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mind is not steady.. it is natural that you have doubts, maya is simply doing her job very well


the only medicine is to chant the names of the lord sri krsna, to pray him, to associate more as you can with other spiritualists and devotees

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I did not have many doubts earlier, of lately, I get this feeling that one part of my mind says I should believe and the other part says I should not believe in Mahabharat and other things. How do I get rid of these feelings?

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Use ur common sense....Dont go by blind faith...Think what made the scriptures last so long.....So many other spectacular in betweens came and went and were forgotton...what makes epics like Mahabharat, Ramayan, Koran, Bible etc etc continue to last?


What makes u want to believe? Is it fear that something might happen or u might end up loosing something if you dont believe? or is it a hope to gain something by believing?


What makes you not want to believe? Is it because you dont see any meaning in the whole thing? Or because you did not get what u wanted????



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I dont have blind faith. I have studied many books. Have got to know what God is. But sometimes these things crop up in my mind.


Its because I have a Goal in my life when I believe it and the goal is God. I am so enthusiastic for achieving it. But sometimes when these doubts crop up, I feel as if I am a dead body with no enthusiasm to do anything.

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When first learning arithmetic and visualizing one plus one our teacher will give us a pencil in each hand. When we place them in a pile we can see that indeed we have two pencils. Similarly with one plus two we find three pencils in the pile. Soon we draw confidence as the piles of pencils always match the arithmetic model's answer.


It is the same with the science of God as taught by Lord Sri Krsna in His Bhagavad-gita. We start by accepting what we can, the obvious. From there we execute the Lord's recommendations and learn from direct experience further truths. At no point do we need to suspend intellect, for the truth is absolutely rational and verifiable just like the pile of pencils.


The Absolute Truth is realized in three aspects: Brahman, Paramatma, and finally Bhagavan. This is the proof that the path is bonafide.


The important thing is to just do it. Follow Krsna's direction. Gradually become unattached to the mundane world. Krsna explains how to do this. We need only to follow. Faith and strength will grow every day. There is nothing else.


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"I did not have many doubts earlier, of lately, I get this feeling that one part of my mind says I should believe and the other part says I should not believe in Mahabharat and other things. How do I get rid of these feelings? "


i think that you simply have to pray krsna and chant hare krsna mahamantra as much as you can


we have no control over our mind.. maya is much more powerful, so our karma is to accept ideas and reject ideas endlessly...


your mind is made for the specific purpose to produce doubts about krsna, mahabharata, bhagavad gita, ramayana, puranas, upanishads, vedas and so on and we wanted it when we rejected vaikunta to come here


so she is not a valid help to clear doubts about transcendence.. the only help is krsna, who is the owner and master of the maya's energy


i can only suggest what is working for me (i think)


please chant at least five minutes per day ... or better... at least 108 times... the mahamantra:


hare krishna

hare krishna

krishna krishna

hare hare

hare rama

hare rama

rama rama

hare hare


if i am right .... your doubts will disappear

if i am a cheater... you will lose nothing


your mind cannot help you if he's not controlled by krsna maha mantra

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