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How to Control Frustration & Anger !

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Sometimes it happens - that we get agitated by personal or Official reasons - we tend to Yell ! at person who had nothing to do with the frustration. How can we avoid this. Why are we born this way - how to improve not hurting others.How can we do good things for others without expecting in return.Our mind is mapped in such a way you do something for me and i shall do if the favor is done !.


Why we pray to Lord Venkateswara or any other DemiGod !, - can you do please do this for me and i shall offer you........Why is our mind is mapped in such a way !.When will be there be peace - how can we stop War !.


Being a Krsna Devotee - i dont want to hurt any Soul ! Kindly Help ! provide me a Solution to tackle this !


Email :Suresh_krsna@rediffmail.com



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Lord Venkateshwara is Narayana/Govinda, not a demigod.


Our pain will cease when we can ask nothing from God but Himself.


As Prema Pandurang said, we go to temple; we give five rupees and ask for five million. Ok! Krishna is ok with that- but when will you ask for Him?


When you start loving Krishna for Himself, you begin to get peace of mind. Because anger and all the other faults have their root in desire. When we desire material things, our desires are often frustrated, and we become sad, angry, bitter... but when our desire is to love the Lord, just for the sake of loving Him, then we can always be fulfilled, we can always be happy. Slowly slowly all the other desires cease. And finally, when our only desire is God, we will become happy... because Krishna is always there with us, and we can never lose Him.



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When you start loving Krishna for Himself, you begin to get peace of mind. Because anger and all the other faults have their root in desire. When we desire material things, our desires are often frustrated, and we become sad, angry, bitter...



So spiritual desire causes us to have spiritual anger. !


Can never get rid of anger its natural. So no point trying.

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Pankaja, I wouldn't say that the anger of all devotees is "spiritual." /images/graemlins/smile.gif I know when I give into anger, it is not spiritual anger, but my illusory clinging to things and people in the world that are not mine, but Krishna's. The false sense of proprietorship.


Krishna is the property-owner, and we and all we "have" are His property. We should be happy, then, with whatever He chooses to do with us and ours.


Best we try to control our passions while we are still on this earthly plane.


I think the happier you are, the less likely you are to be angry. Doesn't mean you will never disagree with anyone on anything. Doesn't mean you can't debate. Just means that you aren't an anger machine ready to blow at any second.

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Getting angry with Krishna is another thing altogether!


Yashoda is His, but really He is hers too. /images/graemlins/smile.gif That's just God playing with the devotee... no real (mundane) anger there (though she will feel angry at Him, scream and shout). Yes, that's the divine anger you were talking about.


But the anger of devotees in this world (especially devotees at our level) is usually mundane. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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