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How can the kanistha-adhikari quickly become a madhyama-adhikari suddha-bhakta ???

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"....A diseased person cannot cure himself. He must be under the care of a physician. Just as the anger of a diseased person is

pardonable, the improper behavior of the ignorant should also be excused. This attitude is known as mercy. The ignorant

have many misconceptions, such as faith in karma-kanda, occasional inclination toward jnana, worshiping the Deity with ulterior motives, faith in yoga, indifference toward the association of pure Vaisnavas, attachment to varnasrama, and many other things. By association, mercy and good instructions, these misconceptions can be dispelled and the

kanistha-adhikari can quickly become a madhyama-adhikari suddha-bhakta."


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Jaive Dharma


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"The fourth characteristic of the madhyama is neglect of those who are inimical. It is necessary to define here what is meant by

the inimical, and to describe their different types. Dvesa, enmity is a particular attitude which is also known as matsarata, envy.

That attitude which is exactly the opposite of love is known as dvesa. The supreme Lord is the only object of love. The attitude a person bears toward the Lord which is in direct opposition to love is known as dvesa.

This divesa is of five different

types: absence of faith in God; the belief that God is nothing more than a natural potency which brings about the results of all

action; the belief that God has no particular form; the belief that the jivas are not eternally subordinate to the Lord; and the

absence of mercy.

"Individuals whose hearts are contaminated by these inimical attitudes are absolutely bereft of suddha-bhakti Haridas Babaji said. They are destitute of even prakrta-bhakti, the rudimentary devotion represented by the

neophyte devotee's worship of the Deity, which is the doorway to suddha bhakti. The five types of enmity just described are found to co exist with attachment of material sense enjoyment


....How should a suddha-bhakta behave

toward such inimical people? The should avoid them.


"....Spiritual association means to meet together for the purpose of spiritual advancement, to discuss topics of

eternal truth, and to render reciprocal service and welfare which awakens one s devotional sentiments. To avoid

the association of people with whom such types of exchanges are not possible is called upeksa.


"When an inimical person who has adopted divergent opinions hears glorification of suddha bhakti, or virtuous instructions regarding bhakti, he will immediately retort with some futile argument, beneficial neither for you nor for him. One should avoid such fruitless arguments and interact with such people only so far as routine social

dealings are concerned. If you say it would be best to include inimical people among the ignorant and bestow mercy upon them, then far from helping them, you will only harm yourself. Benevolence should be applied but it should be done with caution.


"Madhyama-adhikari suddha-bhaktas should certainly carry out these four types of behavior. Any negligence on their part in

this regard makes them guilty of improper behavior and failure to do that for which they are qualified. This is considered as a

serious defect."

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Chapter Eight, Vaishnava Behavior

Jaiva Dharma


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***By association, mercy and good instructions, these misconceptions can be dispelled and the

kanistha-adhikari can quickly become a madhyama-adhikari suddha-bhakta."


Yes, this is standart. Guru - madhyama adhikari pure devotee.

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