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If you chant Hare Krsna mantra you will be relieved from the infection of this Kali y

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by Srila Prabhupada


But there is always light and darkness. Always. So the light party will be also there. This is the only, that take to Krsna consciousness. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah. In the Kali-yuga, it is an ocean of faults. Dosa-nidhi. Nidhi means ocean, and dosa means faults. But there is one opportunity. Kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah. Very great profit. What is that? Kirtanad eva krsnasya. Simply by chanting Krsna's name and becoming Krsna con..., one shall be freed from all these calamities and he'll go back to home, back to Godhead. Simply by this.


Kirtanad eva krsnasya. This very word is used. Mukta-sangah param vrajet. So this is the only shelter. If people take to Krsna consciousness, they'll be saved from all the calamities of this age. Otherwise, there is no other... Now they are going to the forest, the hippies. Eh? Acchinna-dara-dravina gacchanti giri-kananam. Giri-kananam means to the forests, to the hills. They'll go. Acchinna-dara-dravinam. Dara means wife, and dravina means money. So they'll be separated from wife and money, and they'll go to the forest and hills, being disappointed. This is happening already.


This is Kali-yuga. But there is remedy. There is remedy. Kalau dosa-nidhe rajan. The faults of this age, just like ocean. Just like in the ocean, you cannot... Pacific Ocean... If you are put into the Pacific Ocean, you do not know how your life will be saved. It is very difficult. Even if you are very expert swimmer, so it is not possible that you can cross the Pacific Ocean. That is not possible.


Similarly, the Kali-yuga, as it is stated in the Bhagavata, that infected with so many anomalies that there is no way out. But there is one medicine only: kirtanand eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet. That is also described, that "If you chant Hare Krsna mantra," kirtanad eve krsnasya, "especially the name Krsnasya, mukta sangah, you will be relieved from the infection of this Kali yuga."


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