will speak?" So he took it very seriously.




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People who were at the time of Swami Prabupaadha were blessed to have Swamiji as Guru.

While its very difficult to have someone really realised as a Guru, until we find a real spiritual master we can have Lord Sriman Narayana Himself as Guru, right?

About 8 years ago, I had a very plesant and strange dream in which I saw a big snake like Aadishesha from which Lord comes with a very brightly clear "Shri churna" on His forehead and I saw Him coming towards me and as I saw Him, I started chanting "Naryana, Narayana" and woke up from sleep chanting "Narayana Narayana". It was early morning 4.30. I was religious until that time, as I was raised in India with orthodox tradition, but after this dream, I regularly started chanting more intensely as though I was initiated by a Guru and became much more devoted.


Can I consider myself as being Initiated by Lord Himself? I know people dont like to hear these kind of questions, as I was stubbed by few people when I geneuinely enquired, but there was a drastic change in me after that dream. That dream never appeared after that and I have painted the picture of Lord as How He appeared in my dream.


Can I consider myself as being Initiated by Lord Himself?



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I can't say one way or the other. The way I look at it I need to become open to receiving the Lord in whatever form He chooses to appear to me. That is, to me. Not on the earth, but to me.


He appeared to you in that dream and the fruit of the experience was you woke up chanting His name. That is glorious. it doesn't need to conform to some idea on what initiation is, just take it for what it is,an inspiration to chant and keep chanting.


The holy name is not dependent on formal intiation, it is self-sufficent.


People that have accepted formal initiaton and now are overwhelmed by a feeling of special acceptance into a socio/religious body will never agree to your experience as an initiation. It will threaten their perceived status. So don't even bring it up. It is actually Krsna's special grace upon you to help you take the lower position. Let your life as a whole show that you are initiated, but never your lips except by constantly chanting the Name or speaking of Krsna conscious topics.


Such a wonderful dream. Imagine a state where your every moment is filled with experiences of that level and more, for that is your future if you continue in Krishna Consciousness.

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Yes God is always guru. But the spiritual master is not separate from God. That is one form He appears to us as. So we must be careful to not reject Him in His form as the spiritual master while claiming that He alone is our guru.


Our necessity is to obtain the right level of sincerity so that He will send us to hear from His real representative and not a cheater.

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I am glad you could understand my state of mind and give a nice explanation. For what you have mentioned below, its so true that when I told people about this unusual dream, people could not beleive it or accept it, because they said, we are all praying for so many years, I never got something like this, so you must be imagining and its just subconsicious mind etc etc.


I know dreams have subconcsious mind in it, but such dreams have no reality and many times we even fly in dreams, but this particular dream was so cogent, life like situation and Lord appeared from the Aadhishesha like big snake and the Sree Churnum on His face was very clear like how we see on Thirupathi Venkateshwara Perumal.


>>>>People that have accepted formal initiaton and now are overwhelmed by a feeling of special acceptance into a socio/religious body will never agree to your experience as an initiation. It will threaten their perceived status. So don't even bring it up. It is actually Krsna's special grace upon you to help you take the lower position. Let your life as a whole show that you are initiated, but never your lips except by constantly chanting the Name or speaking of Krsna conscious topics.



Yes very much....for whatever reason they may feel. As you mentioned, I should not be talking about it to everyone to find out any meaning. As long as I get disciplined and keep chanting His name all the time, thats sufficient self explanation.


Yes..I do humbly accept that a real human form Guru of Lord is also essential. I am really looking for to ask many doubts. Dont know when I will find.


Thanks for your explanation



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Rather, this movement, as I have now began with my disciples, European, American boys, they're... They are not very satisfied, the present politicians. They are not very satisfied. They don't want. Everywhere this, more or less the same mentality, but it is our duty on behalf of Krsna to push on this movement. So we are doing, and we are getting response. It is not without response. It will increase. That is also stated, that for ten thousand years Krsna consciousness movement will increase. Yes.

Syamasundara: Ten thousand years.

Prabhupada: Within ten thousand years, if they become Krsna conscious, then life is successful. After ten thousand years, the gloomy picture of Kali-yuga will come. Still there is time. Ten thousand years is not small period. So we have passed five thousand years. So still ten thousand. We have got to the fifteen thousand years. Kali-yuga's duration of life is four hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty-seven thousand.


[s.P. Room Conversation, July 22, 1973, London]






Ramesvara: Srila Prabhupada, when I first came to this, to your movement, the first thing I was told is that Lord Caitanya's movement in this age will, like a moon, rise for ten thousand years. I was told that number, ten thousand years. Is that true?

Prabhupada: Hm.

Ramesvara: And then after that, they will...

Prabhupada: This movement will go for ten thousand years without any impediment.

Ramesvara: So that means increasing, because it's the nature of the spiritual energy.

Prabhupada: It increases; you should take this opportunity. You work sincerely; it will increase, it will increase.

Ramesvara: Ten thousand years, there is a good opportunity to...

Prabhupada: Many fallen souls will be delivered back to home, back to Godhead.


[s.P. Morning Walk, June 5, 1976, Los Angeles]






But you cannot expect that cent percent people will come; that is not possible. But even, even one-fourth percent people come to this, then it will be successful. Compared to the American population, what percentage we have got? Still they have made some impression, the Hare Krsna movement. Literatures are selling, they are appreciating, learned circle. Takes some time, but if we stick to our principles and do not make any compromise and push on--in this way, I have given you instruction, it will never stop; it will go on. It will never stop. At least for ten thousand years it will go on.


[s.P. Conversation in Airport and Car June 21, 1976, Toronto]




Prabhupada: History, it is not a new movement. You have seen this book. You read that book thoroughly. You will get full knowledge. This movement is very, very old and standard. It is never changed. As soon as you change it, then the potency of the movement is lost.

Faill: Sorry, what was that?

Prabhupada: Potency. Just like electricity. There is standard

regulation: "This is negative; this is positive. You must act like this. You must fix like..." You cannot do whimsically: "No, why not this way? Why not that way?" Then it is lost. Then there will be no electricity. Similarly, there is standard method how to understand this philosophy, how to get it, I mean to say, what is called, authoritatively. Then it will act.


(S.P.Room Conversation with Bill Faill (reporter)October 8, 1975, Durban)





Ganesa: Srila Prabhupada, if the knowledge was handed down by the saintly kings, evam parampara-praptam, how is it that the knowledge was lost?

Prabhupada: When it was not handed down. Simply understood by speculation. Or if it is not handed down as it is. They might have made some changes.Or they did not hand it down. Suppose I handed it down to you, but if you do not do that, then it is lost. Now the Krsna consciousness movement is going on in my presence. Now after my deparature, if you do not do this, then it is lost. If you go on as you are doing now, then it will go on. But if you stop... (end)


( S.P.Room Conversation with Carol Cameron May 9, 1975, Perth)




Ramesvara: Srila Prabhupada, you said yesterday, or a few days ago, that this movement will go on unimpeded for ten thousand years, so...

Prabhupada: Yes, provided we keep it uncontaminated. You should take this opportunity.

Ramesvara: So after ten years we have gotten so many devotees and so many houses, so I can't imagine how big this movement will be after ten thousand years.

Prabhupada: Yes. You'll get the government.


[s.P. Morning Walk, June 11, 1976, Los Angeles]





They are now feeling the weight of this movement. Formerly they thought these people come and go, but now they see we are staying. Now we have set fire. It will go on, it cannot be stopped. You can bring big, big fire brigades but the fire will act. The brainwash books are already there. Even if they stop externally, internally it will go on. Our first class campaign is book distribution. Go house to house. The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection. So, chant Hare Krsna and fight.


(S.P. Letter to: Tamala Krsna, Vrindaban 30 October, 1976)





You have taken the right view of the importance of my books. Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books. And we shall be able to maintain everything with the sales of the books. The temples will be maintained by the book sales, and if there are no more temples, then the books shall remain.


(S.P.Letter to: Hamsaduta:New Delhi 8 November, 1973)




You have asked about whether nuclear devastation on this planet would effect the Sankirtana Movement. No, there is nothing that can stop the Sankirtana Movement because it is the will of God Himself, Lord Caitanya, that His Holy Name be heard in every town and village.


[s.P.L to Makhanlal, Mayapur, 22nd June, 1973]




It cannot be checked. There may be so many hindrances. But one who is pure devotee, his business cannot be stopped.

(S.B. Lecture 1.2.6. Calcutta. Feb 26th, 1974)




Anyone who is ordered by the Lord to perform some action in this material world, especially preaching His glories, cannot be counteracted by anyone


Similarly, anyone who is ordered by the Lord to perform some action in this material world, especially preaching His glories, cannot be counteracted by anyone; the will of the Lord is executed under all circumstances.


(S.B. 3.16.36)




The Krishna consciousness movement, in continuity of that same motion, is now spreading all over the world, and in this way it will gradually spread all over the universe.


Similarly, since the sankirtana movement was first set in motion five hundred years ago by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's desire that it spread all over the universe, the Krishna consciousness movement, in continuity of that same motion, is now spreading all over the world, and in this way it will gradually spread all over the universe. With the spread of the Krishna consciousness movement, everyone will merge in an ocean of love of Krishna.(C.C. Adi 13.32)










Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has sung that the devotees of Lord Caitanya are so powerful that each

one of them can deliver a universe.


The Ganges water is celebrated as being able to eradicate all kinds of sinful reactions. In other words, when a person takes his bath in the Ganges, he becomes freed from all life's contaminations. The Ganges water is celebrated in this way because it emanates from the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, those who are directly in touch with the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and who are absorbed in the chanting of His glories are freed from all material contamination. Such unalloyed devotees are able to show mercy to the common conditioned soul. Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has sung that the devotees of Lord Caitanya are so powerful that each one of them can deliver a universe. In other words, it is the business of devotees to preach the glories of the Lord and deliver all conditioned souls to the platform of suddha-sattva, pure goodness.


[srimad Bhagavatam 4.24.58]



Anyone who attempts to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sincerely by following in His footsteps and following

the instructions of the acaryas will successfully

be able to preach the holy names of the Hare

Krsna maha-mantra all over the universe.


TRANSLATION: Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates of the Panca-tattva distributed the holy name of the Lord to invoke love of Godhead throughout the universe, and thus the entire universe was thankful.


PURPORT: Here it is said that Lord Caitanya made the entire universe thankful to Him for propagating the sankirtana movement with His associates. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has already sanctified the entire universe by His presence five hundred years ago, and therefore anyone who attempts to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sincerely by following in His footsteps and following the instructions of the acaryas will successfully be able to preach the holy names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all over the universe.


[C.C. Adi-lila 7.163]

Note: The above quotes prove without doubt that Srila Prabhupada will successfully be able to preach the holy names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all over the universe for 10,000 years through his transcendental books.




"They follow the rules and regulations which I ask them to follow, and they are initiated by me spiritually."



Interviewer: Now I just want to read one section here. I think you'll be able to... "The International Society for Krishna Consciousness began when Swami Bhaktivedanta arrived from India with $2 on his person, a metal suitcase full of ancient-looking books and a cotton cloth robe, colored yellow, as a sign of the renounced order of life. In India, men of his order are completely dedicated to propagating the spiritual life of a mendicant wanderer. He had wandered across the sea upon the order issued to him by his guru who told him he should prepare to go to America to teach the principles taught in the Bhagavad-gita and to translate the sixty volumes of the Srimad-Bhagavatam into English." Now, are you a guru?

Prabhupada: Yes, I am the spiritual master of this institution, and all the members of the society, they're supposed to be my disciples. They follow the rules and regulations which I ask them to follow, and they are initiated by me spiritually. So therefore the spiritual master is called guru. That is Sanskrit language.


(S.P. Radio Interview March 12, 1968, San Francisco)






And if there is actually association of spiritually self-realized person, then he will give you some process of spiritual activities. That is called bhajana-kriya. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah atha bhajana-kriya tato anartha-nivrttih syat. And as you are more and more engaged in spiritual activities, so, proportionately, your material activities and affection for material activities will diminish. Counteraction. When you engage in the spiritual activities, your material activities diminishes.


(B.G. Lecture, 2.58-59, New York, 7th April, 1966)




So we should associate by the vibration, and not by the physical presence. That is real association. Sabdad anavrtti. By sound. Just like we are touching Krsna immediately by sound. Sound vibration. So we should give more stress on the sound vibration, either of Krsna or of the spiritual master. Then we'll feel happy and no separation.


(S.P. Lecture, 18/8/68,Montreal.)




Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected.


(S.P.L. to Rupanuga dasa, 19th October, 1974)




And if you associate with sadhu, then bhajana-kriya. If we... Just like so many thousands of Europeans, Americans, they have joined us on account of sadhu-sanga. First of all they come in the temple and hear for some days. Then all of a sudden he becomes shaven-headed. We haven't to request. He takes a bead and bead bag, although he's not initiated. Then, after some days, he approaches, "Please get me initiated." The bhajana-kriya. This is called bhajana-kriya. So we initiate. "Yes, now you are interested, we initiate." We give him hari-nama: "Chant Hare Krsna mantra." This is the first initiation. "And chant sixteen rounds and observe these rules and regulations." Then, when I see, six months or one year, he's doing very nicely, then we accept him as my disciple, the second initiation. So this is bhajana-kriya. Then he's admitted to worship the Deity or cook for the Deity, so many things. Bhajana-kriya.


(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 1.2.18 Calcutta, September 26, 1974)




Reporter: Who will succeed you when you die?


Srila Prabhupada: I will never die!


Devotee’s: Jaya! Haribol!


Srila Prabhupada: I will live forever from my books and you will utilise.


(S.P.interview, Berkley, 1975)





Please make sure that these new devotees (as well as the old ones) follow all of my rules and regulations strictly. They must chant 16 rounds, rise early, attend class, etc. Without these things, there is no spiritual life at all.


(S.P. Letter to: Bhrsakapi Bombay 16 January, 1975)






My Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, used to say that you have to select a spiritual master not by seeing but by your ear, but by hearing. And you don't select a spiritual master who has got a very good hair or beard or some very beautiful feature, "Oh, he is a very good, nice looking." No. You must hear. Tad viddhi pranipatena. Sruti. The whole process is sruti. The Vedas are called sruti. The ear has to aural reception.


(B.G. 4.24.34 Lecture, N.Y. 2nd August, 1966)





In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you and by this process your spiritual life will develop.


(SPL to Bahuru-pa dasa, 22nd November, 1974)





Diksa is the process by which one can awaken his transcendental knowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa.


(C.C. Mad., 15-108)




Diksa actualy means initiating a disciple with transcendental knowledge by which he becomes freed from all material contamination.


(C.C. Mad., 4-111)







TRANSLATION: Sri Uddhava said: You may take lessons from the great learned sage Maitreya, who is nearby and who is worshipable for reception of transcendental knowledge. He was directly instructed by the Personality of Godhead while He was about to quit this mortal world.

PURPORT: Although one may be well versed in the transcendental science, one should be careful about the offense of maryada-vyatikrama, or impertinently surpassing a greater personality. According to scriptural injunction one should be very careful of transgressing the law of maryada-vyatikrama because by so doing one loses his duration of life, his opulence, fame and piety and the blessings of all the world. To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitates awareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being well aware of all these technicalities of transcendental science, advised Vidura to approach Maitreya Rsi to receive transcendental knowledge. Vidura wanted to accept Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accept the post because Vidura was as old as Uddhava's father and therefore Uddhava could not accept him as his disciple, especially when Maitreya was present nearby. The rule is that in the presence of a higher personality one should not be very eager to impart instructions, even if one is competent and well versed. So Uddhava decided to send an elderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly person, but he was well versed also because he was directly instructed by the Lord while He was about to quit this mortal world. Since both Uddhava and Maitreya were directly instructed by the Lord, both had the authority to become the spiritual master of Vidura or anyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly, had the first claim to becoming the spiritual master, especially for Vidura, who was much older than Uddhava. One should not be eager to become a spiritual master cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become a spiritual master only for the service of the Lord. The Lord never tolerates the impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama. One should never pass over the honor due to an elderly spiritual master in the interests of one's own personal gain and fame. Impertinence on the part of the pseudo spiritual master is very risky to progressive spiritual realization.


(S.B. 3.4.26)




The GBC should all be the instructor gurus. I am the initiator guru, and you should be the instructor guru by teaching what I am teaching and doing what I am doing. This is not a title, but you must actually come to this platform. This I want.


(SPL to Madhudvisa Swami, 4th August, 1975)




There are two kinds of instructing spiritual masters. One is the liberated person fully absorbed in meditation in devotional service, and the other is he who invokes the disciple's spiritual consciousness by means of relevant instructions.


(CC Adi, 1.47 )




So this society is attempting to create a society of devotees all over the world, without any discrimination of caste, creed, colour. One must be a devotee of Krsna. Yei krsna tattva vettha sei guru haya. One must know the science of Krsna. Then he can preach to others. Sei guru haya. That is our purpose.


(N.O.D. Lec. 26th October, 1972)



This is complete liberated stage. In the previous verse it has been spoken, bhagavat-tattva-vijnanam mukta-sangasya jayate. The science of God, bhagavat-tattva, the science of Absolute Truth, becomes manifest to the liberated soul. We find sometimes that one man is posing to have very much advanced in spiritual understanding or a great devotee, but mukta-sanga, he's not mukta-sanga,


(S.B. Lecture, Vrndavana, 1st November, 1972.)






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I dont wish to put my email id as its offical id of mine. I am from India, born and brought up. I have even painted the picture of Lord as How He Appeared in my dream. I really wish to see that dream again and again, but 8 years have passed almost, but the dream was just only once. But it made me very pure in my thinking, nature, many more things and more than anything, it made me keep chanting the names Krishna, Narayana, Govinda all the times. But much before this dream came, from my younger age itself I was quite devoted to Lord, but this is something special. I really like to hear about your experiences. If you wish to share, you may write your email id, and I can reply back to that id if you dont wish to put in the public posting.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanam


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Will the real thiestji please STAND UP!



Both terms refer to the active nature of an awakened soul. I am neither or either one.


Christian means Christlike. All souls are dormant Christians. Vaisnava refers to the active nature of the awakened soul in relation to Vishnu. All souls are dormant Vaisnava's.


So I have that potential also, as does an ant. But like the ant presently I am not truly conscious of it.


Ask me again when I wake up, if you can wait that long.

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I dont wish to put my email id as its offical id of mine. I am from India, born and brought up. I have even painted the picture of Lord as How He Appeared in my dream. I really wish to see that dream again and again, but 8 years have passed almost, but the dream was just only once. But it made me very pure in my thinking, nature, many more things and more than anything, it made me keep chanting the names Krishna, Narayana, Govinda all the times. But much before this dream came, from my younger age itself I was quite devoted to Lord, but this is something special. I really like to hear about your experiences. If you wish to share, you may write your email id, and I can reply back to that id if you dont wish to put in the public posting.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanam




Dhruva in the forest. Pariksit in the womb. The Lord gives a glimpse to increase one's desire for Him.


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