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SeeingGod’s kindness in terms of one’s enjoyment of happy life in this material world

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Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode’s Tattva-viveka



[Certain philosophers say that] the conditioned soul should seek to please God by performing pious works and acquiring knowledge for the benefit of the whole world.


Bhaktivinode’s Commentary


The followers of this religion have no power to worship God selflessly. In general, their idea is that by cultivating fruitive work and speculative philosophy one should work to make improvements in the material world and thus please God. By building hospitals and schools and performing other philan-thropic works, they try to do good to the world and thus please God. Worship of God by per-forming fruitive work (the process of karma) and by acquiring knowledge (the process of jñāna) is very important to them. They have no power to understand pure devotional service (the process of śuddha-bhakti), which is free of fruitive work and philosophical speculation.

Worship of God done out of a sense of duty is never natural or unselfish. “God has been kind to us, and therefore we should worship Him.” These are the thoughts of lesser minds.


Why is this not a good way to worship God? Because as a consequence one may easily develop the mentality that, “If God is not kind to me then I will not worship Him.” One will have the impure, selfish desire to receive special favors from God in the future. If one desires only that God should kindly allow one to serve Him, that is fine. But the religion under discussion does not see things in that way. This religion sees God’s kindness in terms of one’s enjoyment of a happy life in this material world.


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