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Who or what am I ? Am I a clone or a robot or spirit soul with a rasa with Krsna ?

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On the ground

here and now

the reality of day to day

moment to moment

differs vastly from what we read and hear from Prabhupada's books.

There is theoretical and practical knowlege of the soul proper.

My problem is that I do not know how to live and act as a spirit soul as described in the theory of Prabhupada's books.

Why ?

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We are still at a stage of reluctance to come out from under the cold damp rock of the three modes of nature where we have sought shelter since time immemorial. We are not yet fully convinced that there is no chance of our finding happiness here. Queen Kunti's prays:



My Lord, Your Lordship can easily be approached, but only by those who are materially exhausted. One who is on the path of [material] progress, trying to improve himself with respectable parentage, great opulence, high education and bodily beauty, cannot approach You with sincere feeling. SB 1.8.26



The very dangerous position of mistaking theoretical knowledge for actual realization is a precarious and dangerous one. From this illusion one will be tempted to use that knowledge to impress and dominate others and play the guru game. Seeking happiness in that way.


One can be guru from this position as one who points the way. As long as we stay in knowledge that that is only as far as we have gotten its alright, just a point on our path homeward. But if we climb up on the big chair and pretend to be someone's connection to Krsna then.....well we have seen what happens.


But by keeping the realization that we have acquired only theoretical knowledge to this point allows the possiblity that we may still humble ourselves before the Lord.


At some point the theoretical knowledge will deepen, by the Lord's grace, and we will realize that we have no other shelter than Krsna Lotus Feet.


That may come at the most unexpected time as we learn from Pingala the prostitute.


Theoretical knowledge of Krsna consciousness is still very powerful. It gives one firm footing on the bhakti path by inspiring renunciation of the world and keeps us moving towards the Lord.


We can be thankful such questions even arise in our minds as the one you have asked. That subtle distinction itself shows the the Lord is gracing you through your intelligence.


It was good to see this first thing when I entered the forum this morning. Sets the proper tone for the day. Now if I can just hang onto it.

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