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Back in the saddle

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article by Bhakti Lalita Akinchan Maharaj


Veracruz, Mexico — Saturday, November 27th 2004


Back in the saddle


Srila Gurudeva (Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj) was released from the hospital early this morning, after spending two nights in a private ward for treatment and observation of an intestinal problem. His Divine Grace is in good spirits, but is understandably feeling a little weak.


It is amazing just how resilient Srila Gurudeva is. Never in good health at the best of times, he nevertheless exerts his body continuously — to the consternation and chagrin of his intimate followers.


Although Srila Gurudeva's current 21st World Tour was ostensibly just to come to California (with a brief stop in London) to allow His Divine Grace to convalesce for a few months in the fresh country air at the Seva Ashram in Soquel after his recent illnesses in India, anybody who knows Srila Gurudeva at all knew that it would be impossible for His Divine Grace to rest and relax in one place for so long.


And so it was. By the invitation of the devotees, and to reciprocate with their loving devotional service, the tour was extended to include another two cities: Caracas, Venezuela, and Veracruz, Mexico.


Even though he knows that the long hours of traveling, the change of climate, and the unusual and irregular diet must inevitably take their toll, Srila Gurudeva does not care. He is motivated only by his sense of duty, and his service to Srila Guru Maharaj: to spread the glories of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math all over the world.


We may be (justifiably) concerned about Srila Gurudeva's health, but we cannot stop him from doing what he wants to do; and he wants to serve! As he said the other day at the new temple here in Veracruz: "We have no right to eat if we do not do service; we should eat only to get energy to do our service."


At the same meeting Srila Gurudeva, who has always been charmed by this expression of Sripad Bhakti Saranga Goswami Maharaj, startled the congregation by emphatically declaring:


"I want to die in harness!"


Indeed, the pure Vaishnava does not wish to die peacefully in his bed. Like a battle-scarred veteran he wants to "die in the saddle," to breathe his last while dutifully executing the order of his Gurudeva to carry the shining torchlight of knowledge into battle against the miserable hordes huddled fearfully in the darkness of ignorance and misconception:


Ours not to reason why;

Ours but to do and die.


O to ride fearlessly into the Valley of Death like the gallant horsemen in Charge of the Light Brigade! O for such a glorious death — to dutifully perform our service until our last breath — to "die in harness!"


Veracruz, Mexico — Thursday, November 25th


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