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Yeah that would be cool. I apologize to any democrats or gay people that I offended with my offhand remarks. You know I love y'all. Ultimately I think the world is on the verge of a tremendous spiritual awakening and everyone will be included in this awakening that wants to be a part of it. Democrats, Republicans, gays, lesbians, blacks, mexicans, chinese etc. everyone will be invited regardless of race, gender, religion etc.

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that the dems will continue to shoot themselves by insisting that east coast wealthy liberals speak the same language that the rest of the real democrats expect. Face it DNC. forget your NY senators, mass senators or dukakis types, or even mondale types or humpfrey types. The only two dems elected were southern democratic governors, Carter and Clinton. Both spoke from the heart and spoke the language of the people. Both were centrists, economically somewhat conservative. The Jewish vote and the Gay vote and the femnist vote is nothing to chase, because they dont vote like the hard workin middle class, and they are always neglectede by the DNC. Harkin was the best in 2000, Dean and Kucinich were much better than Kerry in 2004 as far as putting fire in the people.


Kerry won a lot of votes, but no one really voted for him because of what he brought to the table. Had Dean won the primaries (I firmly believe that the Dem Primaries were the target of the 2004 voter fraud, and after the Iowa and NH fiascos, Dean was already shot down, despite being the overwhelming fave of the dems), there would have been something POSITIVE for the dems to vote for, not just the anti-bush voice that an "x" on the kerry was.


So, Im sure that the dems will fall for the charm of Hillary, who may be well qualified, but will never win. Edwards seems to me a better #1 than Kerry's backup.

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