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Have you become a legend in your own mind ???

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This piece is meant for self-analysis for those afflicted by egotism:



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You are a small fish in a large pond. Your chlidishness is your sole resort when dealing with those who you have philosophical differences with.Your age can be taken into account, and of course as is so often the case of the intellectual, they become legends...in their own minds.


Your crass and infantile demeanor is appalling, yet like a car crash, strangely entertaining, kind of like watching someone slip on a banana peel, they feel pain, but still it's funny.


So watching you trying to assert your dominion over everything and everyone, is like that, morbidly funny. Your only hope is to move to Radha Kunda and do bhajan. Your path seems to lead to a deeper sense of self entitlement, and to an ever expanding aggressive egotistic aparadha.


A lot of this can be blamed on the yourthfull egotism that young white males in wealthy countries, seem to possess in spades. Knowing sanskrit has sent you over the edge of reason. Your descent into megalomaniacism is an all to often a curse of the Brahmin psyche when it is not softened with the pre-requisite experience, detachment, and the subsequent humility.



Instead you pride yourself on what you have no real control over. Like the madness of the ignorant soul who sees the body as the self, the under educated self important Brahmin falls victim to identifying his mind as his self. You may understand philosophically that the mind is not the self, but in practical terms, you make no such distinction on a moment to moment basis.


In this way you are a prisoner of your mind, which is domineered over by your ego. Your desire for dominance leaves Paramatma no choice but to let you live the fool, savoring the idolization of your intellect, thinking yourself to be the mind, the thoughts, and the ego. If you could step back from your mind, detach your sense of self from thoughts in your head, humility and grace may be gained. An insight into the true nature of reality awaits you, but first you need to leave behind the curse of the Brahmin i.e egotism. It leads to delusions of grandeur. It leads to the darkness of ignorance. It leads to ignoring Paramatma, instead relishing the sounds of ones mind as the self, and then to try and gain accolades for those thoughts, mistaking them to be himself.


Anyone and anything that differs from the worshipable thoughts and ego, those things are the enemy, they are less then, they are errors and misdeeds. In this way the ego builds a delusional reality.


All the while Paramatma waits, waiting for the fool, lost in the mind.

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This is not the first time, evidently that you have done this. The essay you posted was something I wrote, on another forum, in response to someone who was offensive and critical of Srila Prabhupada, Bhaktisiddhanta, and their teachings. Yet you have copied part of it, out of it's context, and presented it, as your writing.


What is your deal ? Please cease

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Are you telling me you don't know what plagiarism is ? I aint buying your innocent act. Public domain ? So you are going to post anyone's writings as your own ?


You didn't know this is called plagiarism ?


I don't buy it, Is there a rule here, Mr. Moderator, about plagiarism ?


If you would have simply admitted your guilt, I would have forgiven you, instead you try and play dumb. Bad boy.

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Stuff that allowed on other forums is not permitted here

I have no intention to pass myself as the authour.


The above piece was so well written to hit a nerve within the gaudiya siddhantic community


Again My humble apologies

keep up your good work


krsna das

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That is no excuse. That is trying to make a flimsy excuse. Are you telling me if you would have added, that you did not write it, it would have been deleted? Gimme a break.

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and should be given the recognition. Not just the give and take of discussions, what I am speaking of are real essays that are worked on, outlined, and time spent with the intewnt of giving something to the reader.


I fully believe in copyright laws. I have written literally thousands of posts on Vaisnava forums, and am not much attached to most of them. In fact, I dont even log on much, because it jams up the search engines with just too much stuff.


However, I do have many writings that, as mentioned, took a lot of thinking, outlining, checking to see if what Im saying fits into the guru-shastra-sadhu criteria, and these writings are presented oftewn like this {mahaksadasa c. 1990}. I would hope thaqt other writers would honor my copyright in these cases, but it is up to those using these ideas to be of good character to honor their peers.


It probably has been thrown around enough, but siva was asking for respect, and, from what I see, the writer did not give it, the apology seemed rather lame. Hopefully the poster may have learned something here, and if he would spend time writing rather than cuttin and pastin, perhaps he would see where siva is coming from.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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"It probably has been thrown around enough, but siva was asking for respect, and, from what I see, the writer did not give it, the apology seemed rather lame. Hopefully the poster may have learned something here, and if he would spend time writing rather than cuttin and pastin, perhaps he would see where siva is coming from.


I'll take your good counsel to heart

Thank you

Hare Krishna

Om Tat Sat

{krsnadas c.2004}

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now you say "om tat sat" and then you mockingly do the copyright symbol. This is in itself plagarism, because one does not copyright that which IS public domain. Im not giving spiritual lesson here, because I have been a writer for 35 years, I do know how to protect myself.


In the past, it was very costly and difficult to have copyrights, but US Federal Copyright laws have been made user friendly, and if you do have original work you wish to protect, this can be done by typing your name (or nom di plume), the lower case "c" and the date of public airing. This is legal instruction, you dont even have to mail it to yourself and leave the envelope unopened anymore (the old poor mans copyright system).


I am not now, nor was I slamming you, so your sarcasm is wasted here. No need to apologize or anything else, just learn the art of writing so you dont get sued.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


BTW My first book of songs was published in 1969.

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I'm not interested in making money or fame by plagirizing my guru's words. I am only interested to becoming Krsna conscious by seeing them lit up on my computer screen.

I don't see any sarcasam or plagerism in my posting Sri Guru's words on this forum.


If I was copying your's or anyone else's works for name and profit,then you could have a case against me .


I don't take myself seriously although I've eat,slept,mated and defended since 1959.


Jai Sri Krsna !!!

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Are you telling me you don't know what plagiarism is ? I aint buying your innocent act. Public domain ? So you are going to post anyone's writings as your own ? You didn't know this is called plagiarism ? I don't buy it, Is there a rule here, Mr. Moderator, about plagiarism ? If you would have simply admitted your guilt, I would have forgiven you, instead you try and play dumb. Bad boy.




Dear Shiva ji, Why dont you forgive him. Poor thing. Just because Krsna copy pasted some of your essays doesnt mean that he has stolen it. If you were altrustic enough and a real devotee of the lord, you wouldnt have bothered about such things.


I can clearly make out that you have a lot of E_O /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Man, you have written some great stuff over the years. I especially dig your poetry, like "Mercy Ship." What's your take on posting your work elsewhere? Oh yeah, thanks to you and all writers here for making the silent sacrifice. Writing ain't easy.

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First off how do you know I haven't forgiven him ? It seems very presumptuous of you to state otherwise.


As far as plagiarism, what if someone sees the essay I wrote here, posted by Krsna.


Naturally they believe he has written it, unless it's obviously by someone else, like Shakespeare or a nuclear physicist.


Then they go to another forum and see the same essay, posted by me, they then may think that I have palgiarized from Krsna.


So I end up being seen as a bad person, a plagiarizer, taking credit for Krsna's essay.


Do you see the why I would not want this ?


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Haribol. There is a point here to consider. If I were to post a writing on a certain website, as a writer, this is the audience I wish to speak to. Now, if the writing was posted by another somewhere else, not only should the writing be completely intact, but properly attributed.


This is not being selfish, or egotistical, it is just expectation that proper ettiquette be followed.


I guess I have butted in here because I have had some bad experiances where my writings have been edited for anothers purpose, someone who is opposed to my ideas, in fact, the person hates my guts. I apologize for getting on Krsna a bit, because his intent is just as he says, sharing, giving, etc. He has my permission to post anything Ive ever written.


But say one of my Novels, fer instance. A big chunk of it is about pot growin, ganja smokin, and everything I say about it, via the characters, is positive, even attributing it to a sort of communion with God. Some of this book is on the net, and if cited out of context, mahaksadasa would be seen as opposed to a promise between him and his guru maharaja.


But the book, as a whole, is about a gradual porocess, and shows how habits are not to be given up, rather minimized and replaced by higher practices. The book covers a fourty year span from the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 to the apocalypse of Maui in 2005. Lots happens between those years.


So, this aint about Krsna, or shiva, or me, or writers pride. It is about, from my angle, proper representation of the writer, the ideas conveyed, etc.


I post others writings on the internet, on my site (not forums). I do so sometimes without prior permission, but I always make sure that I write the author, let them know what I have done, and ask them if they object, to let me know and I will remove such writing at once. I dont know if this is proper, but sometimes I am so overwhelmed by the writing that I take a chance. I also dont know if this is hypocritical in light of the points I just made. I would welcome advice in this regard.


Anyway, my point has been made, and thanks to the person with the kind words about "mercy ship", one of my favorites as well.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Haribol, again. Anything I have posted on the internet may be posted as one wishes without the need of permission. Just keep the work intact, and give authors name.


A christian student has posted his thesis about what Krsnas think about Lord Jesus Christ, and I am cited there often. I rather liked his thesis, even though he did not treat hare krsnas very well, and do not object to his using my informal writings as well as my formal ones, because he was fair. This is all I ask, fairness, not just for me, but for all, because Im a bleedin heart liberal.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Thanks, I am presumptuous and a non-devotee. I accept your words; this will help me improve myself.



First off how do you know I haven't forgiven him?



Please refer to your post where you said that you would not forgive him (Krsna).



So I end up being seen as a bad person, a plagiarizer, taking credit for Krsna's essay.




Lord Krishna wanted me to convey this message to you.



<font color="brown"> Bhavagavan said: </font color> <font color="brown">“ Dear Shiva, rise up and be the same in honour and dishonour, for I am your father, mother, best friend and well wisher who would never part with you any time. Don’t be deluded by these trivial things. A stable and equanimous mind will help you realize me“. </font color>


Enjoy and have a nice time /images/graemlins/laugh.gif



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Wow! you are a trip. Sorry if I don't accept you as my guru, but thats how I roll. If everyone were to follow your enlightened vision, then no one could give an opinion about anything they considered to be wrong, including your little diatribe to me. Why are you trying to instruct me, but I cannot instruct Krsna ? Your logic leaves me as a mute, and you, as my guru, free to speak as you see fit.


I will not take your advice as coming from Krishna, just because you say Krishna has asked you to say these silly things.


Why don't I accept anything anyone says, if they say it comes from God? The Christians I speak with tell me, God tells them I am going to hell, why should your authority as God's spokesperson, have more credibility then theirs?


If I need a guru, at least now I know of someone (not again!) who is more then willing to have me submit to them, for that I thank you.


As far as forgiving Krsna, I can only ask a person as highly positioned as yourself, to ask God, he can tell you if I have forgiven Krsna's unthinking manner.

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