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Similarities between Krishna and Mohammad

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Most people believe that Vedic and Semitic thought are diametrically opposite, and that there is no meeting point. I thought so too. But a friend of mine told me that they have more in common than we give them credit for. Some of his points were:


Similarities between Vaishnavas and Muslims


* Vaishnavas worship both Krishna and Mohammad


* Vaishnavas hold gita and koran in the same esteem


* Both of them believe in Monotheism


* Both of them have a mission-to destroy pantheism


* Moderate muslims are willing to accept Krishna as a historical reality


* Vaishnavas consider Mohammad as one of Krishna's avatars


Similarities between Gita and Koran:


* Gita advocates Dharma Yuddha, whereas Koran advocates Jihad, an Islamic version of Dharma Yuddha


* Gita says, "Surrender to me." Koran says surrender to Allah. The very word Islam means surrender, also known as saranagati in Sanskrit.


* Gita insists on action. So does Koran


* Gita and Koran are revered by both muslims and vaishnavas


Similarities between Krishna and Mohammad:


* In Mahabharat, Krishna uses questionable tactics to defeat kauravas. Mohammad does the same to defeat jews/christians


* Both of them were great lovers and had plenty of wives/lovers


* Krishna and Mohammad had very few close disciples in their time


* Both of them are invariably misunderstood by western critics


* Both Krishna and Mohammad were multifaceted personalities-warrior, diplomat, king, philosopher etc.


* Both of them lived during barbaric times, and had to teach the ppl love and such lofty ideals


There are many more, but you get my drift. The above are NOT my views. This is what my friend suggests. Any insights into the whole matter?





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Similarities between Vaishnavas and Muslims


* Vaishnavas worship both Krishna and Mohammad


Do Vaushnavas really worship Mohammad? I don't think so.


* Vaishnavas hold gita and koran in the same esteem.


Some vaishnavas (though not all) may respect Koran. But they do not consider it to be equal to Gita. Moreover, there are some Vaishnavas who hate Koran.


* Both of them believe in Monotheism



* Both of them have a mission-to destroy pantheism.


Yes, they do not like pantheism.


* Moderate muslims are willing to accept Krishna as a historical reality


Depends on what you mean by "moderate muslims". There are many muslims who do not believe that Krsna existed.


* Vaishnavas consider Mohammad as one of Krishna's avatars

No, they do not.


Similarities between Gita and Koran:


* Gita advocates Dharma Yuddha, whereas Koran advocates Jihad, an Islamic version of Dharma Yuddha


I agree, though the term 'Jihad' has taken a very ugly meaning at present.


* Gita says, "Surrender to me." Koran says surrender to Allah. The very word Islam means surrender, also known as saranagati in Sanskrit.




* Gita insists on action. So does Koran




* Gita and Koran are revered by both muslims and vaishnavas


Many muslims do not revere Gita. Likewise, many vaishnavas do not revere Koran.


Similarities between Krishna and Mohammad:


* In Mahabharat, Krishna uses questionable tactics to defeat kauravas. Mohammad does the same to defeat jews/christians


This is not an important similarity as many people have used questionable tactics in war,


* Both of them were great lovers and had plenty of wives/lovers


Of course, both had more wives than one. But the reasons were very different.


* Krishna and Mohammad had very few close disciples in their time


Krsna had many disciples. Do not forget to include cowherd boys and girls.


* Both of them are invariably misunderstood by western critics

True, but this is not an important similarity because many characters in various religious books have been misunderstood.


* Both Krishna and Mohammad were multifaceted personalities-warrior, diplomat, king, philosopher etc.




* Both of them lived during barbaric times, and had to teach the ppl love and such lofty ideals



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  • 8 years later...

Other similarities:

- Krishna was cowherd and Mohammad was shepherd in childhood.

- Both were brought up by other than their biological parents.

- Both advocated monotheism – Gita’s “Mamekam Sharnam Vraj – Chapter 18” and Koran’s “He is Allah; The One and Only – Chapter 112”.

IK Garg



Similarities between Vaishnavas and Muslims


* Vaishnavas worship both Krishna and Mohammad


Do Vaushnavas really worship Mohammad? I don't think so.


* Vaishnavas hold gita and koran in the same esteem.


Some vaishnavas (though not all) may respect Koran. But they do not consider it to be equal to Gita. Moreover, there are some Vaishnavas who hate Koran.


* Both of them believe in Monotheism



* Both of them have a mission-to destroy pantheism.


Yes, they do not like pantheism.


* Moderate muslims are willing to accept Krishna as a historical reality


Depends on what you mean by "moderate muslims". There are many muslims who do not believe that Krsna existed.


* Vaishnavas consider Mohammad as one of Krishna's avatars

No, they do not.


Similarities between Gita and Koran:


* Gita advocates Dharma Yuddha, whereas Koran advocates Jihad, an Islamic version of Dharma Yuddha


I agree, though the term 'Jihad' has taken a very ugly meaning at present.


* Gita says, "Surrender to me." Koran says surrender to Allah. The very word Islam means surrender, also known as saranagati in Sanskrit.




* Gita insists on action. So does Koran




* Gita and Koran are revered by both muslims and vaishnavas


Many muslims do not revere Gita. Likewise, many vaishnavas do not revere Koran.


Similarities between Krishna and Mohammad:


* In Mahabharat, Krishna uses questionable tactics to defeat kauravas. Mohammad does the same to defeat jews/christians


This is not an important similarity as many people have used questionable tactics in war,


* Both of them were great lovers and had plenty of wives/lovers


Of course, both had more wives than one. But the reasons were very different.


* Krishna and Mohammad had very few close disciples in their time


Krsna had many disciples. Do not forget to include cowherd boys and girls.


* Both of them are invariably misunderstood by western critics

True, but this is not an important similarity because many characters in various religious books have been misunderstood.


* Both Krishna and Mohammad were multifaceted personalities-warrior, diplomat, king, philosopher etc.




* Both of them lived during barbaric times, and had to teach the ppl love and such lofty ideals



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  • 8 months later...

Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter Summary

A chapter-by-chapter summary with links for further exploration:


Bg 1: Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra

As the opposing armies stand poised for battle, Arjuna, the mighty warrior, sees his intimate relatives, teachers and friends in both armies ready to fight and sacrifice their lives. Overcome by grief and pity, Arjuna fails in strength, his mind becomes bewildered, and he gives up his determination to fight.


Bg 2: Contents of the Gītā Summarized

Arjuna submits to Lord Krishna as His disciple, and Krishna begins His teachings to Arjuna by explaining the fundamental distinction between the temporary material body and the eternal spiritual soul. The Lord explains the process of transmigration, the nature of selfless service to the Supreme and the characteristics of a self-realized person.


Bg 3: Karma-yoga

Everyone must engage in some sort of activity in this material world. But actions can either bind one to this world or liberate one from it. By acting for the pleasure of the Supreme, without selfish motives, one can be liberated from the law of karma (action and reaction) and attain transcendental knowledge of the self and the Supreme.


Bg 4: Transcendental Knowledge

Transcendental knowledge-the spiritual knowledge of the soul, of God, and their relationship-is both purifying and liberating. Such knowledge is the fruit of selfless devotional action (karma-yoga). The Lord explains the remote history of the Gita, the purpose and significance of His periodic descents to the material world, and the necessity of approaching a guru, a realized teacher.


Bg 5: Karma-yoga-Action in Krishna Consciousness

Outwardly performing all actions but inwardly renouncing their fruits, the wise man, purified by the fire of transcendental knowledge, attains peace, detachment, forbearance, spiritual vision and bliss.


Bg 6: Dhyāna-yoga

Astanga-yoga, a mechanical meditative practice, controls the mind and the senses and focuses concentration on Paramatma (the Supersoul, the form of the Lord situated in the heart). This practice culminates in samadhi, full consciousness of the Supreme.


Bg 7: Knowledge of the Absolute

Lord Krishna is the Supreme Truth, the supreme cause and sustaining force of everything, both material and spiritual. Advanced souls surrender unto Him in devotion, whereas impious souls divert their minds to other objects of worship.


Bg 8: Attaining the Supreme

By remembering Lord Krishna in devotion throughout one’s life, and especially at the time of death, one can attain to His supreme abode, beyond the material world.


Bg 9: The Most Confidential Knowledge

Lord Krishna is the Supreme Godhead and the supreme object of worship. The soul is eternally related to Him through transcendental devotional service (bhakti). By reviving one’s pure devotion one returns to Krishna in the spiritual realm.


Bg 10: The Opulence of the Absolute

All wondrous phenomena showing power, beauty, grandeur or sublimity, either in the material world or in the spiritual, are but partial manifestations of Krishna’s divine energies and opulence. As the supreme cause of all causes and the support and essence of everything, Krishna is the supreme object of worship for all beings.


Bg 11: The Universal Form

Lord Krishna grants Arjuna divine vision and reveals His spectacular unlimited form as the cosmic universe. Thus He conclusively establishes His divinity. Krishna explains that His own all-beautiful humanlike form is the original form of Godhead. One can perceive this form only by pure devotional service.


Bg 12: Devotional Service

Bhakti-yoga, pure devotional service to Lord Krishna, is the highest and most expedient means for attaining pure love for Krishna, which is the highest end of spiritual existence. Those who follow this supreme path develop divine qualities.


Bg 13: Nature, the Enjoyer, and Consciousness

One who understands the difference between the body, the soul and the Supersoul beyond them both attains liberation from this material world.


Bg 14: The Three Modes Of Material Nature

All embodied souls are under the control of the three modes, or qualities, of material nature: goodness, passion, and ignorance. Lord Krishna explains what these modes are, how they act upon us, how one transcends them, and the symptoms of one who has attained the transcendental state.


Bg 15: The Yoga of the Supreme Person

The ultimate purpose of Vedic knowledge is to detach one self from the entanglement of the material world and to understand Lord Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who understands Krishna ‘s supreme identity surrenders unto Him and engages in His devotional service.


Bg 16: The Divine and Demoniac Natures

Those who possess demoniac qualities and who live whimsically, without following the regulations of scripture, attain lower births and further material bondage. But those who possess divine qualities and regulated lives, abiding by scriptural authority, gradually attain spiritual perfection.


Bg 17: The Divisions of Faith

There are three types of faith, corresponding to and evolving from the three modes of material nature. Acts performed by those whose faith is in passion and ignorance yield only impermanent, material results, whereas acts performed in goodness, in accord with scriptural injunctions, purify the heart and lead to pure faith in Lord Krishna and devotion to Him.


Bg 18: Conclusion—The Perfection of Renunciation

Krishna explains the meaning of renunciation and the effects of the modes of nature on human consciousness and activity. He explains Brahman realization, the glories of the Bhagavad-gita, and the ultimate conclusion of the Gita: the highest path of religion is absolute, unconditional loving surrender unto Lord Krishna, which frees one from all sins, brings one to complete enlightenment, and enables one to return to Krishna’s eternal spiritual abode.


Hari Om

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  • 1 month later...

No any vaishnawa accepts mohhamad as incarnation of Krishna. Our hindu's traditional vaishnawa acharyas like madhavacharya, vallabhacharya didn't even talk about that ordinary man .


According Vedic scriptures , Mohhamed was incarnation of Tripurasura, who was asura (evil) .


See this blog to know the truth of mohhamed.





Hari shivam

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  • 5 weeks later...

When we consider the ten avataars of Vishnu we do not consider Mohammed.  But other than that there are different types of avataar or incarnations.  While explaining types of incarnations Mohammed, Jesus and Buddha are treated as types of Vishnu avataar.

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  • 4 weeks later...


When we consider the ten avataars of Vishnu we do not consider Mohammed. But other than that there are different types of avataar or incarnations. While explaining types of incarnations Mohammed, Jesus and Buddha are treated as types of Vishnu avataar.

What are you referring for we ? Hindus ( Vaishnawas ) don't consider muhammad or Jesus as gods. In fact vedic scriptures explicitly states that muhammad was an incarnation of evil ( tripurasura). And there is no mention of Jesus anywhere in Hindu scriptures. yes You'll see something about Jesus in bhavishya purana. But vedic scholors proved that it was just the interpolation of britishers. This has been proved by logical reasoning.


See this link to know the truth :



So we vaishnawas don't accept so called man made gods like Jesus or muhammad. If we say according to puranas, they are verily evils and were born to spread Adharma in this kaliyug. That's why you will see Jesus or Mohammed teachings filled with anti-vedic views.

In kalki purana, kalki is mentioned as destroyer of mlecchas ( non-hindus) and predicts that bhagavan kalki will kill Christians and Muslims who will invade india .


However today we hindus are here to protect our sacred vedic dharma and we are enough for these mlecchas ( followers of Christianity and Islam ).

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