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Rasamrita Prabhu: The Last Interview

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Rasamrita Prabhu: The Last Interview

From Padmalochan Dasa & Vrindavan Lila Devi Dasi

Posted November 12, 2004


Mayapur Katha interviewed Rasamrita Prabhu on his last visit to Mayapur, at the end of October, a few days before he left this world. The interview was not included in the final layout of Mayapur Katha, so we share it now as a service to this devotee of Srila Prabhupada.



Click for full photo. MK: What is your name, Prabhu?


Rasamrita Prabhu: Rasamrita Das.


MK: Are you Srila Prabhupada's disciple?


Rasamrita Prabhu: Yes, I am.


MK: Where are you from? Please tell your story.


Rasamrita Prabhu: Houston [Texas]. I joined as a young devotee. I was 18 years old when I met Vishnujana Maharaja, Prahladananda Maharaja, and a devotee named Srinatha in 1969. We had a small apartment near the hippie area.


They asked me to come to the love feast. At that time I had just came back from Vietnam. I was very stupid, immature, and I thought, "Wow! They are going to have an orgy or something." I was very stupid.


Houston was a laid-back town then, a hippie, cowboy town. Anyway, I ate some prasadam that Vishnujana Maharaja had cooked himself, and that was it. It stole my heart. Srila Prabhupada told us that Vishnujana's singing could charm the birds from the trees. He was such a sweet devotee.


So, after that I was around, serving Srila Prabhupada. I took initiation from Prabhupada in 1971, in New York City. Kirtananda and Vishnujana were there. And since then, I have been trying and trying to serve Srila Prabhupada as much as possible.


MK: When was the last time you were in Mayapur?


Rasamrita Prabhu: 1972. There was just some scaffolding. Hardly anything was built, but by Prabhupada's dream and mercy, all this has become so much I can't even believe it. I have not been here in 32 years, and I had three heart attacks in the last year. So I had to get here this year because who knows how much longer I can live on this planet? I hope I will come back as a devotee and serve devotees always.


MK: Did you have a heart attack here in Mayapur?


Rasamrita Prabhu: I had a heart attack a few days ago, and I was put into a hospital— horrible condition. All I did was chant Hare Krishna and pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva and to the devotees, "Please let me come home. Please let me come back to Mayapur."


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MK: Which hospital you were in? Krishnanagar or Navadvipa?


Rasamrita Prabhu: I don't know. I went by ambulance to some small town. It was supposed to be one of the best hospitals there. It was about a two-and-a-half-hour drive from here.


MK: How long were you in the hospital?


Rasamrita Prabhu: A couple of days. Krishna is in the heart. It must not be my time to die yet. I have so much more to do. I am going to Vrindavana next.


MK: What do you do in America?


Rasamrita Prabhu: I am retired.


MK: And what service do you do for Prabhupada?


Rasamrita Prabhu: I clean the floors every day and clean pots and pans. I figured that if Prabhupada could wash pots and pans for His devotees when he started, then I am not elevated enough to say no to it. I don't mind. It cleans the heart. So I do service like that. Before, I cooked for Prabhupad and did some other services.


MK: Are you living in Houston most of the time now?


Rasamrita Prabhu: Yes, I am.


MK: How long are you planning to stay in Mayapur?


Rasamrita Prabhu: I will stay seven more days, until my health improves. Then I will go to Vrindavan. Maybe I can be there for Prabhupada's disappearance day. Then London, where I can go to Bhaktivedanta Manor, and then I hope I can make it back to Houston.


MK: So, you are on parikrama now.


Rasamrita Prabhu: Oh yes. Always.


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