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Krsna plays the flute and dances with the Gopis; but ,what about me ?

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krsna will give you the desire of your heart. You can take part in the dance, be a blade of grass that They dance upon, be a bee buzzing about Them, watch from some distance, or whatever your expression of love for Him may dictate.


But should you desire His position in the dance then you can come to this material world and try to arrange it. Maybe in the heavens? You can even be a god for a while, surrounded by your own dancing girls, for a while, until time disrupts it all.


Whatever we desire. The old saying stands true however, "watch what you wish for, you just might get it"

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If a person cooks for the king, he gets to taste the food prepared for the king and thus enjoys like the king. Serve Krishna and you will enjoy. The hand cannot enjoy by itself. But if it feeds the stomach then automatically the nutrients will make it back to the hand. Even Radharani and Balarama want to serve Krishna. So Krsna das, don't worry you are making the right decision. Pray for a nice service attitude while chanting. After all that is what we are asking for when we chant japa.

Oh lord, oh energy of the lord, please engage me in your transcendental loving service.

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"In the Naradiya Purana there is a statement about bowing down and offering respect to the Deity. It is said there: 'A person who has performed a great ritualistic sacrifice and a person who has simply offered his respectful obeisances by bowing down before the Lord cannot be held as equals.' The person who has executed many great sacrifices will attain the result of his pious activities, but when such results are finished, he has to take birth again on the earthly planet; whereas the person who has once offered respects, bowing down before the Deity, will not again come back to this world, because he will go directly to the abode of Krsna."




(Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 9)


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Rangavali-devi and other gopis are expert at drawing various designs in tilaka, artistically stringing flower garlands, composing clever verses and acrostics such as sarvatobhadra, conjuring magical illusions by chanting mantras, worshipable the sun god with various paraphernalia, singing in various foreign languages and composing different kinds of poetry.


Madhavai, Malati, and Candrarekha are the leaders of the gopi servants who dress and decorate Srimati Radharani.


There are also eight gopi maidservants expert at cooking various preparations from the milk products at Vraja village. Kurangaksi-devi is the leader of these gopi cooks.


Pindaka-devi, Nirvitandika-devi, Pundarika-devi, Sitakhandi-devi, Carucandi-devi, Sudantika-devi, Akunthita-devi, Kalakanthi-devi, Ramaci-devi and Mecika-devi are among the gopis who are very strong and stubborn when there is an argument or conflict. Among them Pindaka-devi is the leader. She dresses in red garments. She is very beautiful. When Lord Krsna comes she embarrasses Him by attacking Him with many ferocious witty puns.


Haridrabha-devi, Hariccela-devi and Harimitra-devi speak many illogical and frivolous objections as they lead Lord Krsna to the place where Srimati Radharani waits for Him.


Pundarika-devi's garments and complexion are both the color of a white lotus flower. She ferociously mocks lotus-eyed Lord Krsna.


Gauri-devi always wears white garments. Her complexion is the color of a peacock. Because her sweet and charming words are often laced with acid sarcasms, Lord Krsna jokingly calls her Sitakhandi (always sweet).


Gauri-devi's sister is known as Carucandi because her words are sometimes mild and pleasant (caru) and sometimes harsh and violent (candi). Carucandi's complexion is the color of a black bee and her garments are the color of lightning.


Sudantika-devi wears garments the color of a kurunthaka flower. Her complexion is the color of a sirisa flower. She is expert at inflaming the amorous sentiments of ujjvala-rasa.


Akunthita-devi's complexion is the color of a lotus stem. She wears white garments the color of the fibers within a lotus stem. She likes to insult Krsna for the amusement of her gopi friends.


Kalakanthi-devi's complexion is the color of a kuli flower and her garments are the color of milk. She speaks to Lord Krnsa, describing Radharani's jealous anger and advising Him to beg forgiveness from Her.


Ramaci-devi's is the daughter of Lalita-devi's nurse. Ramaci's complexion is golden and her garments are the color of a parrot. She takes pleasure in jokingly insulting Krsna and laughing at Him.


Ramaci-devi always wears white garments. Her complexion is the color of a pinda flower. She is expert at insulting Lord Krnsa.


Petari-devi, Varuda-devi, Cari-devi, Kotari-devi, Kalatippani-devi, Marunda-devi, Morata-devi, Cuda-devi, Cundari-devi and Gondika-devi are the leaders of those gopi messengers who are past the prime of youth. These older gopis can argue with great stubbornness and they can also nicely sing as the divine couple take their meal. These gopis are always engaged in making arrangements for the forest pastimes of the divine couple.


Petari-devi is an elderly Gujarati lady whose hair is the color of fibers within a lotus stem. Varudi-devi is a native of Garuda-desa and her braided hair is like the current of a river.


Cari-devi, who is Kucari-devi's siste, is also known by the name Tapahkatyayani, because she performed severe austerities (tapah) and took shelter of goddess Katyayani (Durga). Kotari-devi was born in the abhira caste. Her hair is a mixture of black and white resembling rice mixed with toasted sesame seeds.


Kalatippani-devi is an elderly washerwoman with white hair. Marunda-devi has white eyebrows and a shaved head.


Agile Morata-devi has hair the color of a kasa flower. Cuda-devi has a wrinkled face and a forehead decorated with many grey hairs.


The brahmani Cundari-devi is not as old as the others. Lotus-eyed Lord Krsna glorifies her and treats her with great respect. Gondika-devi shaves the splendid white hairs on her head. Her cheeks are wrinkled with age.


Sivada-devi, Saumyadarsana-devi, Suprasada-devi, Sadasanta-devi, Santida-devi and Kantida-devi are the leaders of the gopi messengers who expertly arrange the meeting of Radha and Krsna. These gopis consider Lalita-devi to be their dearmost life and soul. They are counted among the intimate associates of Lord Krsna. At a certain time Srimati Radharani quarrels with Lord Krsna and refuses to see Him. Understanding the hints of Lalita-devi, these gopis then approach Lord Krsna. These gopis appease Lord Krsna and please Him in different ways. With great effort they convince Him that His actual desire is to meet Radha again. When These gopis bring to Her the gift that Lord Krsna gave them as a peace offering, Srimati Radharani becomes very pleased with them and grants them Her mercy.


Sivada-devi was born in the Ragyhu dynasty, Saumyadarsana-devi in the dynasty of the moon-god, Suprasada-devi in the Puru dynasty, Sadasanta-devi in a family of ascetics and Santida and Kantida in brahmana families. By the mercy of Narada Muni they were all able to reside in Vraja.


Aside from the eight varistha-gopas and the eight vara-gopis, sixty four gopis are considered most important. Their names are : 1. Ratnaprabha, 2. Ratikala, 3. Subhadra, 4. Ratika, 5. Sumukhi, 6. Dhanistha, 7. Kalahamsi, 8. Kalapini, 9. Madhavi, 10. Malati, 11. Candrarekha, 12. Kunjari, 13. Harini, 14. Capala, 15. Damni, 16. Surabhi, 17. Subhanana, 18. Kurangaksi, 19. Sucarita, 20. Mandali, 21. Manikundala, 22. Candrika, 23. Candralatika, 24. Pankajaksi, 25. Sumandira, 26. Rasalika, 27. Tilakini, 28. Sauraseni, 29. Sugandhika, 30. Ramani, 31. Kamanagari, 32. Nagari, 33. Nagavenika, 34. Manjumedha, 35. Sumadhura, 36. Sumadhya, 37. Madhureksana, 38. Tanumadhya, 39. Madhuspanda, 40. Gunacuda, 41. Varangada, 42. Tungabhadra, 43. Rasottunga, 44. Rangavati, 45. Susangata, 46. Citrarekha, 47. Vicitrangi, 48. Modini, 49. Madanalasa, 50. Kalakanthi, 51. Sasikala, 52. Kamala, 53. Madhurendira, 54. Kandarpa-sundari, 55. Kamalatika, 56. Prema-manjari, 57. Kaveri, 58. Carukavara, 59. Sukesi, 60. Manjukesi, 61. Harahira, 62. Mahahira, 63. Harakanthi, 64. Manohara.


Vrnda-devi, Kundalat-devi and their followaers assist the divine couple in Their pastimes in the various forests of Vrndavana. Dhanistha-devi, Gunamala-devi and their followers remain in the home of Nanda Maharaja,the cowherd king and assist the Lord's pastimes from there.


Kamada-devi is the daughter of Srimati Radharani's nurse. Kamada is an especially close friend of Radharani. Ragalekha-devi, Kalakeli-devi and Manjula-devi are some of Radharani's maidservants.


Nandimukhi-devi and Bindumati-devi are the leaders of those gopis who arrange the rendezvous of Radha and Krsna. Syamala-devi and Mangala-devi are the leaders of those gopis who act as well-wishers of Srimati Radharani.


Candravali-devi is the leader of those gopis who are Srimati Radharani's rivals.


The talented musicians Rasollasa-devi, Gunatunga-devi,Kalakanthi-devi, Sukhanti-devi, and Pikakanti-devi delight Lord Hari by singing Visakha's musical compositions.


Maniki-devi, Narmada-devi, and Kusumapesala-devi serve the divine couple by playing drums, cymbals, string instruments like the vina, and wind instruments like the flute.


Ragalekha-devi, Kalakeli-devi and Bhurida-devi are the leaders fo those gopis who are Srimati Radharani's maidservants. Among these maidservants are Sugandha-devi and Nalini-devi (the two daughters of Divakirti-devi) and Manjistha-devi and Rangaraga-devi (the two daughters of Nanda Maharaja's laundry washers).


Palindri-devi serves Srimati Radharani by dressing and decorating Her. Citrini decorates Radharani with various cosmetics. Mantriki-devi and Tantriki-devi are astrologers who reveal the future to Srimati Radharani.


Katyayani-devi is the leader of those gopi messengers who are older than Srimati Radharani. Bhagyavati-devi and Punyapunja-devi, the two daughters of Maharaja Nanda's sweeper, are also the maidservants of Srimati Radharani.


Also included among Srimati Radharani's servants are Gargi-devi and other very respectable brahmana girls, Bhrngarika-devi and other girls from the ceti community, Vijaya-devi, Rasala-devi, Payoda-devi and other girls from the vita community, as well as the boys Subala, Ujjvala, Gandharva, Madhumangala and Raktaka.


Tunga-devi, Pisangi-devi and Kalakandala-devi always remain near Srimati Radharani to serve Her. Manjual-devi, Bindula-devi, Sandha-devi, Mrdula-devi and others, although very young still engage in Radharani's service. (SSRKGD)

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