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Arafat death bed?

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Well ole Yassar Arafat may be dying. I have been wishing for this to happen soon for years now. Peace MAY have a chance with him out of the way.


But a curious thing happened last night while thinking of this. I started to see him as my brother, you know behind the Arafat the terrorist persona. I even asked Krsna to help Him remember Him as Allah at the moment of death. It all felt strange to me.


Don't get me wrong I still think its time for him to get off the world stage. The sooner the better.


But may Krsna please interven with His grace and spare this soul from the thousands of hellish births his karma surely has lined up for him. May he also be granted a change of heart.


I'm still chokin' a little on the words but I gotta practice.

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we should also pray for Sharon to follow his buddy real soon /images/graemlins/smile.gif considering the fact that he looks like a tub of lard, he is probably not that far behind...


it is demons like these two that prevent common people from living together in peace. sorry guys, I'm not advanced enough to have much sympathy for people like that. they may be my brothers, but right now I feel like beating the snot out of them - and in my opinion, this is what they really need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haribol. Devotees wish all beings well. When Lord Brahma created the personality of Death, She refused to kill for him. Negotiations followed, and brahma created a mechanism for the human beings to kill themselves, and Death was given the duty to greet the newly dead well.


Arafat was a great personality. He was accepted as a world leader. He counts himself among the warriors. He was unsuccessful in his worldly mission, to have a homeland for the palestinians, and he was largely responsible for his lack of success.


Being the leader of the 101st nation in a world with only 100 countries is a very difficult job. Ill give him that the palestinians will always revere him for what he wanted, not what he did. The greatest tribute to Arafat would be a workable treaty that gives the palestinians a homeland.


Whattll happen? Kali Yuga, no political solutions, just more bullets and bombs. Reagan defeated the soviet union, but did not even know his name at the end. But these folks are empowered, we cannot do what they do, all we do is talk about the great personalities, good or bad, or neither, victims of partisan biases.


If one wants to see Arafat properly, read his Nobel Prize acceptance speach. Curse him, praise him, bury him, pray to Krsna that he remember soon.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Good realization, bro. A vaisnava is equal to all, bears no malice. Lord Jesus commands vaisnavas to practice this "love your enemy" stuff. Tough, but necessary. I try it with di booshmon now and then, very hard, but very necessary. yo bro, mad mahax

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Well perhaps he remembered rama allah at the time of death and longed for it his home town. I wish the soul well but am glad he is gone. I called him the Lizard man because everytime I saw his image he reminded me of a big lizard.


No doubt without some last minute Divine intervention he is now in hell. His wife should be alright though. Even though the $150,000 a month she received for her life in France will no doubt stop she still must have a bunch stashed along with the estimate Billion dollars in secret bank accounts that he and her squirreled away. $ that was sent to help the Palestinian people.


My rejoicing at his demise is only tempered by the fact of what remains. Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc. The nest is still filled with venomous snakes.

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Haribol. I have good and bad things to say about the guy. The worst is that he may have stolen from those who revere him, a greater crime than the so-called terrorism.


The best is that he used the weapon available to him. One mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. When Saddam was gassin the ayatollahs boys, he was great, protecting his non-fanatic empire from the fundamentalist hoards. When bin laden was a mujjahadin, killing illegal occupying force of the Soviets, he was a great freedom fighter. And, the basras of Israel were freedom fighting when the likes of sharon and menachim begin were bombing busses full of british school children in the late 40s. Terrorism smerrorism, just buzz words to get simple folk emotions running hot.


The fact is, there is no reason to rejoice because one bad dude dies. They are all wooden ducks, one goes down, another pops up. Abu Nidal was the worst thing in the world, carlos the assassin was the great evil. Neither lasted long, but the evil still lurks. Arafat has been old for a very long time, much too old to bomb anything, too attached to position to kill himself for a foolish jihad. Bin laden will not fly a jet into a building, but hell die in misery just like all the wooden ducks, and a bunch of new wooden ducks will pop up again.


Alliende was replaced by pinocchet, a lesser evil replaced by a greater one. Same with castro replacing bautista. Lumumba was considered to be evil (why, ill never know, because he preached jeffersonian democracy), so the CIA gave power to Moise Tsombe, a true butcher of the Idi Amin ilk.


Who will replace Arafat, who will replace Saddam. Dont bet the farm on an improvement, because things get worse, not better, in Kali Yuga. I do not rejoice when a demagogue passes away. I await his replacement with further dread and fear for the world. Better to deal with the devil we know than the devil we dont know.


Perdition, anyone? Mad Mahax beyond armageddon.

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Hare Krishna


Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.5.36

Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of sańkīrtana.

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Arafat's Terrorist Legacy: A Partial List





Arutz Sheva, Israel National News (Israel), Nov. 11, 2004





Yasser Arafat, considered the founder of the modern-day terrorism, began a wave of murder against Jewish targets around the world shortly after taking control of the PLO in 1968-9. For example:


Among the murderous exploits he inspired were the following:


* the Savoy Hotel attack of March 1975, in which seven hostages and two soldiers were killed after Fatah terrorists landed on the beach and seized the hotel.


* the Maalot massacre in May 1974 in which a school building was taken over while children from Tzfat on a school trip were sleeping there. Three teachers and 22 schoolchildren were killed.


* the Munich Olympics slaughter, in which eleven Israeli athletes were killed in September 1972.


* the Nahariya/Avivim school bus attack, May 1970. Palestinian terrorists crossed the border from Lebanon, ambushed the bus with a barrage of gunfire, and murdered 12 children and 3 adults, and left several others crippled.


* the Lod Airport Massacre, May 1972, carried out by three Japanese Red Army terrorists in an operation planned and supported by PLO faction PFLP-GC, killing 26 and wounding 78.


* the Kiryat Shmonah apartment building attack in April 1974: PFLP-GC terrorists penetrated the Israeli border town, entered an apartment building on Yehuda HaLevy St. and killed all 18 residents they found there, including 9 children.


* the Coastal Road bus hijacking of March 1978, in which 11 Fatah terrorists ,who infiltrated by sea, killed a photographer and a taxi driver and hijacked a bus filled with adults and many children. The terrorists fired on passing cars from the bus, and when they were finally stopped, they began firing missiles. The massacre left 35 people dead and 100 injured.


* the brutal murder of three U.S. diplomats held hostage in Khartoum, Sudan, in March 1973. The terrorists demanded the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. Arafat was recorded as having given the execution orders.


* the Achille Lauro hijacking of a cruise ship in October 1985, in which wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer, 69, was shot and thrown overboard into the ocean. Israeli intelligence later showed that the terrorists had been in contact, via the ship's radio telephone, with a PLF coordinator in Genoa, who in turn was in touch with PLO headquarters in Tunis for final instructions.


Arafat was famous for denying responsibility for the terrorism committed by his underlings. Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former Romanian intelligence official who defected to the West after working closely with Arafat, writes that Romanian dictator Ceausescu advised him how to do this:


"In the shadow of your government-in-exile, you can keep as many operational groups as you want, as long as they are not publicly connected with your name. They could mount endless operations all around the world, while your name and your 'government' would remain pristine and unspoiled, ready for negotiations and further recognition."


Describing Arafat in his memoirs, Pacepa writes that Arafat represented "an incredible account of fanaticism ... of tangled oriental political maneuvers, of lies, of embezzled PLO funds deposited in Swiss banks, and of homosexual relationships, beginning with his teacher when he was a teenager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading that report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand."


Internationally, in 1972 alone, PLO groups blew up a West German electricity plant, a Dutch gas plant and an oil refinery in Trieste, Italy. In 1975, the presence of Arafat and his 15,000-strong army in Lebanon triggered a bloody civil war that raged on for nearly two decades, costing 40,000 lives.


Arafat was banished from Jordan to Lebanon in 1970 in the course of a violent war against the PLO by King Hussein, and from Lebanon to Tunis in 1982 following the Peace for Galilee War. He orchestrated the first "intifada," beginning in 1987, from Tunis, though it had supposedly started spontaneously.


In 1994, following the Oslo Accords, Arafat was allowed to enter Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Israel essentially forbade him from leaving Ramallah for the last three years of his life. Palestinian terrorists, funded and encouraged by the "statesman" Arafat, have murdered over 1,300 Israelis since the signing of the Oslo Agreement.

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Shall we list Israeli atrocities? Shall we show sharon marching thru the refugee camps, slaughtering all. Why not have an accurate picture of the eye for an eye philosophy, which means for every israeli killed, 100 palestinians must die whether they did it or not.


How about Israeli compassion for the American Rachel Corey, who was mercilessly bulldozed. How about Israel loyalty to US with their mossad pollock convicted for stealing our security.


I dont mind listing, but I do mind slanted reports. Fact is, there is no piety in kali yuga wars.



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Not my guy, but I gotta honor "their" guy, dont I? I give the same respect for all those who have extreme fame (the type you nor I will ever have), because the fame is but a spark of the splendor of the really famous one, Lord Krsna. Just like Srila Prabhupada recognizing the fame of Hitler. Hitler was not Srila Prabhupadas "guy" (though many fools thought so), but he recognized the fact that ordinary people did not have the sanction to do what the great ones (both good and bad) have done.


Arafat is the leader of a nation that has no country, this cannot be taken away from the palestinian. Misled? Perhaps, but my concern is that they were stolen from, because they already have nothing. Maybe they will reject him now that hes gone, but I doubt it. It is not a good strategy for the west to say "now hes gone, lets talk peace". A better approach is to let them (the palestinian) have their hero, and work for the peace that eluded him, by his own foolishness, but also because of foolishness of Israel as well.


Olso failure was not arafats alone, sharon would have not given them anything, despite treaties. There are treaties in place now that are blatently disregarded by Israel.


Tell ya what, If bush succeeds in this effort, he says to give that nation a country of their own, then my opinion of him will change as well.


But to say the world is better off because a person dies is not intelligent, and is full of bad karma. Hear that, Mr Chaney?

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Well sometimes the world is better off when a powerful demon leaves.


Oh BTW Bush has been calling for an independent Palestinian state since he took office in 2001.


If it was up to me to direct Israel I would impose a plan unilateraly. I would look for borders that match up fairly well with past proposals for the Palestinians move out any settlers, and build an impenetrable wall between Israel and Palestine.


Forgeting the right of return arguements from the Palestinians and the fact that they lost war in 1967? were they, Syria, Egypt and I don't now who else tried to crush Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. The spoils of war point that I feel has alot of credence.


Forget history basically and just deal with the present. I think Israel has been tolerant considering the Palestinians have developed into a suicide bomb culture killing their woman and children, under the kind hand of Arafat I might add.

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  • 1 month later...

Arafat had millions in global investments


Interests included tech groups, bowling alley


Posted: Dec. 24, 2004


In 35 years as Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat raised billions of dollars. He spent the fortune to wield power, to pay militants who attacked Israel and to invest in the United States and the Middle East.



Arafat used a holding company to buy stakes that ranged from $285 million in Egyptian mobile-phone company Orascom Telecom Holding SAE and its affiliates to some $30 million in private equity, mostly in the U.S. These included $3.2 million in Simplexity Inc., of Herndon, Va., which makes electronic-commerce software; $2.1 million in Vaultus Inc., based in New York and Boston, which makes software for wireless computers; and $1.3 million in Strike Holdings LLC, which owns the Bowlmor Lanes bowling alley in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village.


Arafat, who died Nov. 11 at age 75, disclosed $799 million of investments in documents the Palestinian Authority has released over the past two years that show he didn’t just invest in building basic services in the West Bank and Gaza. At a time when the authority was starved for funds, Arafat’s money managers placed bets from Tel Aviv to Silicon Valley on venture capital funds, software start-ups and telecommunications companies.


“Arafat was notoriously secretive, and he spread the money all over,” says Rachel Ehrenfeld, director of the American Center for Democracy and author of “Funding Evil: How Terrorism Is Financed and How to Stop It.” “He didn’t give the public a view of the investments until the donor community protested about corruption.”


Venture capital investments

Arafat and his money managers invested abroad through Palestine Commercial Services Co., a holding company owned by the Palestinian Authority. Arafat controlled PCSC through his financial adviser, Mohamed Rachid, according to Palestinian legislators Hanan Ashrawi and Azmi Shuaibi. Arafat appointed Rachid as PCSC’s chairman, a June 2004 World Bank report shows.


In 2002, Arafat handed control of Palestine Commercial Services to a new Palestine Investment Fund, which then hired Standard & Poor’s, a New York division of McGraw-Hill Cos., to value the investments.


In May 2004, the fund released its first annual report, which covered 2003 and was audited by the Amman, Jordan, office of Ernst & Young, a member of New York-based Ernst & Young International. The report showed the Palestine Investment Fund had net income of $40.1 million in 2003 on revenue of $85.1 million.


The report also revealed Palestine Commercial Services held a $6.8 million account of venture capital investments at New York-based Citigroup Inc. “Citigroup does not have any accounts for Yasser Arafat, and we never have,” company spokeswoman Shannon Bell said in a Nov. 19 statement.


Citigroup Chief Executive Officer Charles Prince, 55, declined to answer questions about the account. There is no indication that Citigroup was aware that Arafat controlled Palestine Commercial Services.


As chairman since 1969 of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Arafat controlled another set of investments and bank accounts, valued in 2002 at $500 million by Israeli army intelligence.


In the U.S., Arafat’s money managers set up Delaware holding companies for the sole purpose of making investments for Palestine Commercial Services, says Zeid Masri, 38, an American of Palestinian heritage who handled some of the investments and is managing partner of SilverHaze Partners LLC.


Palestinian connection

McLean, Va.-based SilverHaze manages an undisclosed amount of money for wealthy families, says Masri, who’s distantly related to two of the seven directors on the Palestine Investment Fund’s board.


To invest in Strike Holdings, which owns Bowlmor Lanes in Greenwich Village and bowling alleys in Miami, Bethesda, Md., and New York’s Long Island, Masri says he created a holding company called Onyx Funds LLC. Onyx, which is 100% owned by Palestine Commercial Services, was incorporated on June 1, 2002, in Delaware. Its only holding is the $1.3 million of Strike Holding shares.


Masri says the investment came about because he was a classmate of Strike Holdings founder Thomas Shannon at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.


SilverHaze Partners has also invested in Strike Holdings, Masri says. Shannon didn’t return phone calls requesting comment.


“We were shocked,” Marcia Horowitz, a spokeswoman for Strike Holdings and Bowlmor Lanes, said in a statement about the investment. “This information was never disclosed to us previously. Had we known the source of these funds, which represent approximately two percent of our company’s equity, we would never have accepted them. We have instructed our attorneys to sever the relationship with SilverHaze immediately and return the money.”


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The Palesinians worshiped him as their leader. He was the force behind the suicide bombings of Israeli women children men by the hundereds. Stood in the way of a peaceful settlement of the crisis which brought suffering and poverty to his own people. Watched as the Palestinians dressed the young sons and daughters up in play suicide bomb belts and paraded them around in their increasing frenzy of racial hatred and all the while was staeling hundreds of millions of dollars from the aid money other countries gave to help the people of Palestine. Sent his wife 100,000 a month for living expenses in the South of France will the people around him lived in rubble.


The world is lighter with him off Bhumi's back. Now we will see who replaces him. A major crossroads for the region.


May he also find God.



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