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Let's go to that place where there are no newspapers to read ! ! !

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I too notice the look of the birds and animals watching Krishna so intensely with love and ecstasy.

Hmm I envy that little goat leaning on Krishna. I would rather like to be a goat friend in Krishna's vrindavana than being a human in earth where we are waiting for Him for ever. well..in a way there is some pleasure and happiness in thinking of Him all the time waiting for him



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Even the grass and trees and dust and rocks in Vrindavana are souls. But it would be so blissful to even be a rock there! Because Krishna permeates the whole place...


In my mind's eye I can see Him going around from bush to bush, tree to tree, rock to rock, touching the different plants and talking to them. He knows that they are waiting for His touch. He would mentally speak to the pieces of dust, even as He is walking- and they would feel so joyful to get His paada sparsha!


And yes, you're right, even just thinking about Him here in this world is a kind of bliss, where even thinking about Him feels as if He's with you!


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I'm with you, I want to be Krsna's friend and hang out with him all the time. No offense to the rocks and trees etc... but I don't want to be a rock or a tree, I would like to be Krsna's friend and if they have golf courses in Vrndavana I would like to play golf with Him everyday. The main thing is that you are with Him all the time. No more of this eternal waiting game.

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Ya ya ya! The rock and tree business is for those who wanna be rock and trees!


We all have our own feelings as to how we want to be with Krishna, don't we?


Yeah, if there's a golfcourse, I'm sure He would like to play a few rounds with you. He might even let you win... once or twice. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif


I too am done waiting, but I guess I still have to leave it up to Him. Ok! I want to go, but I don't want to be pushy! Just like if He invites me to His house at seven, it would be rude to barge in at noon. Let Him make arrangements for us!


Yeah, and Krishna is not only good at sports (I dunno about the golf thingy) but He's a romantic guy too /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I'll leave it at that. Jaya Sri Krishna!!!

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I want Sree Krishna as my best friend for ever who would never leave me even a single moment, and who would live in my thoughts and actions and who would play around with me, eat with me, sleep with me, sing and dance with me, who would not mind me whenever I hug Him, and who would come in my dream every second when I am not in conscious state and by this way I remain with Him all through the time for ever. I want this in what ever place He gives me birth, whether in His vrindavana or in any other planet of His creation. I can certainly feel Him as my Friend even in this birth itself.

Sorry no signature..

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"I worship that transcendental seat, known as Çvetadvépa where as loving consorts the Lakñmés in their unalloyed spiritual essence practice the amorous service of the Supreme Lord Kåñëa as their only lover; where every tree is a transcendental purpose tree; where the soil is the purpose gem, all water is nectar, every word is a song, every gait is a dance, the flute is the favorite attendant, effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable and tasty, where numberless milk cows always emit transcendental oceans of milk; where there is eternal existence of transcendental time, who is ever present and without past or future and hence is not subject to the quality of passing away even for the space of half a moment. That realm is known as Goloka only to a very few self-realized souls in this world."

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From Cc Adi lila


krsnere karaya yaiche rasa asvadana

kridara sahaya yaiche, suna vivarana


Now please listen to how Lord Krsna's consorts help Him taste rasa and how they help in His pastimes.


krsna-kanta-gana dekhi tri-vidha prakara

eka laksmi-gana, pure mahisi-gana ara

vrajangana-rupa, ara kanta-gana-sara

sri-radhika haite kanta-ganera vistara


The beloved consorts of Lord Krsna are of three kinds: the goddesses of fortune, the queens, and the milkmaids of Vraja, who are the foremost of all. These consorts all proceed from Radhika.


avatari krsna yaiche kare a vatara

amsini radha haite tina ganera vistara


Just as the fountainhead, Lord Krsna, is the cause of all incarnations, so Sri Radha is the cause of all these consorts.


vaibhava-gana yena tanra anga-vibhti

bimba-pratibimba-rupa mahisira tati


The goddesses of fortune are partial manifestations of Srimati Radhika, and the queens are reflections of Her image.


laksmi-gana tanra vaibhava-vilasamsa-rupa

mahisi-gana vaibhava-prakasa-svarupa


The goddesses of fortune are Her plenary portions, and they display the forms of vaibhava-vilasa. The queens are of the nature of Her vaibhava-prakasa.


(vaibhava-vilas and prakash examples from Cc Madhya 20.170-onwards:


Sri Balarama is a vaibhava-prakasa manifestation of Krsna. He is also manifest in the original quadruple expansion of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. These are prabhava-vilasa expansions with different emotions.


From that prabhava-vilasa, the original catur-vyuha, comes the entire pantheon of caturvyuhas which are vaibhava-vilasa features of the Lord.


These four prabhava-vilasa pastime forms of Lord Krsna reside eternally in Dvaraka and Mathura.


From the original quadruple expansions, twenty-four forms are manifest. They differ according to the placement of weapons in Their four hands. They are called vaibhava-vilasa.


If one form or feature is differently manifested according to different emotional features, it is called vaibhava-prakasa


The first manifestation of the vaibhava feature of Krsna known as vaibhava-prakasa, is Sri Balarama. Balarama and Krsna have different bodily colors, but otherwise Balarama is equal to Krsna in all respects. Another example of vaibhava-prakasa is the son of Devaki. He sometimes has two hands and sometimes has four hands)



akara svabhava-bh ede vraia-devi-gana

kaya-vyuha-rupa tanra rasera karana


The Vraja-devis have diverse bodily features. They are Her expansions and are the instruments for expanding rasa.


bahu kanta vina nahe rasera ullasa

Iilara sahaya lagi' bahuta prakasa


Without many consorts, there is not such exultation in rasa. Therefore there are many manifestations of Srimati Radharani to assist in the Lord's pastimes.


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sahajiya was a cult wherin people tried to replicate rasa leela by having sexual intercourse with a person (not Krishna) who was acting as Krishna in rasa dance. They also thought that illicit material sex was a good way to get closer to Krishna.


You can't go around calling anyone who has a soft spot for Krishna "a sahajiya." Jeez!


And by the way "sahajiya" is a word used to describe the gopis love for Krishna, because it arises naturally and spontaneously. Only because that cult used the word to describe itself, and then did disgusting things, the word itself now has a bad connotation.

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When you do sankeerthana in public, sometimes people show emotions like crying, dancing, smiling, etc...


Either the emotions are faked, or they are real feelings for Krishna showing in public, as you cry His name in a loud voice.


But you don't call those people "sahajiyas."

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Uh oh.


Sometimes I start to cry a little in kirtana or my voice starts to freeze up so I have to stop chanting. I have seen a sannyasi do this also, Jayadwaita Swami, at least that is what it looks like to me. He smiles a lot at Ratha yatra. But the most it has lasted is like four or five words with me.


Who is ganapati?

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