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Thank u Theist

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I have been a regular reader of the forum and have contributed now and again. I the last couple of years i have seen lots of devotees of the Lord come and go namely Haridham (i remember cringing every time i read one of his posts) Pritta Mataji and various others. The one who throughout has left a positive impression has been Theist prabhu. I love the way your mind works and thinks. When i read a post by someone, your response never goes off on your own thoughts. Its always relevant and directly related to the topics under discussions. The replies u give are encouraging and what im training to say is that i value your opinion tremendously. You have my respect. Thank you once again and may Their sweet Lordship Sri Radha Gokulananda shower unlimited blessing on to such a great devotee.




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This is Brutal Hardcore Honesty straight from the heart of Theistji:


Coming clean-"it ain't that easy"








Originally posted by jijaji on another thread:

Many seek affiliation with ancient traditions and lines that give complex esotetic practices and teachings because it is a replacement for realization.

To have spiritual awakening is no easy or common thing, so seekers gravitate to a tradition that clams to possess the 'Highest' or most intimate or most secret teachings etc etc etc.

This is simply a SUBSTITUTE for realizing the 'TRUTH' itself.

It's like 'Fundy Christians' who say all ya gotta do is 'BEIEVE'...






This is a subject in and of itself.It is not limited to just those who align themselves with the "most esoteric".I have been very aware of myself doing this in many ways.I like to think of myself as an ardent seeker of the truth.

The fact is on a couple of occasions when I got a slight glimpse of some aspect of the truth it also involved my recognizing my own utter hatred,( yes hatred) of that reality.


I envy Krishna to the core.


Somehow I have become cornered by this philosophy.Birth and death sucks.Absorbtion into the impersonal Brahman is clearly not the best option.


So I am left hearing and chanting in a half-hearted way at best hoping to lessen my suffering in some way, while I come to grips with the reality that I am the eternal subordinate energy of Krishna and am meant to be enjoyed by Him.


It those words 'subordinate' and 'enjoyed'that are causing me grief.


So at this level it is like I am hiding from Krishna(and myself)by pretending to myself that I am a true seeker of God.I have also noticed a tendancy to increase my external sadhana at times to actual block this realization.


What a game.It is also a pyschological defense mechanism.If we focus too much on our own inner darkness too soon, we would just suffer a nervous breakdown.


I feel like a cornered rat.


Ys,Ratso Rizo



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yada yada yada [re: Guest]




{Staight from the heart into the soul

No one can say it like Theist

Hey ,I'll take your words to heart especially when you hit that clear bell of truth,the last leg of religion wobbling}:




You can find anything being said about any subject.So what.Atheists write books also.Does that mean God is a myth?


Try turning the same attention onto the Bhagavatam.What proof is there that Varaha existed?Or any of the characters mentioned in the Puranas.You can spend your time visiting the speculations of mundane academics if you like.The truth will never be known by that approach however.


We get so confused by trusting the mind.For instance where is your proof that I exist?Or anyone else for that matter.It could just be you dreaming that you are reading a post from another person.


One can be freed from the world of doubt only by the grace of Krsna and His devotees.


I'll say this again.If you really want to know if Christ is a real being,and are unwilling to accept Prabhupada's statements glorifying him, then why not ask the Lord in the heart to reveal he truth to you on this matter?Or do you think He is also a myth?Why waste vauable time searching the internet for sites that support your preconceived ideas?Anything can be found on the internet.We must go to a Source far deeper than Google.


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As usual your brutal honesty is refreshing to us all but if you think your devotional service is dull or half hearted you are not alone. I have to use multipliers to finish my 16 rounds a day anymore. With the right multipliers I can get done in no time at all. I also switch back and forth between spiritual masters (Prabhuada and Christ) on a regular basis to try and reduce the amount of restrictions on my behavior and looking for loopholes in the Vasnaiva code. In fairness to Prabhupada I only consider him my spiritual master not that he has accepted me as his student. So as you can see my propensity to cheat is off the charts.

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I also switch back and forth between spiritual masters (Prabhuada and Christ) on a regular basis to try and reduce the amount of restrictions on my behavior and looking for loopholes in the Vasnaiva code. In fairness to Prabhupada I only consider him my spiritual master not that he has accepted me as his student. So as you can see my propensity to cheat is off the charts.



Maybe you are feeling forced to pick Christ or Prabhupada thinking you can only have one spiritual master. There is an external need that gets pressed upon us to have our spiritual life all neatly categorized like a filing cabinet, handy for easy and quick reference when called for, as in "Whose your guru prabhu?" Gotta be able to name one right off right?



But those sort of categories may not fit the internal reality. Both Christ and Prabhupada have the same desire for us and that is to love Krsna without reservation. Pray to them both. Pray to the Lord in your heart to make things clear for you.


Others may demand to know your allegiance, to this person or that. That is because they refuse to see you as spiritsoul and their mind needs to see you in one category or another so it will know how to respond to you. Like the standard "How many rounds do you chant prabhu?" lol


Prabhupada said "Who you hear from, that is your guru". In the same light we can know who our guru is by who we really want to serve, to please by the actions of our life. Who inspires you and shows you the way. Who fills you with a particle of their bhakti-shakti (loving devotional energy).


If that is both Christ and Prabhupada then fabulous. Guru is the Lord in the heart and along with those gurus He may inspire us as Lord Caitanya or hearing about Haridas Thakur. If He appears to us more prominently through one being then naturally we will reciprocate in that way.


These saviors are not in competition but rather cooperation. It's the silly so-called followers that insist on erecting walls of sectarian thought to divide themselves from others.


As far as loopholes go that is true of EVERYONE to one degree or another. We bargain with Krsna often on levels unseen by we ourselves. Myself I am not a devotee but rather a liberationist who has adopted the devotee jargon. But by reading Prabhupada's books I can't help but see the folly in not only heaven but sayuja-mukti as well. So i am feeling really stuck. We are all concerned with our own selfish motives and until we really understand that the only welfare we can show to ourselves is to surrender to Krsna then we wil struggle along like this.


It is very good that you are so vigilant and can see some of these mind games. Those that can't even after so many years may end up building vyasasanas for themselves or some similar weird trip.


I also can only point to Prabhupada as guru. i have never lived anything close to the life of a genuine disciple. Any claims to be his student in any capacity should be made by the way we live our life and relate to God and others. The words "I am his disciple" need never cross our lips.


Yes you have a propensity to cheat and to be cheated to pay that debt of cheating others off. It's a vicious circle. There are countless universes full of us in the same boat. But you have become away of it. A disease must be recognized and properly diagnosed before a plan of treatment can be administered. You are doing that. Krsna will see to our success.

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