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Krsna is achieved by those Krsna chooses

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Krsna conscious in a second


or not in a zillion births and deaths.


It alll depends on Krsna's doing.


If Krsna chooses to reveal Himself to you


by His grace and causeless mercy.


How to attain Krsna's causeless mercy ?


To go beyond mere pretense and hype of mind,intelligence and false ego :there is the soul/spirit which is awakened by the spirit sound of Sri Nama Prabhu:


Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna

Hare Hare


Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare


Chant!Cry !Call out with all heart and soul(not just from the lips) and Krsna will reveal Himself according to your level of sincerity. Yes?


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The following poem encapsulates what I'm trying to convey by my previous post :




Anubhavananda dasa



O most precious Prabhupada,

O inspiration of the precious poem I write,

I now pray for your purest, precious presence,

back into your poet's heart to purely guide.

O most precious Prabhupada,

with the precious beauty of the innocence of a babe

you came into this empty world and filled it with priceless pearls

from Krishna's Eternal Kingdom in Krishna's Name.


O most precious Prabhupada,

the impossible was proven possible by you

as a holy little old man, you came to this hellish land

and opened the blindest eyes to see Krishna's truth.

O most precious Prabhupada,

with a walk and a talk that was not of this earth,

you came from Krishna above and revealed His purest love,

the only reason that you even took your birth.

O most precious Prabhupada,

it's you alone who are saving this lost soul,

although my heart has known only sin,

you have showed me how to win,

and now Krishna's Holy Kingdom is my goal.

O most precious Prabhupada,

O heartbeat that beats along with God's heart throb,

down to the darkest path I've gone, but now it's you I lean on,

begging only for your mercy on this dog.

O most precious Prabhupada,

I was dumb, but now I write the highest wisdom,

for when you come into my heart, all the darkness does depart

by the lamp of knowledge you reflect from Lord Shri Krishna.

O most precious Prabhupada,

it is your presence that the wise forever seek,

you are a pure servant of Krishna, God, O Shrila Prabhupada

with the power to wake the world from its deep sleep.

<font color="red"> O most precious Prabhupada,

it's your mercy alone this world must know,

and this mercy you are giving flows from the Holy Names of Krishna,

when truly heard and chanted, Krishna's Names awaken the pure soul. </font color>

O most precious Prabhupada,

by your mercy I pray the world does read this poem,

for this poem is being filled with but your mercy,

the mercy to lift the fallen and melt a heart of stone.

O most precious Prabhupada,

please let me be an instrument of thy will

so my words may convince all of thy mercy,

and reveal to all I touch life's greatest thrill.

O most precious Prabhupada,

words empowered by you become alive

with the Supreme Presence of Lord Krishna, fulfiller of all wishes,

that All Attractive Person that has brought you to my side.

O most precious Prabhupada,

I don't know how I'm writing but for you,

most exciting and inviting is your inciting,

which moves my hand to write down the absolute truth.

O most precious Prabhupada,

by memories of you my pen comes to life,

if one is truly touched by you, all his dreams come true,

and as a pure servant of Krishna, he brings life's purpose to light.

O most precious Prabhupada,

push me on, push me on, push me on!

Temptation is a tigress who leads us where sin's delight is,

and only you have shown the way to win the fight.

O most precious Prabhupada,

sin is neglecting you, O savior of saviors,

millions of lifetimes it takes us to learn,

unless to you, we turn with concern,

to surrender, to serve you and obey you.

O most precious Prabhupada,

as sinless as Krishna's sons like Jesus Christ,

your message is the same, always praise Krishna's Holy Names,

the most precious of all precious advice.

O most precious Prabhupada,

the greatest sin is envy of you,

the cause of every sin is defiance of Him,

Who is the Way and the Light and the Truth.

O most precious Prabhupada,

O servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna God,

you have only repeated Krishna's message

passed down through His pure passages,

the passageway of Krishna's pure servants

called pure devotional service.

O most precious Prabhupada,

O most humble servant of Krishna, God,

the only way is to obey

the way Krishna's servant's do convey,

and you show the way,

my most precious Guru deva.

Krishna is not known by debate,

Krishna is not known by challenge,

the only way that God is truly known

is through one perfect proven balance.

There must be an obedient disciple

to Kishna's obedient servant, the Guru,

and by this way alone, Krishna is truly known,

and seen and heard, the purest precious truth.

O most precious Prabhupada,

so precious that rarely one like you is found

in this world of the cheaters and the cheated,

it was impossible to achieve it

until Shrila Prabhupada came to town.

O most precious Prabhupada,

as sinless as an infant crying for his mother's breast,

when you came, all knew who surrendered to you truly

that you're the only one who can lead all beyond death.

O most precious Prabhupada,

Krishna's preachers like you live on forever,

but you are one in millions who can truly lead zillions,

who can bring with love our universe together.

O most precious Prabhupada,

just your movement is the movement that leads beyond all pain,

the movement of the congregational chanting

of Lord Shri Krishna's Holy Names.

O most precious Prabhupada,

you've sacrificed your whole life to save us from falling,

and now in reciprocation, we must all join your congregation,

and with you on Krishna's Names always be calling.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Anubhavananda dasa




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Have you been chosen to make a fast exit from martya-loka?


Paramatma is the manifestation of guru and guru is the

manifestation of Paramatma.

Katha Upanisad says:



nayam atma pravacanena labhyo

na medhaya na bahuna srutena

yam evaisa vrnute tena labyas

tasyaisa atma vivrnute tanum svam


The Supreme Self can never be known by any amount of arguments, reasoning, intelligence, or by much hearing. To those whom He chooses, however, He may reveal His personal form.

(Katha Upanisad 1.2.23)

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Yes very true, He does miracles when we beleive in HIM totally and for that too, He should come in us as the belief. I am glad, He is making me chant His name and I hope and pray that He bless everyone in the world in the same way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If your prayers are sincere

then Krishna will accept them

and if Krishna accepts them

then automatically I accept them,

and if I accept them

then automatically Krishna accepts them.


So like this Krishna is everywhere.

He is even between the atoms.

So therefore wherever you are

He will accept your prayers,

and therefore I automatically accept.


But the most important part again,

the prayer must be sincere.


Srila Prabhupada letter

Sydney, February 19, 1973

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