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"How do we know when we are serving Krsna?"

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is that, the mind says something, but Krsna doesn't want what the the mind says, but what He really wants is service to His devotees. So to convince the mind the actual goal is to serve the Vaisnavas and thus thereby serving Krsna is a big challenge. Somehow or another, the mind must be convinced that service to God is service to His devotees, uncondional and unmotivated, full surrender to their words. As Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur said, "Never trust the mind". So, to convince the mind is great great challenge.

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I asked this same question of the then Kirtanananda Maharaja (of the Original Eleven) in Toronto temple.


He responded by noting that there are three levels of answers: perfect, more perfect, and most perfect answers.


The perfect answer is that one can serve either Krsna or maya. The more perfect answer was 'you will be engaged in one of the nine processes of devotional service, namely hearing, chanting, remembering, etc. And the most perfect answer was that 'guru is there and Krsna is there'.

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