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Now what is service in separation of the spiritual master ???

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by Paratrikananda dasa


Notes on service in separation:




My first physical contact with Srila Prabhupada and my first lesson from him in that regard were indicative of my future with him. I’ve heard many devotees tell miraculous stories of their first or subsequent encounters with Srila Prabhupada and I must admit I’m sometimes a little jealous. I had many opportunities to see Prabhupada and even offer some personal service. Although each time was a joyous occasion that I wouldn’t trade for all the pleasures of heaven, I never had any visions, witnessed a miracle or had any profound ecstasies while in his physical presence. For me, these things came when least expected, through the medium of service in separation. This was the lesson it took me some time to learn. Physical association will always be cherished, but it is not essential. Association born of service in separation has no physical boundaries -- it is direct and it is personal but there are no limitations of time or space, and therefore it offers opportunity for uninterrupted affiliation. Prabhupada was kind enough to start teaching me this from the very beginning. It is my sincerest desire to share this with others who feel forlorn or hopeless because they did not have a chance to see Srila Prabhupada. Just become more determined to serve him and you’ll have his association. Prabhupada often quoted the following words from his spiritual master:




Don't try to see God, but work in such a way that God will see you.




This is the essence of our relationship with Krsna and therefore it is the essence of our relationship with the representative of Krsna. Take it to heart and you will soon find your heart occupied by that most noble of transcendent personalities -- His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In a letter to Jadurani in 1972, Srila Prabhupada wrote:




If you think of me and work for me, then I am in your heart. If you love somebody he is in your heart. It is common thing, everyone understands it.


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Now what is service in separation of the spiritual master ???


... go on serving the supreme spiritual master who was incarnated in Srila Prabhupada, accepting another living pure devotee as siksa guru...


a devotee is never without a present, personal guidance


if he's an uttama adhikari and he can feel and live the presence of the departed spiritual master.. he take shelter of a present siksa guru just to show us the correct behaviour

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