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just saw this on pankajas site


These are simple guidelines for preaching the Holy names to everybody.


If you are in your home town then you can put up a sign outside your home. Subtle with Maha-mantra on it. Maybe make your own sign or ask somebody to make. Either way make it personal. Remember variety is the spice of life.!


If you are working and feel shy about Krishna or you don’t know the philosophy very well not to worry. Just telling somebody about holy names is austerity in itself. You will benefit Krishna will surely bless you with appropriate knowledge.


Try to make effort to read Gita. Memorise some verses, whatever you want. Even one verse is good. Be confident. Not to worry about Sanskrit. English is fine too.


It may seem very childish to ask somebody to chant etc. And not know much philosophy. But chanting is main. Find out about Holy names. Why/what/where.


Nobody likes to hear about God and His names that’s the whole problem. The mind is so dulled with sinfulness it only knows this. That goes for almost everybody. That’s why we NEED to chant.


Preaching to close companions etc is the most demanding and most irritating of the lot. You’d expect these heathens would understand you. After all they are your flesh and blood. I mean what’s there problem? They don’t have The Holy Names.


Be positive and chant yourself, PURITY IS THE FORCE. Keyword.


Do anything but do something, that’s all. No need to have a heart attack. Just try at least. This is after all for God. I mean God has asked us all to do something. When do we ask him for anything? Always or never. Sweet Krishna said this simple thing. To spread Holy names we’d do well to help Krishna. God helps those who help themselves. Lets at least try to implement this change of heart.


I know after reading this you may forget but don’t God needs you! Yes Krishna The Supreme Personality of Godhead asked YOU. Not your next door neighbour. Foolish soul. I have lots of putdowns that devotees give. They are all true.


Please spread The Holy names this is the highest service.



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I'll be honest most people start looking at me weird whenever I even mention the slightest thing about Krishna consciousness. Where I live people are more receptive to Christianity so whenever possible I just suggest praying or chanting to Jesus. How Prabhupada did what he did was amazing but in my experience full blown Krishna consciousness is too much for people in America.

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Understanding ourselves is the highest service to God. What is the point if we can't understand the nature of this universe, why we are here, & what our relation is to everything else?

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In the western world people including myself are generally much more interested in watching people throw balls through hoops, and play sports etc. then they are in being liberated from the clutches of birth and death, philosophy, religion etc. and so on and so forth. Most of the people I know think the idea of reincarnation is absurd and associate it with cult new age philosophy. Its definetly a difficult task that Prabhupada undertook trying to bring Krishna Consciousness to the West. I apologize if I offended anybody, I wasn't trying to put down Krishna Consciousness.

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My hearing of the term Christ consciousness is that we should attain the same consciousness as Christ has,or as Christians say "the mind of Christ", which we know as Krsna consciousness.


A.M. You know I don't see the strengthening someone's faith in Lord Jesus Christ as being outside of Krsna consciousness. I would love to see Christians pick up the practices of Christians in the Eastern Orthodox Church in terms of chanting the Jesus Prayer. They would use beads and chant Lord Jesus Christ please have mercy on me on one bead and then move to the next. The idea was to enter into a spontaneous constant chanting from the soul.


Just that plus stopping the animal slaughter and adding an understanding of reincarnation to their philosophy would transform that religion.

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There seems to be some sort of alchemy that mixes souls according to their adhikar or development and we get directed to like souls accordingly. The cheat finds cheats to plan their heist, the saint talks in revelations to the like minded recipient, the impersonalist will find their atheistic company. And the devotee will always be directed to receptive souls that yearn to hear Hari Katha on every level, if that's what we really want.

I firmly believe if you have that realization and deep thirst for giving Krsnas' Consciousness to others even Ramananda Raya-like souls will be sent to you.

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but as Jesus, and possibly even Prabhupada proved there is no guarantee Judas disciples won't kill you no matter how giving you are etc. and so on and so forth. Of course a great soul like Jesus and Prabhupada dying while spreading love of God is a superficial explanation but nonetheless it is still tragic. Perhaps this is part of the reason it is best to accept no disciples in Kali-yuga?

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There seems to be some sort of alchemy that mixes souls according to their adhikar or development and we get directed to like souls accordingly. The cheat finds cheats to plan their heist, the saint talks in revelations to the like minded recipient, the impersonalist will find their atheistic company. And the devotee will always be directed to receptive souls that yearn to hear Hari Katha on every level, if that's what we really want.

I firmly believe if you have that realization and deep thirst for giving Krsnas' Consciousness to others even Ramananda Raya-like souls will be sent to you.



I agree very much with this. A rough analogy can be seen in a schoolhouse where people of many different levels are taught under one roof. Thos in 1st grade group together in their classroom and learn the appropriate curriculum for them to advance and so do those in the higher classes. The teachers all have the same level of training but dispense the lessons in accordance with their students ability to assimilate what is given to them. Sometimes students from higher classes will visit with lower class students to help them in some particular way. This is also part of their training to eventually become teachers themselves. They are learning how to extend a hand out to lift someone up just as they have taken someone else's hand who is trying to lift them higher. It's all very natural.


I believe such tutors need to emerge from the Krsna conscious classroom to act as teachers aids and help our brother's and sister's in the Christian groups advance their theism.


Now if some higher classmen think they need to approach the lower grade students and fight and argue with them then that is seen as just a disturbance and works to no one's gain. They act outside of their own teachers sanction motivated by a need to feed their own ahankara. Nothing good can come of this.


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There is a mood on the higher level of devotion called Bhava-bhama that Srimati Radharani exhibits to the extreme which means although she is cent per cent surrendered to Krsna in love and will, she plays with him, stating. "No I won't do that." Which simply draws more attraction and effort from the Lord. It increases lila if potency is there, but in the mundane world it merely increases rebellion and attitude that may well lead to disconnection in the relationship. Nevertheless the Lord understands all our sentiments more than we do ourselves, and even if we don't do as He wishes He can change that at any given moment.

Mahaprabhu states in Siksastakam "No matter how you treat me You will still be my Lord birth after birth." I'm the criminal, I deserve whatever I receive. But there is no other life, no other life, no other life.

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