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Malaysia Celebrates Meatless Day

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Malaysia Celebrates Meatless Day



KUALU LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 24, 2004: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam

President, Datuk A. Vaithilingam, issued the following statement:


I wish to inform you here that at the World Millennium Peace Conference

for Spiritual and Religious Leaders held at the United Nation New York

from 28-31 August, 2000, Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani made repeated appeals

on the need to save animals and thus suggested that more human beings

should become vegetarian. Please note that I represented the Malaysian

Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism at

the above conference. In this connection Dada Vaswani visited Malaysia

in March this year and urged the Malaysians of all races and religion

to support The International Meatless Day on November 25, 2004. Many

leaders then pledged their support for November 25 to be declared as an

annual Meatless Day. The purpose of this campaign is to promote

compassion, non-violence and reverence for life. The campaign believes

in awakening compassion in the hearts of people towards our fellow

brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom. It is believed that

reverence for life is but one step towards world peace.


I'm happy to inform that at the meeting of Hindu Organization Leaders

held on November 22 in Kuala Lumpur leaders of the 26 organizations

pledged that more than 2,000 followers will be a vegetarian on November

25, 2004. I take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Pishu Murali

Hassaram the chairman of the organizing committee based in Penang for

having launched this programme on November 25 at the Esplanade, Penang

under the distinguished Patronage of Tan Sri Koh Tsu Khoon, Chief

Minister of Penang. I hope more Malaysian irrespective of race or

religion will make November 25 each year a Meatless Day. Those who wish

to know about the Meatless Day may look in the website


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