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Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati describes himself before his meeting Gaurakisora Babaji

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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur describes himself before his meeting Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji:


"I have been busy within this material world trying to bring sense gratification within the grasp of my hand. I have often thought that by obtaining the object of sense gratification, all my shortcomings will be fulfilled. I often attained different assets that were indeed very rare, but my own personal shortcomings were never mitigated. In this material world I have had the association of very high-class, aristocratic persons. However, seeing their various deficiencies, I could not offer them praise. The most merciful Supreme Lord, Sri Gourasundara, seeing me in such a lamentable condition at such a time of diversity, gave permission to His two dearmost devotees to grant their blessings to me. Because I was always intoxicated with a worldly false ego, wanting again and again self-aggrandizement, I deprived myself of my own real benefit. But because of the influence of my previous births' activities in devotional service, I came into the association of Srila Bhativinode Thakura, who was the form of my spiritual well wisher.


"My spiritual master would go and visit Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and many times would reside with him. Srila Bhaktivinode, out of his compassion for other living entities, pointed out my spiritual master, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji. Upon seeing my spiritual master, the extent of by worldly false ego diminished. I know that all the other living entities who have taken the human form of life were also fallen and low like myself. But by gradually observing the spiritual character of my master, I realized that only a Vaisnava could reside in this material world and be of exemplary character."


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