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Alternative Book Distribution : You don’t have to go to the parking lots

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Alternative Book Distribution


You don’t have to go to the parking lots




by Paratrikananda dasa






Over the years, book distribution has become synonymous with airports and parking lots. There are alternative methods of book distribution. Some of these methods are new, and some are revivals or variations of older methods that may have been forgotten. Devotees today are "thinking outside the box," and transcending conventional conceptions. Let us know if you have any ideas to add. And keep in mind that books can be simply given away, as stated by Srila Prabhupada in the following conversation:




Devotee (1): I just bought five thousand dollars' worth of Bhagavad-gitas.


Devotee (2): That's very good.


Devotee (1): What is it for?


Devotee (2): And they give them away.


Devotee (1): Thank you. Thank you, God.


Prabhupada: No, no, even giving them away, what is the wrong?


Devotee (2): Well, you said we should not give the books away. You said we should sell these books.


Prabhupada: (chuckles) No, no, he has purchased. He has purchased. Then if you purchase from me and if you give free to others, so what is my loss?


Devotee (2): No, there is no loss.


Devotee (1): I'm not giving away his books.


Prabhupada: No, no, even if he gives away, this is not a fault, you see? Suppose there are... In South Africa many Indians are purchasing our books and giving to the library. So somebody will read it. So that is not a fault. If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing.




Morning Walk -- March 8, 1976, Mayapur




Yes ,many ways to give out the mercy...

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I heard this one devotee made CD's of A Hare Krishna Cook Book and is planning to give them out for FREE. Many individuals would sometimes prefer a CD than a book. Plus even for youngsters its good.


We already have most books on-line for all eyes to see. Could even promote the Website: www.vedabase.net {Car-stickers? anyone?} Problem is most people won't think there idea is any good and disregard it. Or somebody else will.


I said before Advertising is big business. They spend billions on advertising alone which pumps up the price of purchased items. We can't of cource afford this. But simple is ok.


Most people know about Krishna but they don't know anything about the philosophy so if some way they can know in short burst would be nice.


Like for example just on top of my head:


Are you sure you know Everything about Krishna?


Krishna was Here, NOW what?



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