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It is so nice that even the most stonehearted man will be melted !

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<font color="blue"> "Locana dasa Thakura says,

'My dear brother, you just try and examine this.

Within the three worlds there is no one like Lord Caitanya or Lord Nityananda, because Their merciful qualities are so great that They make even birds and beasts cry, what to speak of human beings.'


Actually, when Lord Caitanya passed through the forest known as Jarikhanda, the tigers, elephants, snakes, deer, and all other animals joined Him in chanting Hare Krsna. It is so nice that anyone can join. Even the animals can join, what to speak of human beings. Of course, it is not possible for ordinary men to induce animals to chant, but if Caitanya Mahaprabhu could inspire animals to chant, at least we can encourage human beings to adopt this path of Hare Krsna mantra chanting.


It is so nice that even the most stonehearted man will be melted. Pasano means stone. It is so nice that even stone will melt."


</font color>




From Sri Sri Gaura-Nityanander Daya

by Locana Dasa Thakura,

Purport by Srila Prabhupada

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"... this Deity, although we know that we have made it from stone, He’s not stone. He is stone to the stone-hearted. If one is stone-hearted, then Krsna will stand as stone forever.

But if one is soften-hearted by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, then he’ll talk with Krsna. That is the difference. Krsna is always present."


(Lecture 17th August 1971. Srimad Bhagavatam 1:1:2. at London, England)




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Descriptions of Demons

December 17th, 2005



Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Sri Caitanya Siksamrita describes the demons Krishna killed in His Vrindavana pastimes and the anarthas (unwanted things) that they represent.


Putana - the pseudo guru Sakatasura (the cart demon) - carrying the burden of a cart-load of old and new bad habits, lethargy and vanity.


Trinavarta (the whirlwind demon) - false pride which comes from material scholarship, which leads to bogus philosophies.





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