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Are you ' independently thoughtful ' ???

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Satyam, there is no truthfulness. And the first-class life means the brahmana life. Satyam saucam tapo. The beginning is satyam. The asuric life is no satya, no truth, and the first-class life in human society, the brahmanas, is satyam saucam tapo, and titiksa arjavah astikyam jnanam vijnanam. This is first-class life. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to create a class of men ideal, first-class men with satyam saucam tapo samah damah titiksah, this is godly civilization.


(Prabhupada's Lec. 1975 BOM)


But an ideal class of brahmana must be there to guide the society. This is Krsna consciousness movement.


(Prabhu-.'s Lec. Bhag. 1975.BOM)


(The) Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No.


(Letter to Karandhara 1972)


Point is that everyone should be guided by the brain. Therefore the brain must be maintained. That is our point.


(Conversation, Geneva 1974)



So at the present moment the education department does not distinguish who is a brahmana, who is a ksatriya, who is a vaisya or a sudra. And because the things have topsy-turvied, there is chaos all over the world, not only here or there, because the division of labor or the division of working has been overlapped. Now this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some brahmanas, or the most intelligent class of men. . . Brahmana means who has got very nice intellectual brain, who can understand the Absolute Truth. He is called brahmana. (Lec. Bg. 1973 )



Regarding the controversy about book distribution techniques, you are right. Our occupation must be honest. Everyone should adore our members as honest. If we do something which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the public in favor of our movement, that is not good. Somehow or other we should not become unpopular in the public eye. These dishonest methods must be stopped. It is hampering our reputation all over the world.


(Letter to Rupanuga 1975)




Srila Prabhupada in New Orleans in 1975:


In this way organize. Avoid machine. Keep everyone employed as brahmana, as ksatriya, as vaisya. Nobody should sit down. Brahmanas, they are writers, editors, lecturers, instructors, worshiping Deity, ideal character. They have no anxiety for food, for clothing. Others should supply them. They haven't got to work. Sannyasi is always preaching, going outside. In this way keep everyone fully engaged. Then it will be ideal.





Prabhupada: Irresponsible life.


Svarupa Damodara: Yes, meaninglessness. No meaning. So it has no purpose because of this very concept. So at least there's a strong influence, especially in the colleges and the university circles, the students...


Prabhupada: Educational circles. Yes. In the education circles they are made fools. Education means he's a more fool, that's all. That is education. Mudha. Mayayapahrta-jnana. These fools and rascals, their actual knowledge is taken away, and they are coming out as educated. That we are protesting.


Hari-sauri: You once called them slaughterhouses. Slaughterhouses of education.


Prabhupada: (laughs) Yes, I have said, yes. Means whatever little education he has, that is also finished. (Conversation July 3, 1976)






samo damas tapah saucam ksantir arjavam eva ca

jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam


Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness—these are the natural qualities by which the brahmanas work.






samo damas titikseksa tapah satyam daya smrtih

tustis tyago 'sprha sraddha hrir dayadih sva-nirvrtih


Mind and sense control, tolerance, discrimination, sticking to one's prescribed duty, truthfulness, mercy, careful study of the past and future, satisfaction in any condition, generosity, renunciation of sense gratification, faith in the spiritual master, being embarrassed at improper action, charity, simplicity, humility, and satisfaction within oneself are qualities of the mode of goodness.




First of all it is the business of brahmana to understand. So if you cannot understand, then you do the business of ksatriya. If you cannot do that, then do the business of a vaisya. And if you cannot do that, then remain as a worker. Assist others. Assist the brahmana, the ksatriya. So everyone will be engaged.


(Lec. Bg. 1974 Bombay)


Darsana means seeing. So, in order to see the Absolute Truth, one has to come to the platform of goodness. Tamasas tu rajas tasmat sattvam yad brahma-darsanam. Yad sattvam, the platform which is called goodness. And in that platform you can see God, or you can realize what is Absolute Truth.


(Lec. 1972 LA)


We must come to the platform of sattva-guna, goodness, the brahminical stage. Then our life, our evolutionary process will be successful. Tamasas tu rajas tasmat sattvam yad brahma-darsanam.


(Lec. 1972 LA)


Therefore the first-class civilization is that which associates with the modes of goodness. That is, means, brahminical civilization. Truthful, satya sama dama titiksa arjava, jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam. This is first-class civilization. People must be truthful, they must be equipoised, not disturbed, not being disturbed by different situations. They must learn how to control the senses. They must learn how to control the mind. Sama dama ti.., They must be tolerant, titiksa. Arjava, they must be very simple, no duplicity. Arjava. Jnanam. They must know everything in full knowledge. Vijnanam, apply the knowledge in practical life. Astikyam. They must believe in the Vedic injunctions. Astikya. That is called astikya. The atheist and, and theist. The theist believes in the Vedic injunction. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah. That is theist. Not that "I believe in God." They must believe in the injunction of the Vedas; what is said in the Vedas, one must believe.


(Lec. 1972 Vrn)



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Or do I need someone always who tells me what and how to do things?


"There must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you provide."


I'll go out and preach to my heart's content. Please pass me the soap box ....

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