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We cannot say that "Such and such person cannot enter into our temple."

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Prabhupada: "Oh. So that we cannot cancel: "These hippies are not admitted." No. We admit everyone. We cannot say that "Such and such person cannot enter into our temple." We cannot say. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is welcome. And, if they do not come, how they'll converted?


Miss Rose: I think that the confusion is...


Prabhupada: We cannot say, just like, in some hotels, that "Such and such persons are not admitted." No. We cannot. We admit everyone. Our mission is to elevate persons from down state of life to the highest state of life. So everyone is in down state. Lord Jesus Christ also said that "You do not hate the sinners, but hate sin." Is not that, Lord Jesus Christ said? So hippies may be sinners. We raise them to the pious life. But we say, "Don't do this. Don't do this sinful act. Don't take intoxication. Don't do this. Don't do this." We hate sin, not the sinners. Actually. If we hate sinners, then where is the possibility of preaching?" (Conversation, 29th April 1969, Boston)


"Temples are meant for the assembly of the general public" (SB 3.22.33, purport)


Prabhupada: "Yes. Temple is open for everyone. Let them come and sit down, chant Hare Krsna, hear Bhagavad-gita. We don't say, "Oh, are you potter? No. You are not allowed." We don't say that. "Are you cobbler? Oh, you are not allowed." No. We don't say that. Everyone is welcome. Come on." (Room conversation, 16th July 1968, Montreal)


"Regarding Narottama das, our policy should be to keep members as much as possible. We should not flatly say 'You must leave.'' That is not our policy." (Letter to Jayapataka, 12th August 1969, Los Angeles)


"In our Temple all Europeans, Indians, Mohammedans, Christians, everyone is welcome." (SPL Ksirodakasayi, 29th January 1970)


"Our initiation system is as follows: In our general thrice weekly classes we chant Hare Krishna Mantra in the beginning and at the end, and in the middle we speak on Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly. In this class we do not prohibit anyone to come within the Temple, everyone is welcome. The only thing we ask visitors to leave their shoes at a specified place and sit down in the Temple crosslegged." (SPL Hanuman Prasad Poddar, 5th February 1970)



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Prabhupada never really addressed troublemakers, just ordinary fallen folks. I remember many occurances where this tolerance would not apply.


Once this crazy fellow can in. He had made small trouble before so I kept my eye on him as did a devotee. Sure enough he started in with a brahmacary and took a swing at him.


This devotee and myself then pounced on this _hole and we threw him to the floor and called the police holding him until they arrived. There are thousands of such stories from every temple. People like that have np place in an ashram.


I have noticed people are discussing these topics because of the release of Keith Ham from prision. I believe such decisions to let him in a temple or not are solely the responsibility of the GBC and the temple managers. He can still get Krsna's grace apart from ISKCON, so that is not being denied. Afterall they have a duty to their congregations also. But I don't agree that they are going against Prabhupada by not allowing him enterance.


That is an unfair charge to level at ISKCON. If they elected to allow him in they would also be roundly criticized.

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