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How to control the senses

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If one can control the tongue, then the belly, the genital etc. will be controlled also. To control the tongue we eat as much and only as much as required to keep body and soul together and we eat only remnants of food offered to God. We control the tongue by only glorifying God's names, pastimes and qualities. We are silent - silent means speaking only of Krsna. Mundane topics will lead our consciousness to want to enjoy the world via the senses.


In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna speaks of the way in which tortoises withdraw their head and limbs into their shell. The yogi also withdraws his senses from their sense objects. The sense of taste may want to meditate on that apple pie which the sense of smell has just taunted him with, but the yogi withdraws his senses of smell and taste from the pie.


In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the chanting of the mahamantra has been recommended by expert religionists for the sublime control of the senses.


It is said that a higher taste can displace these lower worldly pleasures. Chanting is the first step to tasting that higher taste. The higher taste is God. With His beautiful form on our minds, no sense can attract us - it is an ocean of enjoyment that makes mere sensory titillation appear like tiny rain drops. A rain drop adds nothing to the experience of ocean. We can take it or leave it. The world is then in perspective and we become truly happy.


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"How does one lord over the powerfull senses seeking sense gratifcation? "


it is not possible and it is a useless effort, even distracting from the main purpose of the life


we have only the duty to reconnect ourselves with krsna chanting his holy name under the guidance of an uttama vaishnava.. to wash up our sins and anartha is not our business but krsna's business


we have to surrender.. than krsna will do the job to purify ourselves


Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation




sarva-dharman parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisyami ma sucah


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me

(this is our precise and exclusive duty)


I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction.

(this is krsna's duty and promise..)


Do not fear.

(this has to be our faith.. that krsna will save us, not that we have to save ourselves, that is impossible)


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