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mahak-search for verse

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Since others are on a verse quest, so am I. I am desperately looking for the story of Madhavendra Puris last days, as Iswara Puri is caring for him so nicely. Madhavendra Puri states something that contains the word "mortified", which when I first read when the new Ch Ch was delivered to the assembled devotees, I cried and cried. I was in the middle of the poli-poli wilderness on Maui, and will never forget how this verse affected me, but I did forget where it is. Ive checked Madhya lila, as I was certain that this was in the first four chapters, but I must keep missing it. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPP. Maybe Madhavendra Puri is purposely hiding from me. He does things like that.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Mahaksa dasa (The Greater):


I finally got to the Vedabase and found that humbling story in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Antya 8.28-31:<BLOCKQUOTE><CENTER><font color="RED">Izvara-purI gosAJi kare zrIpAda-sevana

svahaste karena mala-mUtrAdi mArjana


Izvara-purI--Izvara PurI; gosAJi--GosvAmI; kare--performs; zrIpAda-sevana--service to MAdhavendra PurI; sva-haste--with his own hand; karena--performs; mala-mUtra-Adi--stool, urine, and so on; mArjana--cleaning.


Izvara PurI, the spiritual master of SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu, performed service to MAdhavendra PurI, cleaning up his stool and urine with his own hand.


<CENTER><font color="RED">nirantara kRSNa-nAma karAya smaraNa

kRSNa-nAma, kRSNa-lIlA zunAya anukSaNa


nirantara--always; kRSNa-nAma--the name of Lord KRSNa; karAya smaraNa--was reminding; kRSNa-nAma--the holy name of KRSNa; kRSNa-lIlA--pastimes of KRSNa; zunAya anukSaNa--was always causing to hear.


Izvara PurI was always chanting the holy name and pastimes of Lord KRSNa for MAdhavendra PurI to hear. In this way he helped MAdhavendra PurI remember the holy name and pastimes of Lord KRSNa at the time of death.


<CENTER><font color="RED">tuSTa haJA purI tAGre kailA AliGgana

vara dilA----‘kRSNe tomAra ha-uka prema-dhana'


tuSTa haJA--being pleased; purI--MAdhavendra PurI; tAGre--him; kailA AliGgana--embraced; vara dilA--gave the benediction; kRSNe--unto KRSNa; tomAra--your; ha-uka--let there be; prema-dhana--the wealth of love.


Pleased with Izvara PurI, MAdhavendra PurI embraced him and gave him the benediction that he would be a great devotee and lover of KRSNa.


<CENTER><font color="RED">sei haite Izvara-purI----‘premera sAgara'

rAmacandra-purI haila sarva-nindAkara


sei haite--from that; Izvara-purI--Izvara PurI; premera sAgara--the ocean of ecstatic love; rAmacandra-purI--RAmacandra PurI; haila--became; sarva-nindA-kara--critic of all others.


Thus Izvara PurI became like an ocean of ecstatic love for KRSNa, whereas RAmacandra PurI became a dry speculator and a critic of everyone else.</blockquote>


In CC Adi 9.11, Srila Prabhupada had foreshadowed:<blockquote>Izvara PurI appeared in a brAhmaNa family and was the most beloved disciple of SrIla MAdhavendra PurI. In the last portion of SrI Caitanya-caritAmRta (Antya 8.28–31), it is stated:<BLOCKQUOTE><CENTER><font color="RED">

Izvara-purI gosAJi kare zrI-. sevana

sva-haste karena mala-mUtrAdi mArjana


nirantara kRSNa-nAma karAya smaraNa

kRSNa-nAma kRSNa-lIlA zunAya anukSaNa


tuSTa haJA purI tAGre kaila AliGgana

vara dilA kRSNe tomAra ha-uka prema-dhana

sei haite Izvara-purI premera sAgara


"At the last stage of his life SrI MAdhavendra PurI became an invalid and was completely unable to move, and Izvara PurI so completely engaged himself in his service that he personally cleaned up his stool and urine. Always chanting the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra and reminding SrI MAdhavendra PurI about the pastimes of Lord KRSNa in the last stage of his life, Izvara PurI gave the best service among his disciples. Thus MAdhavendra PurI, being very pleased with him, blessed him, saying, ‘My dear boy, I can only pray to KRSNa that He will be pleased with you.' Thus Izvara PurI, by the grace of his spiritual master, SrI MAdhavendra PurI, became a great devotee in the ocean of love of Godhead." SrIla VizvanAtha CakravartI states in his Gurv-aSTaka prayer, yasya prasAdAd bhagavat-prasAdo yasyAprasAdAn na gatiH kuto 'pi: "By the mercy of the spiritual master one is blessed by the mercy of KRSNa. Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement." It is by the mercy of the spiritual master that one becomes perfect, as vividly exemplified here. A VaiSNava is always protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but if he appears to be an invalid, this gives a chance to his disciples to serve him. Izvara PurI pleased his spiritual master by service, and by the blessings of his spiritual master he became such a great personality that Lord Caitanya MahAprabhu accepted him as His spiritual master.


SrIla Izvara PurI was the spiritual master of SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu, but before initiating Lord Caitanya he went to NavadvIpa and lived for a few months in the house of GopInAtha AcArya. At that time Lord Caitanya became acquainted with him, and it is understood that he served SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu by reciting his book, KRSNa-lIlAmRta. This is explained in SrI Caitanya-bhAgavata, Adi-khaNDa, Chapter Eleven.


To teach others by example how to be a faithful disciple of one's spiritual master, SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, visited the birthplace of Izvara PurI at KumAra-haTTa and collected some earth from his birth site. This He kept very carefully, and He used to eat a small portion of it daily. This is stated in the Caitanya-bhAgavata, Adi-khaNDa, Chapter Seventeen. It has now become customary for devotees, following the example of SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu, to go there and collect some earth from that place.</blockquote>




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Hare Krsna, gHari, and a very sincere thanks for fulfilling my service to Srila Prabhupada on the occasion of his disappearance. I remember especially the devotees who were not affiliated with ISKCON who were very much affected and wanting to have Srila Prabhupada come so we could take care of Him. Perhaps Babhru, who I was close to during those HEAVY days, remember our friend reciting these verses during the rememberance ceremony we had upon his disappearance.


Thanks much, brother, for your special gift, hare krsna, ys mahaksadasa


ps now that I know where to look, Ill read 50 verses before and fifty verses after. This is the true glory of Veda Base, not just the verse is found, but the entire message of Sri Krsna delivered by his confidante.

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