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what does the lord look like?

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namaste all


how do we know what krishna looks like?dus he luk like the hptotos we see?also the same goes for the demigods lord shankar and ganesh etc, we know they exist but how do we know they luk the way they do.


also did they come to earth ever as krishna did 5000yrs ago? and is there any evidence of their exitance?


i am a hindu but im trying to explain this to a non believer! need help!


thanx x

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What ever we describe about forms of Lord and about Sree Krishna are basically from the puraanaas. whatever recorded from the ancient paintings of India that passed on to the sculptors and from the available scultures in ancient temples we depict Sree Krishna, Sreeman Narayana, Ganesh, Shiva Parvathi and the list goes.

So how do we know that if Puraanaas are right? and what is the evidence.

Baghwat Puraana is certainly true to its existence as is more clear from Krishnaa's life history and Baghwat Gita spoken by Him.

Many things cannot be explained with present day little science we know, and thats why its advised by Krishna Himself that He can be understood only by pure devotional service and not by mental speculation.

If someone does not beleive God or try to criticise your faith, dont bother to explain too much, but rather you tell them or show that you are better off with your devotional service and hence a better individual than them and this is because of your total surrendering faith. Certainly total devotional faith makes one a better individual and by observing people like this, in course of time a nonbeleive also will also start beleiving. Another way, is not to get irritated with whatever kind of questions you are poked, but rather try to talk in nice way without any emotions and this will surely come by following Gita. To follow Gita, again you have to just with total faith accept as He has spoken that "I cannot be understood by mental speculation, but only by total faith and devotional service"


Krishna talks about all His different forms, Krishna talks about how the soul goes from one body to another body based on Karma.

Krishna says, I beleive and accept as it is. No questions..Period. This is my philosophy and it certainly works in all aspects of life.


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Lord Brahma describes the Primal Lord Krsna as follows in his Brahma-Samhita 5.38:<BLOCKQUOTE><BLOCKQUOTE><font color="RED">BS 5.30: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids.


BS 5.31: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, round whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with the flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of SyAmasundara is eternally manifest.</BLOCKQUOTE>




santaH sadaiva hRdayeSu vilokayanti

yaM zyAmasundaram acintya-guNa-svarUpaM

govindam Adi-puruSaM tam ahaM bhajAmi


prema--of love; aJjana--with the salve; churita--tinged; bhakti--of devotion; vilocanena--with the eye; santaH--the pure devotees; sadA--always; eva--indeed; hRdayeSu--in their hearts; vilokayanti--see; yam--whom; zyAma--dark blue; sundaram--beautiful; acintya--inconceivable; guNa--with attributes; svarUpam--whose nature is endowed; govindam--Govinda; Adi-puruSam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajAmi--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is SyAmasundara, KRSNa Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.



The SyAmasundara form of KRSNa is His inconceivable simultaneous personal and impersonal self-contradictory form. True devotees see that form in their purified hearts under the influence of devotional trance.


The form SyAma is not the blue color visible in the mundane world but is the transcendental variegated color affording eternal bliss, and is not visible to the mortal eye. On a consideration of the trance of VyAsadeva as in the zloka, bhakti-yogena manasi etc., it will be clear that the form of SrI KRSNa is the full Personality of Godhead and can only be visible in the heart of a true devotee, which is the only true seat in the state of trance under the influence of devotion.


When KRSNa manifested Himself in Vraja, both the devotees and nondevotees saw Him with this very eye; but only the devotees cherished Him, eternally present in Vraja, as the priceless jewel of their heart. Nowadays also the devotees see Him in Vraja in their hearts, saturated with devotion although they do not see Him with their eyes.


The eye of devotion is nothing but the eye of the pure unalloyed spiritual self of the jIva. The form of KRSNa is visible to that eye in proportion to its purification by the practice of devotion. When the devotion of the neophyte reaches the stage of bhAva-bhakti the pure eye of that devotee is tinged with the salve of love by the grace of KRSNa, which enables him to see KRSNa face to face.


The phrase "in their hearts" means KRSNa is visible in proportion as their hearts are purified by the practice of devotion. The sum and substance of this zloka is that the form of KRSNa, who is SyAmasundara, NaTavara (Best Dancer), MuralIdhara (Holder of the Flute) and TribhaGga (Triple-bending), is not a mental concoction but is transcendental, and is visible with the eye of the soul of the devotee under trance.

</BLOCKQUOTE><center><img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/Syamasundara.jpg></center>



Lord Brahma immediately establishes that Krsna, Govinda, is God in the first verse of that fifth chapter:<BLOCKQUOTE><CENTER><font color="RED">IzvaraH paramaH kRSNaH


anAdir Adir govindaH



IzvaraH--the controller; paramaH--supreme; kRSNaH--Lord KRSNa; sat--comprising eternal existence; cit--absolute knowledge; Ananda--and absolute bliss; vigrahaH--whose form; anAdiH--without beginning; AdiH--the origin; govindaH--Lord Govinda; sarva-kAraNa-kAraNam--the cause of all causes.


KRSNa who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.</blockquote>

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