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Shiva's Nama-bhajan

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Shiva's Nama-bhajan


Shiva is not only attracted to hearing Krishna’s name, but he is also very attached to chanting it. This fact is illustrated in many different Vedic literatures. The Brahma-vaivarta-Purana (1.6.4-16) recounts a discussion between Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva:


Krishna once summoned Shiva, who is famous as the best of the yogis, and told him, “You should accept the goddess who rides a lion as your wife.”


Hearing Krishna’s words, Shiva smiled and meekly replied, “I am unable to accept the goddess of nature, because she will distract my mind from Your devotion and obstruct the path of serving You. She can overshadow true knowledge. She is passionate and can increase one’s lusty desires. She can destroy one’s austerity. She is the storehouse of illusion. She is the strong base of terrible worldly bondage, and attachment to her leads to evil ways, destroys noble ideas, and diverts one from the noble path.


“O my Lord! I do not wish for a wife. Please give me my desired benediction. My desire to render devotional service to You is always increasing. I am never satiated by chanting Your names and serving Your lotus feet.


tvan-nama panca-vaktrena gunam ca mangalalayam

svapne jagarane sasvad gayan gayan bhramamy aham


“O my Lord, may I constantly sing Your most auspicious names and qualities with my five mouths as I wander about in dream or in wakefulness. (12)


akalpa-koti-kotim ca tvad-rupa-dhyana-tat-param

bhogeccha-visaye naiva yoge tapasi man-manah


“Material enjoyment, yoga, and austerities do not appeal to my mind, for I wish to eagerly meditate on Your enchanting form for millions of kalpas. (13)


tvat-sevane pujane ca vandane nama-kirtane

sadollasitam esam ca viratau viratim labhet


“My happiness is uninterrupted while serving You, worshiping You, offering prayers to You, and chanting Your names. But when these activities are finished, my happiness is also finished. (14)


smaranam kirtanam nama-gunayoh sravanam japah

tvac-caru-rupa-dhyanam tvat-padam evabhivandanam


samarpanam catmanas ca nityam naivedya-bhojanam

varam varesa dehidam navadha-bhakti-laksanam


“O Lord! O giver of benedictions! Please bestow on me the nine forms of devotional service so that I may constantly remember Your pastimes, chant and hear Your glories and qualities, meditate on Your attractive form, offer obeisances at Your lotus feet, surrender fully to You, and eat the remnants of Your foodstuffs.” (15-16)



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