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Above All Deities

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Who gives the trinity deities(Brahmadeva,Vishnudeva (or Krishnadeva) and Sivadeva )the shakti to perform all their duties(Creation,Protection,Destruction respectively) assigned to them? Who assigned them these jobs?

I know that. Their Shakti is always with them in female forms.These female forms are none other than their source of power- The one who assigned them their duties.

They cant do anything without their SHAKTI.

For Siva SHE is GOURI,LAKSHMI for Vishnu and VAANI for Brahma.


Now, who assigned them their duties?

Do You know?

The one and only one universal Mother (who is worshipped in several forms having limited powers)


The same AADI PARASHAKTI is above all deities and Trimurtis.

She controls Everything in world.

She cannot be imagined or attained by mere men.

Even the Gods worship her.


In "BRAHMANDA PURANA" Lord Vishnu in Hayagreeva form explained about HER,a part of which can be translated as follows:


(1) It is better to chant names of vishnu than the Speaking the worldly Great things.(great things include religious books like Quran,Bible...)So you chant his name instead of reading the bible or quran or so..


(2) Siva names are Superior than chanting 1000 Vishnu names.

(3) Each NAME of THE MOTHER PARASHAKTI is Superior than 1000 names of Lord Siva


One person has to undergo all the methods of worship (worshipping prophets then Krishna,Siva Ganapathy,Durga....) in his previous lives before he can get the PUNYA to know the mahatmya of SREE MATHA ,the universal mother.


She is known only by the punya one have done in previous births.

One who is worshipping HER is in his last birth,because he has found out the ultimate beyond which,there is nothing,and will join it after death.................................."

From this I infer that those who follow the deities (with limited powers and those who follow prophets who claims to be Gods) ,need to do PUNYA KARMA in order to get the opportunity to worship the one whom their Gods worship.

Even after reading this you are not agreeing with me then I infer that your Punya is not enough to understand this fact.


Anyway one is free to worship anyone since SHE is in everything.ALL our prayers and worships (in any methods)

ultimately go to HER (who created the ten avatars of Vishnu from the nails of HER finger and on Whose openings and closing of Eyes the Galaxies are created and destroyed.


May SHE Give you the power to understand this.





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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Hope you are still with us. I think you may be wondering why no one reponded here. Maybe you assumed they were stumped and did not know what to say!!


From your post i safely assume that you are from india, which i am also. Our problem is that we know so little and make Absolute claims based on mental feelings; do we know who are our accepted acharyas and their philosophies; are we taught who is jiva and God (or our various philosophies) and their relation; do we know what means by spiritual and what means by material -- in short do we know our own philosophy.

All we come to know is from heresay or traditions in our own families or recently from all the tv serials where they show something in one serial and contradictory things in another (do we question as to why they show their own opinions as the Supreme Truth, or has some accepted acharya given them the authority).


You supposedly quoted from brahmanda puraana; do we know which texts are Vedic texts which are considered authentic, which translations and commentries are to be considered authentic or will any do, how does knowledge from the transcendental realm come here; have we even read the Vedic texts or their conclusions and if we do read do we follow them completely; what are our disciplic successions and how a sampradaya should be considered authentic; what are the conclusions of our jagat acharyas viz. Shankaracharya, Madhvacharya, Ramanujacharya, Nimbarakacharya and Vishnujana Swami and would one think they have no "punya"; why would one hold own beliefs (usually coming from ad-hoc sources) to be superior to those of the acharyas; are we even following all the rules and regulations that have been prescribed and what are the authorized sadhanas (wrt the ultimate aim we may consider) in the first place.


You said that Lalitadevi is Para Shakti, do we know what is the meaning of Para shakti and apara shakti, what is the nature of God, what is the meaning of going to live with Her and what then is life like, what is the nature of mantras and the Holy Name, of Deity worship; how should our actions be; what is good/bad, is it subjective or objective; and the nature of the trinity, how are they similiar/different from the other dieties like indra/agni/... and still others like Ganesh/Skanda/... or from one another; what are jivas doing here in the first place; what means by Truth and illusion; and what is the meaning of religion and what is its objective.


I would have been supposed to know to some degree, having read books by some famous "gurus", having even taken indian philosophy course during my undergrad. But i know that it was not a drop (which also was wrong) compared to what Srila Prabhupada gave to the devotees in the western and other countries. Please do not imagine that "western" (or other) devotees here are not well-versed, they know more of our philosophy and religion than almost all indians, more than you can presently imagine.


You may disagree with what we say, but you will have to first read the philosophy and then with evidence and logic show why you think something is wrong or lacking. As Srila Prabhupada would say "Religion without philosophy is sentimentalism, and philosophy without religion is mental speculation", so better first speak of philosophy and then probably we may be fit to discuss who is Supreme Lord and who is not. Since you have come to this forum, my request would be to first read some of the material (and then place questions/objections as you feel); in my opinion a good start would be small books such as



and then


Other books are available here: http://www.hare-krishna.org/srila-prabhupada-books.htm

or here: http://www.vedabase.net

The posts in the "letters to the editor" section of this site are also nice to answer other common quesions.

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