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Human form and Human life

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<font color="blue">PAMHO</font color>


Hi all..back with one more question...need clearence..


As far as I understood, to get human form/human life is very rare and one must be considered very lucky...human life is meant for devotional services/understand krishna...


but still, there are souls with human life but couldn't perform devotional services or worst of all couldn't even live a normal life...I refer to ppl born with major physical or mental disabilities,ppl with brain disorders and etc..


So I would like devotees to shed some light on this...thanx



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Yes how responsible can they be held? And why are they born into such a situation which they are precluded from fulfilling the mission of human life because of such faulty tools?


The karmic interactions really are beyond our comprehension. We can understand the most basic workings of the law but the details?...never.


Perhaps they committed some crime to another which they are now paying for, which after the debt is paid they may resume their with more normal births.


We see just a tiny portion of the that soul's circumstance and can only guess as to the reasons as to why they have come about.


Some say that souls sometimes take on such harsh births as being crippled or extreme poverty as an aid in some way to help them surrender more to the Lord. Makes a certain sense but who knows for sure.


Interesting stuff to think about though. We can rest assured of one thing and that is that Krsna is firmly in control and all are being treated fairly under His watchful eyes.

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sure, they are being asked to do a lot of things that they are not capable of. Life would be hard for them. Sri Krishna does not ask impossible things of people. Their next birth will definitely be much easier, I'm sure /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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hi, theistji & vanamali mataji...wasn't online last two days...just checked ur replies...



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the karmic interactions really are beyond our comprehension. We can understand the most basic workings of the law but the details?...never.

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very true theistji...The lord works in a very mysterious way...isn't he?...whenever I come across this mysterious situations, I will feel this urge to question this happenings...that is how I will end up posting here...





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Perhaps they committed some crime to another which they are now paying for, which after the debt is paid they may resume their with more normal births.


Some say that souls sometimes take on such harsh births as being crippled or extreme poverty as an aid in some way to help them surrender more to the Lord. Makes a certain sense but who knows for sure.

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I feel the same too..."suffering" is the punishment and "surrendering" is the reward...






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sure, they are being asked to do a lot of things that they are not capable of. Life would be hard for them. Sri Krishna does not ask impossible things of people. Their next birth will definitely be much easier, I'm sure

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Krishna has great plans for them !?....come to think of it I feel very ashamed of myself...the lord is doing his duty very well....but being part and parcel of him, i am here in this world forgetting my duties and trying to fulfill my mundane desires!!!








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