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I've converted to Hare Krsna ! ! !

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<font color="blue"> krsnaika-ceta mada-moha-vinasa-karin

mad-drsti-gocara prabho prabhupada-svamin


sancintayami caranau tava bhakti-hetoh



O Prabhupada, may you always be the object of my vision. Only the name of Krsna can destroy my pride and illusion. Although my mind and intelligence are contaminated by wicked inclinations, I meditate upon your lotus feet in causeless devotion. You are the cause of all devotion.



vrndavane ramana-reti-prasiddha-bhumau


jnanam param parama-krsna-sudharmity uktam

dantas tu deva prabhupada namo namas te



In the most holy land of Vrndavana, in Ramana Reti, at the lotus feet of Sri Krsna-Balarama, you are preaching the topmost knowledge of the Supreme Personality, Lord Krsna, who is the fountainhead of religion. O master of the senses, O my lord, Srila Prabhupada, let me offer my obeisances unto you.



namas te namas te krpa-purna-drsti

namas te namas te mahananda-dhatri

namamo namamah punar raksa raksa

prasiddha-prabho pahi mam daksa daksa



I offer my obeisances unto him, whose glances are full of mercy and who is the bestower of transcendental bliss. O renowned lord, protect me and kindly shower your compassion again and again.





prasannaya prasantaya

tasmai sri-gurave namah



Let me offer my obeisances unto my Guru Maharaja, who is a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, who is always calm and joyful, and who bears the name Bhaktivedanta.



sri-vanga-bhumi-jana-bhusana gaura-lila

gauranga-bhava parisarana-matra-sila


ananda-rasi prabhupada namo namas te



The land of Bengal is worshipable by the whole world because Sri Caitanya performed His pastimes there. I offer my obeisances unto Srila Prabhupada, who is full of bliss. He is always in the ecstasy of Lord Gauranga and is therefore immersed in the lotus feet of Radha-Mukunda.

</font color>


Ananta-rama Sastri






Haribol !!!

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