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Prayer Power Praise

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Found this on the net under prayer:


The Webster Dictionary defines 'prayer' as:

1 : to make a request in a humble manner

2 : to address God with adoration, confession, supplication, or



There is an order to effective 'daily praying'. And the first order

of 'daily praying' is to 'Praise' God.


We all have our life challenges. One of the biggest mistakes we all

make when praying to God is that we 'ask for God's' help in solving

our problems without first giving Him 'Praise' and 'Thanks'.


The first 'daily' prayer you should pray to God is a prayer of 'Praise'.


By giving God 'Praise' first, we take our mind off our

problem and shift our focus onto Him.


Praise God. Focus on God's love. Focus on God's goodness.

Focus on your Oneness with God.





When focusing and 'Praising' God, focus within, not out. Remember,

the Bible and Jesus taught us that God is 'inside' us. Yes, inside!


God made us in his image; and being so, he's 'inside' each and

everyone one of us, including YOU!!


The same God that was inside Jesus and every other great Saint and person

that has graced this planet is the 'SAME' God that's inside YOU! This

is GREAT NEWS! Get closer to God! Tap into His Power!


You have the 'SAME' access to God as Jesus. So let God into your

heart. Feel God's presence in every cell in your body. Talk with

God through prayer. And praise God with…








Now please, don't be fooled by this prayer's simplicity. There's

POWER in simplicity.


Water running over a dam is pretty simple. Put a turbine halfway down

the dam, like at the Hoover dam, and you have enough POWER to

light all of Los Angeles!!!! Nothing complicated about this

process, it's simple, but boy it sure is POWERFUL!

Same goes with this First Great Prayer!


What makes this prayer so Great?


- It's easy to remember.

It's hard to 'pray without ceasing' if you have to memorize a 40 word prayer;

this is an easy prayer to pray 'without ceasing'.


- Telling someone, especially God, that you LOVE them, is the ultimate

form of 'Praise'. And 'PRAISE' is the first step in effective praying.


- You can say this Great Prayer to yourself all day long. While you

eat, walk, drive, work, stand in line at the grocery store, etc.


And remember, as you say this prayer, 'focus' on God who is

inside you, not outside, but 'within'.


Other variations of this First Great Prayer are:


- God, you are inside me, I love you!

- God, you are good and powerful, I love you!

- God you love me, and I love you!


Be creative and make up your own 'mini-prayers'. Keep all your

prayers short, and simple and centered on The First Great

Prayer - 'I LOVE YOU GOD'.


Start saying this prayer now. Say it MULTIPLE times when drifting

off to sleep. Write this prayer and your own variations of this

prayer down on a piece of paper and carry it with

you at all times.



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When times are tough, either financially, physically,

emotionally, etc., it can be pretty darn tough to give THANKS to God,

but you can, and you have too…


Quick Story:


When I was seven years I was running through the woods while playing

with my friends and I tripped and fell and a stick hit me in my eye,

completely blinding my right eye.


This was a pretty traumatic event for both my parents and I. But right

from the start my dad, a man of great faith, was thanking God. Thanking

Him that it was only one eye. Thanking Him that something worse could

have happened. Thanking Him for the strength that God gave us through

this trying time.


I had five operations to correct the injury; none worked. I had to stay in

the hospital weeks at a time in a special eye hospital in New York City

and I was on a floor with other children, all with various eye problems.


Boy, was I giving God thanks then when I saw little boys and girls all

worse off then me. Many blind in BOTH eyes!


To this day, all I have to do is close my left eye (my good eye) to start

THANKING God for my good eye. Look around you, nature is so



Since this eye injury, like you, I’ve had my other challenges, money,

relationships, etc. And the tougher times get, the more I THANK GOD

for all that He's given me, and continues to give me. Many times it's

the 'little' things that really make life so special; so THANK God for

'everything' - by THANKING God continuously you open yourself to

better receive more blessings from God.


So turn your focus off your problems. Praise God and

Give Him Thanks! You really do have so much to be THANKFUL for.

Be thankful that you have God as your

best friend.


Take a moment right now and write a list of all that you have to be

thankful for! The more you thank God for what you’ve received, the

more Blessings you will receive!!


Thank You God for (fill in the blank)

Thank You God for (fill in the blank)


Make a list of at least 10 Prayers of thanks and add them to your

daily praying!


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