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Ayurveda Ch. 4

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annaM kAle'bhyava hRtam, koSThe prANAnilAhRtam |

'dravair vibhinna sanghAtaM, nItaM snehena mArdavam ||29||

sandhuxitaH samAnena, pacatyAmAzayasthitam |

[audaryo'gnir yathA bAhyaH, sthAlI-sthaM toya-taNDulam] ||30||

Adau SaDRsamapy annaM, madhurI bhUtamIrayet |

pheni-bhUtaM kapham, yAtaM, vidAhAdamlatAM tataH ||31||

pittam AmAzayAt kuryac, cyiva mAnaM, cyutaM punaH |

agninA zoSitaM pakvaM, piNDitaM kaTumArutam ||32||'

[aSTAnga-hRdaya : zArIra 3:55-58]

Food honored at appropriate timeistaken to koSTha = gastro-intestinal tract with prANa-vAyu's help.

There it's disintegrated by liquid secretions & becomes soft by unctuous secretions produced by samAna-vAyu stimulation.

tbc in next post (30-32)

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Diet located in AmAzaya (stomach + small intestine) gets digested analogous to rice cooking mixed with water, placed in vessel upon external fire.

At first, 6 taste consistent food becomes sweet, thus producing foamy-natured kapha (mucous).

2nd stage, due to vidAha (burning), diet becomes sour, and during this process, as food leaves AmAzaya, pitta is produced.

After it has left AmAzaya, watery portion from residue gets absorbed by digestion taking piNDa (solid mass) shape.

Meanwhile, pungent mAruta (wind) manifests.

Still finding these gross bodies attractive?

Recalling MahArANI RukminI's dazama-skandha anatomical description?

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bhaumApyAgneya vAyavyAH, pancoSmANaH sanAbhasAH |

pancAhAra guNAn syAn syAn, pArthivAdIn pacanty anu ||33||

yathAsvan te ca puSNAnti, paktvA bhUta guNAn pRthak |

pArthivAH pArthivAn eva, zeSA zeSAz ca deha-gAn ||34||

Thereafter, 5 bhUtAgnis: bhaumAgni, apyagni, agneyAgni, vAyavyAgni, nAbhasAgni digest 5 food groups.

These attributes, after metabolic transformation of their bhautik separately, nourish those of the dhAtus.

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ko'rthaH? auSadhi gurvAdi guNavyatiriktAn ApyAdi mahA-bhUta guNAn deha gAnityarthaH

By implication, apart from attributes like drugs' guru (heaviness) etc., these agnis assist in mahAbhUtas' attributes' metabolic transformation like jala etc. in body.

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kecid Ahur aho rAtrAt Sad ahAd apare, pare |

mAsena yAti zukratvaM rasaH pAka krameNa hi ||36||

[aSTAnga hRdaya : zArIra 3:65-66]

According to some scholars, rasa (gastro-intestinal digestion's end product) by pAka process (metabolism) takes one day + one night to become zukra.

Some others contend it takes circa ~6~ days.

Still others hold view this rasa to zukra process takes one full month.

"Save your seeds, brother, save your seeds."

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suzrutAt = from suzruta

sa khalu trINi trINi kalA-sahasrANi ekaikazo dhAtavo'vatiSThante |

kalA-daza-bhAgaz ca

According to Suzruta, rasa remains in each dhAtu for 3,010 kalAs (1 hr = 25 kalAs)

~1,000 kalAs = ~~40 hrs

~3,000 kalAs = ~120 hrs = ~5 days


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aSTAdaza sahasrANi, sakhyA hy'asmin samuccaye |

kalAnAM nava-tizcoktA, sva-tantra para-tantrayoH ||38||

Total transformation from rasa to zukra takes 18,090 kalAs.

This is accepted in this + other medical texts.

All these rajasik enhancers? simply tamoguN

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vAjIkarANy auSadhayas, tathA xIrAdikaM ca yat |

sva-laxaNa guNo karyAc, chukraM zighraM virecayet |

yathA virecana dravyam, recayanti tathaiva ca ||40||

Aphrodisiac drugs, milk etc. help in semen ejaculation by virtue of their own attributes' excellence.

This happens analogous to purgative action of purgative drugs.

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'rasAsRN mAMsa sedo'sthi, majjA zukrANi dhAtavaH |'

[aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 1:13]

Rasa (plasma + other anatomical liquids), rakta (blood's hemoglobin fraction), mAMsa (muscle tissue), medas (fat tissue), asthi (bone tissue), majjA (bone marrow) + zukra (sperm including ovum) - these comprise 7 dhAtus.



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dhAtu-karma = Elemental Functions

prINanaM jIvanaM lepaH, sneho dhAraNa pUraNe |

garbhot pAdaz ca dhAtUnAM, karmANi kramazo viduH ||42||'

[aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 11:4]

Nourishment (prINana), life (jIvana), coverage (lepa), oleation (sneha), basic matrix formation (dhAraNa), filling up (pUraNa), procreation (garbhotpAd) --- these r 7 dhAtus' functions respectively.



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nanu yadi rasadAyaH pariNamandi ratnAnu bhAvena tarhi pUrveSAmutsAdaH syAt |

satyapi pariNAme kincit tiSThati iti cet tarhi pUrveSam alpatA syAt uttareSAM bAhulyam iti |

naitad asti |

mala sthUlANu bhAga-vizeSeNa tridhA pariNAmo bhavati ||43||

If rasa etc., get transfoprmed into rakta etc., then this should result in preceding dhAtus' complete non-existence.

If it is argued they r not completely transformed, but portion remains as predecessor dhAtu, even then, preceding dhAtu wil get reduced in quantity & successor dhAtu will become excess in quantity.

Ergo, argument doesn't hold.

These dhAtus r actually divided into 3 parts viz., mala (excreta), sthUla (gross element) & aNu (subtle element) b4 actually getting metabolised.

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sthUlAn vaMsa-malai sarvve, bhidyante dhAtava svidhA |

svaH sthUloN 'zaH paraM sUxmas, tan-malaH yAti tan-malaH ||44||

All dhAtus r divided into 3 parts: sthUla, aNu, mala = gross, subtle, excreta.

DhAtu's gross part remains in dhAtu's body matrix.

Subtle part gets transformed into successor dhAtu.

Mala becomes concerned dhAtu's excreta.

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annAt pAnAt pacyamAnAt viN-mUtraM malaH, sAro rasaH |

rasAd agni pakvAn malaH kaphaH, sthUlo bhAgaH rasaH, sUxma-bhAgo raktam |

raktAd agni pakvAn malaH pittaM, sthUlo bhAgaH zoNitam, aNu bhAgas tumAMsam iti |

tato'pi Atma pAvaka pacyamAnAn malaH mukha nAsA karNAxi prajananAdisroto malaH, sthUlo bhAgo mAMsaM, sUxmo medaH |

tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt svedo malaH, sthUloM 'somedaH, evaM sUxma bhAgo'sthiH |

tato pacyamAnAt malaH keza lomazma zruNi, sthUlo'sthi, sUxmas tumajjA |

tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt zravaNa purISatvagAdiSu snehaH, sthUlo bhAgo majjA, sUxmaH zukraH |

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annAt pAnAt pacyamAnAt viN-mUtraM malaH, sAro rasaH |

rasAd agni pakvAn malaH kaphaH, sthUlo bhAgaH rasaH, sUxma-bhAgo raktam |

raktAd agni pakvAn malaH pittaM, sthUlo bhAgaH zoNitam, aNu bhAgas tumAMsam iti |

tato'pi Atma pAvaka pacyamAnAn malaH mukha nAsA karNAxi prajananAdisroto malaH, sthUlo bhAgo mAMsaM, sUxmo medaH |

tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt svedo malaH, sthUloM 'somedaH, evaM sUxma bhAgo'sthiH |

tato pacyamAnAt malaH keza lomazma zruNi, sthUlo'sthi, sUxmas tumajjA |

tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt zravaNa purISatvagAdiSu snehaH, sthUlo bhAgo majjA, sUxmaH zukraH |

tataH pacyamAnAd api malo na vidyate |

sthUlo bhAgaH zukra eva ||45||

Post food & drink digestion, stool & urine form as excreta, nourishment/essence is transformed into rasa (chyle, plasma).

When rasa is acted upon by rasa dhAtvagni, its excreta come out as kapha, gross part remains in rasa MATRIX, subtle part turns into rakta (blood's hemoglobin fraction).

As rakta is acted upon by rakta dhAtvagni,, its excreta come out as pitta, gross part remains in rakta MATRIX, subtle part becomes mAMsa (muscle tissue).

As mAMsa is acted upon by mAMsa dhAtvagni, its waste exude from mouth, nose, ears, eyes, genital & similar channels.

Its gross part remains in mAMsa MATRIX, its subtle part becomes medas (fat tissue).

As medas is acted upon by medo dhAtvagni, excreta exits as sweat.

Its gross remains in medas MATRIX, its subtle becomes asthi bone).

When asthi's acted upon by asthi dhAtvagni, excreta becomes keza (big hair), loman (tiny hair), zmASru (beard hair).

Asthi's gross remains in asthi MATRIX, its subtle becomes majjA.

As majjA's acted upon by majjA dhAtvagni, excreta exudes as fatty substance in ear, stool, skin, etc., gross remains in majjA MATRIX, subtle transforms into zukra (SPERM OR OVUM).

As zukra is acted upon by zukra dhAtvagni, it DOES NOT RESULT IN ANY EXCRETA PRODUCTION.

Its gross part remains zukra.


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agnibhiH pacyamAneSu, malAH SaTsu rasAdiSu |

na sukra pacyamAneSu, heman IvAxaye malaH ||46||

Preceding 6 dhAtus produce malas (excreta) as they r acted upon by respective dhAtvagnis.

Not true in 7th case dhAtu, id est, zukra.

Analogy: pure gold exposed to fire produces NO excreta.

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tad yathA

kaphaH pittaM malAH kheSu, prasvedo nakha-roma ca |

karNa-viT caxuSaH sneho, dhAtUnAM kramazo malAH ||48||

[aSTAnga-hRdaya : zArIra 3:63-64]

'tis said:

Following r excreta of preceding 6 dhAtus seriatim:

1) kapha, pitta, orifice exitors,

4) sweat, nail & hair,

6) ear, stool & eye fat


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ojas tu sarva-bhUtAnAM, sAraH suzruta kIrtitaH |

yasya xayena niyataH, maraNaM tat kathaM malaH ||49||

According to Suzruta, ojas represents all dhAtus' (tissue elements) essence.

Its quantity reduction certainly results in death. Then how can it mala (excreta)?

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tasmAd ojo bhinna eva | zmazru zukra-mala ity eke | tan nAsmat sammatam | zmazru hInasyApi | zukra darzanAt | tatra muSko puMbhAva saMjnatvam iti vacanAt | azmazrukANAm aNDayo revAsambhavAt xitAvevamala iti jaiyyaTaH |

So ojas differs from zukra-mala.

Some say zmazru = beard is zukra's waste.

We disagree with this because zukra's also found within beardless.

Testicles indicate male sex.

It's impossible 4 beardless 2 have testicles.

On this basis JaiyyaTa included beard as zukra-mala.

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yuvAnaM piDikA nRNAM jAyante zukratas tathA | te kecid api zukra tejoSmaNA kRtvA yuvAna piDikA jAyante zukra-malAH ||50||

YuvAna piDikA = male face pimples appear due to zukra.

According to some, pimples appear due to tejas = zukra's heat.

Ergo, according to them, pimples r zukra's mala (waste).


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still u could never fully count all the Supreme Lord's transcendental glories.



romNAM koTyas tu pancAzac, catasraH koTya eva ca |

tapta SaSthis tathA laxAH, sArdha-koTyas tathaiva ca ||51||

sankhyAta ity arthaH ||52||

trayolaxAs tu vijneyAH, zmazru-kezAH zarIriNAm |

According to Agniveza:

RomAs (small hairs) total 54.5 crores + 67 lakhs

Beard hairs total 3 lakhs

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