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The Storehouse of Love, c 1975, mahaksadasa


The Storehouse of Love is never empty

The more that's taken, the more He will give.

He is unlimited in compassion,

The Spiritual Strength of all who live.

He engages unfortunate, fallen souls

In this age of hypocracy

By singing the Holy Names of God

We can develop humility


What will make us happy, what always makes us cry?

Why for only a minute we live and the very next minute we die?

We all have aspirations for power, to control our very destiny.

We never know how to accept though the Gift is given for free


The Storehouse of Love is never empty

The more that's taken, the more He will give.

He is unlimited in compassion,

The Spiritual Strength of all who live.

He engages unfortunate, fallen souls

In this age of hypocracy

By singing the Holy Names of God

We can develop humility


The political leaders, the modern scholars,

All of the Doomsday preachers,

To satisfy the many polluted hearts

Of those madly searching for cheaters,

Proclaim salvation for all the souls

Teaching pleasure just comes from matter

While the world just grinds out more pain,

Both in this life and many hereafter.


The Storehouse of Love is never empty

The more that's taken, the more He will give.

He is unlimited in compassion,

The Spiritual Strength of all who live.

He engages unfortunate, fallen souls

In this age of hypocracy

By singing the Holy Names of God

We can develop humility


Please bear witness to all

The compassionate philantrophists

All the deeds of so-called mercy

Sure make some impressive lists.

Noble deeds are often ruined

By underhanded ways of making a living

Yet the stay so proud and tell the world,

"We are the masters of giving."


But giving is not that easy

When one has not a thing to give

Not a thing to lose except

Maybe the will to live.

We never learn how to accept

Though Sri Govinda has given us all

We only seek pleasure from matter,

Thus smash our heads against the wall.


The Storehouse of Love is never empty

The more that's taken, the more He will give.

He is unlimited in compassion,

The Spiritual Strength of all who live.

He engages unfortunate, fallen souls

In this age of hypocracy

By singing the Holy Names of God

We can develop humility


The reason I always lament,

The missing nectar from my life.

Cannot be tasted in wealth or fame,

Glory or freedom from strife.

By reciprocating the Love Govinda has for me

I take a drink from the Storehouse of Love

Entering His Supreme Abode,

With the straw on the street above.


The Storehouse of Love is never empty

The more that's taken, the more He will give.

He is unlimited in compassion,

The Spiritual Strength of all who live.

He engages unfortunate, fallen souls

In this age of hypocracy

By singing the Holy Names of God

We can develop humility




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