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Haribol, audarya fellowship readers and writers. Here, on the world event station, there seems to be much ado about Islam in europe, and I find this quite funny, because history has always linked europe with Islam. Whats the big deal.


Islam owned eurpoe for centuries. Only the black plague was able to minimize Islam complete takeover of wurope. The Spanish armada was decimated, and the british were sure to fall to overwhelming odds against. So despite the christian bais about who won the crusades, check out who influences europe. Check out southern spain. Check out the romas, check out pyranees culture, check out the balkans, greece, italy, etc. All islamic mixed with christian culture. In fact, euro christian culture was borrowed from islamic roots by the financiers of the european monarchies, the knights of the Temple of Solomon. These folks may have protected christian soldiers during the crusades, but they also financed both sides, much like what is going on today.


Anyway, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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