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Corporate Slavery: The Fleecing of America

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I just thought I'd tie up a couple loose ends here. Kind'a like Socrates returning to the cave.



"Taxation without representation", was a battle-cry for liberty which gave birth to our nation. Once our government was formed, it was able to function without individuals paying any taxes - for over 100 years. We've come a long way, baby!


Our current tax system is a perverse vehicle, by which corporations, not the government, control our lives. Rather than provide better opportunities for all involved, the tax system caters to the so-called elite and puts a stranglehold on the rest of society.


Leadership is "Service to the People"

The fundamental idea of leadership is service to the people. The governing system ordained by God and universally accepted allows officials to wield wealth and power, derived from social taxes, in order to protect and nurture the citizens. The judicial realm of enforced regulations and laws is assumed to be an ethically pious one. The authority of leaders and their representatives is based on this assumption. Public figures are appointed on their ability to serve the citizens and it is incumbent for the leaders to have the qualities which enable them to rule others.


(develop further) Leaders should have truthfulness, mercy, and above all, dedication to the people. It is a grave responsibility to direct the welfare of millions and self-control is needed; one must not exploit his position through opportunity. This is a crucial point when dealing with a nations' wealth or military; you need someone you can trust.


The Reality is Different

The existing reality is quite different. Amazingly enough, this common-sense is no longer understood. The governments' first duty is now to serve corporations… all of the public taxes.


The power and influence of corporate special interests is overwhelming for the politicians, who all come from the corporate elite. Corporate monopolies and fortunes are now the induced preoccupation of the citizens. From taxes to employment, the citizen pays more and gets less. The citizens' knowledge, wealth and lifestyle are all swept up into the common cause - greed and excess, do or die. The justification for corporate privatization has yet to be realized in our present state.


Perhaps the most outrageous laws which have ever existed anywhere are the current American tax laws. The government is doing everything it can to take its citizens wealth and liberties from the public sector into the private. This public feasting insures the destruction of the government itself as well as society, but people eagerly work for their advancement under the banners of "democracy" and "progress." Many of you may not actively or eagerly embrace the system, but have become unwilling participants as a matter of survival. Your taxes insure it stays that way. We have the "freedom" to work like an mule and indulge the rich who claim and enjoy the benefit of everyone's labor through impersonal legislative corruption. I challenge anyone to make any sense of our Americans' fundamental assumptions and commitment to private interests - especially where the national treasury is emptied into the hands of people with no responsibility attached.


National direction and energy is subverted and controlled through employment and the quest for corporate expansion. The citizens are happy to be employed and the corporate leaders provide employment "leadership." The tax laws insure the status quo is maintained. The authorities and citizens eagerly serve as corporate prostitutes who will compromise everything ethical and pure for profit: "I'm just doing my job! Can't a guy make a living?" They are even writing business tips on how good guys finish last. Everyone has become a consumer idiot!


The American dream (and the purpose of life to many) is really about getting those big tax breaks (you have to) and then enjoying life's present advantages at the expense of others. For those who cannot see the obvious, this is the philosophy and practice of our advanced society: Everyone is expected to impersonally cheat society through taxes in the name of personally serving them. To suggest the corporate elite control the nations' entire budget, independent of controling the military and everything else, is just mindless. When the corporations begin to want things they don't or can't have - like bigger monopolies or other nations - everyone's welfare is threatened.


Tyranny has many forms. This paragon can be traced to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution.


American Legacy

About hundred years ago, the American government, in its infinite wisdom, decided to give public money to private individuals in the form of business tax write-offs. It must have appeared to be a win-win situation for the parties involved - if you're after wealth and power. The American nation become a super power, at the forefront of most things, politically, technologically, and financially.


This nation has always boasted of its high ideals and the immense legacy we shall leave our children. But what exactly is this legacy? I guess that depends on who you ask. One man's treasure is another's trash. Now, according to the oldest religious philosophy in the world, the biggest hypocrites rule. Not only is there the historic collateral damage of the American Indians, the African Americans and Chinese, but we continue to oppress people. But this time, it's not a marginalized ethnic group - it's the American people!


The start-up and operation of the 'industrial revolution' was judged to be financially infeasible for the captains of industry, so they had other people pay for it. Now here is a quantum leap of faith from serving the citizens to making them the gravy train. Certainly, power corrupts. It was a brilliant move for a few well-positioned individuals with government contracts (kudos), because everyone was too busy pursuing the American Dream to read the writing on the wall. The conspiracy of wealth and power was realized upon the backs of the simple citizens through the elusive and impersonal nature of government taxes. (Of course, the entire political and social system was already rife with unscrupulous corruption in the pursuit of wealth). The capitalists are far-seeing here. Like an artful thief who avoids detection, the capitalists steal under the guise of government law in the form of corporate tax breaks.


Critical Government Fault

One has to wonder about the government's role in this fiasco. The corporate tax advocates must have only been thinking about themselves… knowing the social implications. In any case, it all began and is maintained - in part - on the basis of "good intentions" (and we all know how the road to hell is paved). Practically, the capitalists assumed to write their own laws… and continue to do so. None of this makes any damn sense concerning public interests, but it's driving a "democratic" nation. The idea of an advanced nation and "leadership" is to privatize public funds. We are a stupid people.




/ Social

We have a crisis situation. There now exists endless individual claims on public money "in the name of" public interests. Somehow, there is the assumption the more one can claim for himself, the more he'll serve society. (Based on my own good intentions, I could steal from anyone.) Obviously, this is the philosophy of fools. True, this is an aspect of a benevolent ruler, whose mission and motive is to serve the public with a code of ethics. (I'm sure social gambling would be justified if the financially blessed didn't spend their fortunes on themselves). But alas, when corporate wealth and power is employed to secure further advantages where the businessman reaps all the rewards of vital social energy, it becomes a ludicrous social situation where the public effectively pays for it's own subjugation through consumer greed… all in the name of advancement. Spiritually, America is the major leagues of unconsciousness.


You could think of Americans as giggling cartoon characters who ignore the warning signs and go laughing out over the cliff in shopping ecstacy/frenzy. Let's change "In God we Trust" to "Shop till you drop!"


Unfortunately, this society does next to nothing for the spiritual side of life. And because there is a vacuum of general wisdom and spiritual knowledge, our laws are little more than consumer ticket items. Surely, the elite can afford all the wealth, justice, and influence money can buy. The wizards of a greedy civillization are the Legislators and their corporate constituents. In many cases if not most, they are the same person. That's certainly true with President Bush. These puffed-up people are the "The Matrix". (develop further): Why the authorities can't just spread the productivity and energy of the people among the people and not themselves, is… trying.)


If only they had something better to do than enact a poor imitation of God as the supreme proprietor, enjoyer, and friend. What they need is perspective and a sense of duty. All of society is dedicated to fulfilling the desires of the elite, but the quest is impossible. In truth, we scratch and feel material relief, but the cause remains. How many billions of dollars do you need to be happy? Would you be happy with their insatiable desires? Are you? The irony of all this indulgence by the rich is they will never find the satisfaction they seek, no matter how clever the material arrangement. Wisdom is to the know it is not possible to satisfy the demands and hankering of the material senses, but we're committed to proving this impossibility wrong. These monstors are not satisfied with the fantistic wealth they're stolen, still everyone is imitating them.


You can't even justify ethics or moral judgements without a metaphysical basis in an absolute spiritual source. But our "wizards" think God is not relevant in public life. Obviously, we have some amoral people in charge who don't want God imposing His morals on them. In the name of liberty our conspiracy group ignores their conditioned problems of imperfect senses, a tendency to cheat, proned to be illusioned and commiting mistakes, and go throwing the fate of the world like dice. Things are becoming a bit monstrous. Of course, there is no empirical lifestyle. The precedent our leaders set is to pursue greed and power. All our material experts and sciences and authorities are usesless to stop tyranny: "We know the President is wrong. (But he's the President and therefore we must support him)."


We all have to justify what we do. Maybe the hippies should junk their tvs and think more about these things. We should all think more about what we value and why.


No Funds to Run the Government

The government has become a hungry monolithic bureaucracy which never seems to have enough money to operate… unless they're waging a war for the world's spoils under the banner of democracy and national interests. The common citizen has become prey to petty fines and permit fees while social programs and services are being phased-out. There is no longer a pretence that regulations and fees accomplish anything other than to add to the local budget. One California city even has the audacity to tax the use of solar energy by homeowners. The hijacking of your car is in a class by itself. (Why can't the leaders just provide parking instead of towing your vehicle?) One has to wonder about the rush for satellites and surveillance when city parking is what it is. The government never has what it needs to "operate" and the citizens are increasingly hassled for money. The government is run like a business with the public being gouged for higher profits.


The More They Play, the More You Pay

After a century of public plundering, the wealth and direction of the world is in the hands of a few corporate elite because the more they play, the more you pay.


Unlimited Expansion and Facility

By law, the capitalists basically gets anything they want, through tax write-offs. The capitalists have cleverly afforded themselves unlimited expansion and facility. If he can buy it, the public pays for it. This is the centerpiece of our economic and social crises. It's a beautiful piece of hedonistic philosophy because it has so many seductive aspects and yet exemplifies the most demoniac egomania: "I can live at the expense of all others." There appears to be no restrictions on how the money is used - all the benefits of a ruler without the responsibility (wink, wink).


Government Contracts

The social rub here is the advantages government contracts bring: wealth, friends and power. This combination of tax breaks and government contracts is the Midas touch. These moochers get to play gods on earth. They waste fortunes on just over-charges and over-runs.


Transition of Public to Private

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is leading. Slowly and surely, this is the formula to change everything public to private. Just look around you. Private means outside social conventions. Arbitration is a good example of this. The government can't get it's act together so it's shifted to the private sector - after the corporations run the government in the ground.


Inflation and Public Poverty

The rich can afford to gouge each other with higher charges and profits, because they are fat from public feeding. But for those without the big tax breaks, it's becoming quite insufferable. Not only do we get unhealthy produce in the market or products that were made to break and buy again, but the cost of most things like insurance, housing, or education - is beyond the budget of increasing millions.



Locked Into an Artificial System

Frankly, I admire the intelligence of the tax law founders. They "sold" everyone on technology and progress as they elected themselves rulers of the world. Quite a work of genius, really! But the corporate promise of service and leisure consists of nothing more than empty words for the innocent masses. On the other hand, the citizens are obligated by law to support the larger rip-offs through their own livelihood. (I'm sure the rich derive a lot of contempt and arrogance from this.)


Unfortunately, many romanticize all this exploitation with visions of technology and advancement. I think that was the original justification. This is certainly plausible if we look at the world as politicians, businessmen and scientists describe. I admit I'm seriously impressed with the rather mystical capabilities of this computer and internet.


But all that glitters is not gold. The spiritual perspective is quite different…


(To be continued)



Spiritually, this world belongs to God - as do all the resources. No one is gonna prove different. But His counsel and claims are not considered relevant. The scientists and other technicians give alot of impersonal philosophical support here. The ignorance of material processes and motives are preferred over unequivocal spiritual law. What is considered heresy is to challenge the Capitalists' Model:


Falsely Claim Proprietorship and Resources

Our laizie . fare is to go and get it. As if dreaming, we just look around and role play.





Poison the World with Industrial Waste



Agitate and Cheat by Marketing



Corrupt Lawyers and Politicians



The Bhagavad-gita establishes this world as a moral field - not simply a physical field. That's pretty self-evident - after all, what are laws but moral judgements?


Now the capitalist and government tout the "work ethic" and "patriotism" as most mentionable in terms of recognized character. (The opulence of renunciation is not even considered.) It's considered most valuable and fulfilling to passionately participate in an advanced industrial society. But I ask you, where are the ethics in any of the Capitalists' programs above?


Now, for whatever purposes people left the farms, they gave up everything valuable, like life and liberty. With very few exceptions, people's motives and desires are manipulated by the rich in the cost of services and provisions of goods… what to speak of legislation. This is especially true as government services and functions become privatized… largely… more give-a-ways. It is pushed in your face when you are required to fight a war the government can't even justify… "Kill or be killed." Practically, the entire population has now been compromised and reduced to indentured servants through employment. "Money talks, losers walk."


Just for Fun…


Come and Get It

If you want it, here it is come and get it

Mmmm, make your mind up fast

If you want it, anytime I can give it

But you better hurry cause it may not last


Did I hear you say that there must be a catch

Will you walk away from a fool and his money

If you want it, here it is come and get it

But you better hurry cause it's going fast


If you want it, here it is come and get it,

Mmmm, make your mind up fast

If you want it, anytime I can give it

But you better hurry cause it may not last


Did I hear you say that there must be a catch

Will you walk away from a fool and his money


Sonny, if you want it, here it is come and get it

But you better hurry cause it's going fast

You'd better hurry cause it's going fast

Fool and his money


Sonny, if you want it, here it is come and get it

But you better hurry cause it's going fast

You'd better hurry cause it's going fast

You'd better hurry cause it's going fast - Badfinger


I Can't Find My Way Home

Come down off your throne and leave your body alone.

Somebody must change.

You are the reason I’ve been waiting so long.

Somebody holds the key.


But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time

And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home.


Come down on your own and leave your body alone.

Somebody must change.

You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years.

Somebody holds the key.




But I can’t find my way home.

But I can’t find my way home.

But I can’t find my way home.

But I can’t find my way home.

Still I can’t find my way home,

And I ain’t done nothing wrong,

But I can’t find - EC


I won't be looking back. But I will be leaving you behind. (smile)

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